Nghĩa của từ alternative program path bằng Tiếng Đức

alternative program path [ɔːltəːnətivprougræmpɑːθ] alternativer Progammpfad

Đặt câu có từ "alternative program path"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "alternative program path", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ alternative program path, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ alternative program path trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Let's consider an alternative path.

Lassen Sie uns einen alternativen Pfad erwägen.

2. An alternative storage possibility for these data is the path database (Chapter 4.2.2: Path request).

Eine alternative Speichermöglichkeit für diese Daten besteht in der Trassendatenbank (Kapitel 4.2.2: Beantragung einer Trasse).

3. Program: # your program, or path to your program name: Completions-example desc: Shell Completions for your program made easy

4. Cos I've been thinking of an alternative career path.

Ich habe nämlich über eine neue Karriere nachgedacht.

5. An alternative storage possibility for these data is the path database (Chapter 4.2.2: Path Request).

Alternativ können diese Daten auch in der Trassendatenbank gespeichert werden (Abschnitt 4.2.2: Trassenantrag).

6. The first path has a relatively high bandwidth compared with the bandwidth of the alternative path.

7. Maintenance Bypass (path): Alternative power path provided to maintain continuity of load power during maintenance activities.

Wartungsumgehung (Wartungsumgehungspfad): alternativer Strompfad, der der Aufrechterhaltung der beständigen Versorgung der Last bei Wartungsarbeiten dient.

8. We must put alternative energy on the path towards competitiveness.

Wir müssen diese alternativen Energien zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit führen.

9. Path shape determination device, exercise support system and program

10. There is no alternative to the Dalai Lama's peaceful path.

Es gibt keine Alternative zum friedlichen Weg des Dalai Lama.

11. Project SixTeen (based on PATH [Program to Advance Teen Health] and a comprehensive community program)

12. Indicate the existence of any alternative path for back-up purposes.

13. An alternative storage possibility for these data is the path database.

Eine alternative Speichermöglichkeit für diese Daten besteht in der Trassendatenbank.

14. Enter the name of the program. You can specify either a relative path or absolute path. If you want to look up the program, click Browse

Geben Sie hier den Namen des zu startenden Programms ein. Sie können entweder einen relativen oder einen absoluten Pfadnamen angeben. Wenn Sie das Programm zuerst suchen möchten, drücken Sie Auswählen

15. There can be no alternative to seeking the path to peace.

16. The executable %# could not be found in your PATH. Check that this program exists and is accessible in your PATH variable

17. Alternative ideas would be a cycle path or the use as a trolley route.

Alternativideen wären ein Radweg oder die Nutzung als Draisine-Strecke.

18. There is no alternative to the path laid out in the Arusha peace process;

19. The program file name can, but is not required to, include path information.

20. Alternative: Use of Murg–Mols shore path by bikers allowed from Monday to Friday.

Alternative: Montag bis Freitag ist die Benützung des Uferweges Murg–Mols durch Velos gestattet.

21. The remaining possible communications paths comprise alternative communications paths to that selected communications path.

22. The program 'su ' could not be found. Ensure your PATH is set correctly

23. In 2000, the nation must choose the alternative path of innovation and bold strategy.

24. Error analysis program capable of checking all components in the gas path independently.

Fehleranalyseprogramm in der Lage, sämtliche Bauteile im Gasweg selbstständig zu überprüfen.

25. - The prime vendor program is an alternative payment method for daily purchases.