Nghĩa của từ alternative route bằng Tiếng Đức

alternative route [ɔːltəːnətivruːt] Alternativweg

Đặt câu có từ "alternative route"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "alternative route", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ alternative route, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ alternative route trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Alternative route selection in telecommunications networks

2. • Alternative Route to Certification (ARC) Information

3. b 7 Cazaril-Aragon or alternative route/layout

b 7 Cazaril - Aragon oder alternative Trasse/Linienführung

4. Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.

5. 28 An alternative route is along the Via Unione.

6. Since clearance was not received an alternative route was taken.

7. An "optional" paraphilia is an alternative route to sexual arousal.

8. If an alternative route is proposed a justification must be provided.

9. The elevation gain along this alternative route is steady, but the contouring is easy.

10. An alternative route to such compounds was developed, employing a Grignard – allylic oxidation sequence.

11. In this configuration, the 6 bits are usable by routers on the alternative route.

12. The only alternative route to central Italy lay at the mouth of the Arno.

13. Where there is no alternative route, cables must be protected from heat and fire damage.

Wenn es keine andere Möglichkeit der Verlegung gibt, sollten die Kabel gegen die Beschädigung durch Hitze und Feuer geschützt werden.

14. Recognises the importance of fostering work-based learning apprenticeships as an alternative route to employment;

würdigt die Bedeutung der Förderung einer Lehrlingsausbildung mit arbeitsplatzbasiertem Lernen als alternativen Weg zur Beschäftigung;

15. The dotted line (...) indicates the alternative route to be followed in case of non-compliance,

Die gepunktete Linie (...) verweist auf die weitere Vorgehensweise bei negativem Ergebnis.

16. Where there is no alternative route, cables must be protected from heat and fire damage

Wenn es keine andere Möglichkeit der Verlegung gibt, sollten die Kabel gegen die Beschädigung durch Hitze und Feuer geschützt werden

17. The alternative route down the locks became virtually impassable as the locks were allowed to deteriorate.

18. Under this alternative route, HFs will select the UDFs according to the conditions defined by the MA.

19. As such, it provides an alternative route to Parramatta Road into Sydney's CBD from the Inner-West.

Damit stellt sie eine Alternativroute zur Parramatta Road von der Innenstadt zu den westlichen Vororten der Stadt dar.

20. Commissioner, I should like to ask you to try out an alternative route using an alternative strategy.

Herr Kommissar, ich darf Sie bitten, es einmal auf alternative Weise und mit einer alternativen Strategie zu versuchen.

21. The user shall be informed about how to judge if use of this alternative route is satisfactory.

Dem Benutzer muss erklärt werden, wie er beurteilen kann, ob dieser alternative Gurtverlauf zweckmäßig ist.

22. This could be an alternative route back to the turret, I thought, a route to bypass the quire.

23. Here it meets the alternative route from Ehrwald via the Gaistal and the Gatterl at the Reintal Way.

Hier trifft auch die Variante von Ehrwald über das Gaistal und das Gatterl auf den Reintalweg.

24. The line contains several different route and only the section from Effretikon to Winterthur has no alternative route.

Einzig auf dem Abschnitt von Effretikon nach Winterthur gibt es keine Parallelstrecke.

25. To avoid long waiting times and to help recreational traffic such as you, a splendid alternative route is being offered.

Um lange Wartezeiten zu vermeiden und um den Freizeitschiffern entgegenzukommen, wird eine attraktive Streckenalternative angeboten.

26. The macho merchants among you could try braving the green blob, numerous wires and broken records that occupy the alternative route.

27. the application of a mark-up on a road would result in a significant share of traffic being diverted to this alternative route; and

die Erhebung eines Aufschlags auf einer Straße hätte die Verlagerung eines erheblichen Verkehrsanteils auf diese Alternativstrecke zur Folge und

28. – the application of a mark-up on a road would result in a significant share of traffic being diverted to this alternative route ; and

- die Erhebung eines Aufschlags auf einer Straße hätte die Verlagerung eines erheblichen Verkehrsanteils auf diese Alternativstrecke zur Folge und

29. The Mukerian - Pathankot line was completed ( 1949 - 52 ) to provide an alternative route to Pathankot in view of the increased flow of traffic consequent on Kashmir ' s accession to India .

30. Here, we report an alternative route to Coherently bind two atoms into a weakly bound molecule at megahertz levels by coupling atomic spins to their two-body relative motion in a strongly focused laser with inherent polarization gradients

31. Utilizing a chiral Bicyclic imidazole organocatalyst and adopting a continuous injection process, an alternative route has been developed for the efficient synthesis of chiral phthalidyl ester prodrugs via dynamic kinetic resolution of 3‐hydroxyphthalides through enantioselective acylation (up to 99 % ee).The computational studies suggest a general base catalytic mechanism differing from the