Nghĩa của từ alternating current machine bằng Tiếng Đức

alternating current machine [ɔːltəneitiŋkʌrəntməʃiːn] Wechselstrommaschine

Đặt câu có từ "alternating current machine"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "alternating current machine", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ alternating current machine, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ alternating current machine trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Machines and machine parts including machine blocks, bearings, starter motors, (alternating current) dynamos, alternating current machines, generators, stators and rotors

Maschinen und Maschinenteile wie Maschinenblöcke, Lager, Anlasser, (Wechselstrom-) Dynamos, Wechselstrommaschinen, Generatoren, Statoren und Rotoren

2. Alternating current, direct current.

3. The asynchronous machine is an electrical machine which operates with multi-phase alternating current to create a rotating magnetic field.

Bei der Asynchronmaschine handelt es sich um eine mit mehrphasigem Wechselstrom betriebene elektrische Maschine, die auf dem Prinzip des rotierenden Magnetfeldes beruht.

4. In one example embodiment, a device for controlling an alternating current (AC) machine is disclosed.


Al2O3 * Aluminiumoxid *

6. Alternating current generator


7. Alternating current motors


8. The alternating current power output unit is capable of outputting alternating current power.

9. AC (alternating current) motors


10. Alternating current servo motors


11. Alternating-current or direct-current motoring dynamometers;

Prüfstände mit Wechselstrom- oder Gleichstrommotor;

12. Couplings which connect the shaft of an alternating current or direct current servo or stepper motor to linear or rotary motion machine elements

Kupplungen zur Verbindung der Antriebswelle eines Wechselstrom- oder Gleichstromstell- oder -schrittmotors mit Maschinenbauteilen, die eine lineare oder rotierende Bewegung ausführen

13. AC/DC (alternating current/direct current) power supplies

AC/DC-Stromquellen (Wechselstrom/Gleichstrom)

14. Alternating current generators and motors

Wechselstromgeneratoren und -motoren

15. Apparatus for transforming direct current to alternating current

Geräte zur Umwandlung von Gleich- in Wechselstrom

16. Alternating current power source apparatuses


17. Rectifier for alternating-current generators

Gleichrichter für wechselstromgeneratoren

18. Inverters for transforming direct current to alternating current

Wechselrichter zur Umwandlung von Gleichstrom in Wechselstrom

19. Machines for transforming direct current to alternating current

Maschinen zur Umwandlung von Gleichstrom in Wechselstrom

20. Alternating Current (AC) power generation;


21. Drives for alternating current motors

Antriebe für Wechselstrommotoren

22. Electric alternating current motor drives

Elektrische Wechselstrommotorantriebe

23. or alternating current (I¿L?)

oder einen Wechselstrom (I¿L?)

24. Alternating current is the current whose direction changes periodically.

25. Charging current: direct current/alternating current (number of phases/frequency) (3) : ...

Ladestrom: Gleichstrom/Wechselstrom (Phasenzahl/Frequenz) (3) : ...