Nghĩa của từ in no case bằng Tiếng Đức

in no case [innoukeis] auf keinen Fall

Đặt câu có từ "in no case"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "in no case", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ in no case, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ in no case trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. In no case are benefits payable beyond age 65.

2. In no case was an aneuploid stem line demonstrated.

Eine aneuploide Stammlinie konnte in keinem der Fälle nachgewiesen werden.

3. 11 In no case can we cheapen the quality of products.

4. In no case may the use of active packaging mask natural spoilage.

Der Verderb der verpackten Lebensmittel darf keinesfalls durch die Verwendung aktiver Verpackungsmaterialien verschleiert werden.

5. In no case did myositis ossificans, muscle contracture, pseudarthrosis or cubitus varus occur.

Sowohl konservativ als auch operativ gab es weder Myositis ossificans, Muskelkontrakturen, Pseudarthrosen noch Cubitus varus.

6. In no case shall the carriers liability exceed the actual loss suffered by the passenger.

7. In no case shall the carrier's liability exceed the actual loss suffered by the passenger.

8. In no case shall the amount of reimbursement exceed the amount of the expenses actually incurred.

Auf keinen Fall darf der Erstattungsbetrag die tatsächlich entstandenen Kosten übersteigen.

9. In no case shall the amount of reimbursement exceed the amount of the expenses actually incurred

Auf keinen Fall darf der Erstattungsbetrag die tatsächlich entstandenen Kosten übersteigen

10. However, in no case may the execution of payment and of accounting of commitment and payment be delegated.

Die Ausführung der Zahlungen sowie die Verbuchung der Mittelbindungen und Zahlungen dürfen jedoch keinesfalls delegiert werden.

11. In no case were lands or resources considered a commodity that could be alienated to exclusive private possession.

12. The law adds: “In no case should the amount exceed the sum of 10,000 F CFA (US$20.00).”

13. In no case, however, can the calculated total daily intake from food, air and drinking water (containing levels at the MAC) exceed the TDI.

14. In no case, however, could the calculated total daily intake from food, air and drinking water (containing levels at the MAC) exceed the TDI.

15. No Wise (In), Anywise (In) :1: a double negative, strongly expressing a negation, is translated in no wise in Mat 5:18, 20, RV (AV, in no case); Mat 10:42;

16. ‘Also no Chieftainship can clearly say that its lineage, either patrimonially, matrimonially or otherwise, has always had a dispute-free succession.’ ‘In no case did Chieftainship give rise to a caste system.’

17. For crossing public ways, sidewalks and culverts, persons operating Airmobiles may travel only the distance necessary, but in no case exceeding 300 yards, for the sole purpose of crossing as directly as possible.

18. ‘As an architect he is only Conjecturally associated with country houses.’ ‘Many of the following drawings show the buildings Conjecturally restored to their presumed original state, and should in no case be taken as a precise record of present appearance.’

19. Up to 20% cash back  · In no case, however, his it In en found ti work With (.renter profit to the members, than in Free-iio'd Land Societies; and instances can be Adducen where Allottees of Land, obtained through the

20. The Legislative Council of a state comprises not more than one third of total number of members in legislative assembly of the state and in no case fewer than 40 members (Legislative Council of Jammu and Kashmir has 36 members vide Section 50 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir).

21. It was to be stated that through changes in moisture content and temperature deformations of the wood caused in tangential and radial direction—as well as its longitudinal deformations, investigated by the Authors earlier already—are in no case corresponding to the simple algebraic sum of thermal and sorptional deformations.

Es konnte festgestellt werden, daß die durch Änderung von Feuchtigkeit und Temperatur in tangentialer und radialer Richtung hervorgerufenen Verformungen des Holzes—ebenso, wie seine schon früher von den Verfassern untersuchten, longitudinal gerichteten Verformungen—in keinem Fall der einfachen, algebraischen Summe thermischer und sorptionsbedingter Verformungen entsprechen.