Nghĩa của từ singularities bằng Tiếng Đức

singularities [siŋgjulæritiz] Beispiellosigkeiten, Einzigartigkeite

Đặt câu có từ "singularities"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "singularities", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ singularities, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ singularities trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The most familiar class of singularities are the scalar curvature singularities.

2. 28 The most familiar class of singularities are the scalar curvature singularities.

3. Curves and Singularities.

4. Before creation itself, there were six singularities.

5. Orsay 1984 Singularities non abordables par la géométrie , Annales Inst.

6. Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.

7. 7 Scalar polynomial curvature singularities therefore can not occur.

8. In the alternative case of thick gravitational waves, they are non-scalar curvature singularities.

9. The convergence rate of the Chebyshev series of an analytic function depends on the singularities.

Das Konvergenzverhalten der Čebyšev-Entwicklung einer analytischen Funktion hängt von der Lage der Singularitäten ab.

10. 26 In the alternative case of thick gravitational waves, they are non-scalar curvature singularities.

11. The solutions of this differential equation have singularities unless λ takes on specific values.

12. The mathematical singularities existing in the hydrodynamic equations are circumvented by the introduction of ‘mean effect’ constants.

Die in den hydrodynamischen Gleichungen vorhandenen Singularitäten werden durch Mittelwertbildung eliminiert.

13. Using separation of variables on the Airy stress function, the usual determinant conditions for singularities of the formO(r-λ) asr → 0 are established and further conditions are derived for singularities of the formO(r-λ lnr) asr → 0.

14. The singularities of the modells (e.g. maximum strain hypothesis, Mohr–Coulomb, Tresca etc.) have no physical justification.

Die Singularitäten in den Modellen (z.B. Größtdehnungshypothese, Mohr-Coulomb, Tresca usw.) lassen sich physikalisch nicht begründen.

15. It is shown that the unrealistic oscillatory singularities are removed independent of the contact zone size.

16. 22 There exists, however, a very large class of exceptional solutions in which curvature singularities do not occur.

17. The only ones you see emerging - whether political singularities or other kinds are largely reactional or Abreactional

18. He is celebrated for proving in 1964 that singularities of algebraic varieties admit resolutions in characteristic zero.

19. A numerical construction of extended Gaussian quadrature rules for weight functions with algebraic and logarithmic singularities is presented.

Wir behandeln die numerische Konstruktion der erweiterten Integrationsformeln von Gauß, wenn die Gewichtsfunktion algebraische und logarithmische Singularitäten hat.

20. The stress singularities at the crack tips are discussed in detail from the viewpoint of the fracture theory.

21. This class consisted of curved spaces without singularities, which were of finite size but which did not have boundaries or edges.

22. This is an interesting theorem which seems to prove the existence of singularities for a large class of colliding plane waves.

23. This method (300) can provide software-based compensation for a wide range of machine configurations, without a priori knowledge of singularities for a given machine.

24. This view was held in particular by Vladimir Belinsky, Isaak Khalatnikov, and Evgeny Lifshitz, who tried to prove that no singularities appear in generic solutions.

25. We distinguish them from major accidental pollution caused by ships in distress, because the unique singularities of the later pose different requirements for investigation.

26. The second aim of the paper consists of revealing an analogy between the most important notions of the singularity method, viz. between state variables and singularities.

Weiterhin wird in dem Aufsatz eine Analogie zwischen den wichtigsten Begriffen der Singularitätenmethode, den Zustandsgrößen und den Singularitäten, aufgedeckt.

27. Abstract: We give several constructions of Bicuspidal rational complex projective plane curves, and list the Newton pairs and the multiplicity sequences of the singularities on the resulting curves

28. We give several constructions of Bicuspidal rational complex projective plane curves, and list the Newton pairs and the multiplicity sequences of the singularities on the resulting curves

29. He developed a theory of so-called "resurgent functions", analytic functions with isolated singularities, which have a special algebra of derivatives (Alien calculus, Calcul différentiel étranger).

Er entwickelte eine Theorie von ihm sogenannter Resurgenter Funktionen, analytischen Funktionen mit isolierten Singularitäten, die eine besondere Algebra von Ableitungen (Alien Calculus, Calcul différentiel étranger) besitzen und an ihren verschiedenen Singularitäten in leicht veränderter Form wiedererstehen (daher der Name).

30. We give several constructions of Bicuspidal rational complex projective plane curves, and list the Newton pairs and the multiplicity sequences of the singularities on the resulting curves

31. On the other hand, there are surfaces, such as the Klein bottle, that cannot be embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space without introducing singularities or self-intersections.

32. Hamilton's idea attracted a great deal of attention, but no one could prove that the process would not be impeded by developing "singularities", until Perelman's eprints sketched a simple procedure for overcoming these obstacles.

33. Mayer identified three groups of symptomatic behavioral singularities: 1. indifference (becoming manifest for example in murder of opponents, family members or citizens, or in genocide); 2. intolerance (practicing press censorship, running a secret police or condoning torture); 3. self-aggrandizement (self-assessment as a "unifier" of a people, overestimation of own military power, identification with religion or nationalism or proclamation of a "grand plan").

Mayer nannte drei Gruppen von symptomatischen Verhaltenseigentümlichkeiten: 1. Gleichgültigkeit (zeigt sich etwa als Mord an Gegnern, Familienangehörigen, Staatsbürgern oder als Völkermord); 2. Intoleranz (zeigt sich etwa als Betreiben von Pressezensur, einer Geheimpolizei oder als Duldung von Folter); 3. Selbstüberhöhung (zeigt sich etwa als Selbsteinschätzung als „Einiger“ eines Volkes, als Aufrüstung oder Überschätzung der eigenen militärischen Macht, als Identifikation mit Religion oder Nationalismus oder als Verkündigung eines „großen Plans“).