Nghĩa của từ self assessment bằng Tiếng Đức

self assessment [selfəsesmənt] Selbsteinschätzung

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "self assessment", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ self assessment, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ self assessment trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. CFAI Accreditation is a process of agency self-assessment

2. To proceed with the Self-Assessment, you must accept this disclaimer

3. A self-assessment questionnaire was utilized to compare preoperative and postoperative functions.

Um die prä- und postoperativen Funktionen vergleichen zu können, wurde ein Selbstbewertungsfragebogen ausgegeben.

4. Interactive computer software for use in self-assessment, all for business and business training purposes

Interaktive Computersoftware zur Verwendung für die Selbsteinschätzung, alle für Geschäftszwecke und Unternehmensschulungen

5. • Controlled-access sites (Indicator 3, Unilingual Regions portion of Block 2 in the Self-Assessment Grid).

6. Most managers in the self-assessment indicate that the Department provides ready access to excellent management training courses.

7. The Azimuth Check, a newly updated version of the Global Assessment Tool (GAT), is a confidential self-assessment tool

8. Take this Antiracist self-assessment tool to determine how effectively you work to dismantle racism in systems and within yourself.

9. • Respect of obligations regarding controlled-access sites (Indicator 3, Bilingual Designated Regions portion of Block 2 in the Self-Assessment Grid);

10. • Compliance with the three conditions for controlled-access sites (Indicator 1c, General Information portion of Block 2 in the Self-Assessment Grid);

11. To the extent that it avoids medical bureaucracy and so on, it is an improvement, but self-assessment is a radical change.

12. Both groups showed an excellent benefit in terms of pain relief, function, and satisfaction according to the patients’ self-assessment on a visual analog scale.

Bezüglich der Kriterien Schmerz, Beweglichkeit und Zufriedenheit wiesen beide Gruppen einen gleich guten Therapieeffekt auf einer visuellen Analogskala (VAS) auf.

13. The Cardiff process of economic reform has created a new culture of self-assessment of change at the microeconomic level that has proven very useful.

Der in Cardiff eingeläutete Wirtschaftsreformprozess hat eine neue Kultur der Selbstbewertung des Wandels auf mikroökonomischer Ebene hervorgebracht, der sich als sehr nützlich erwiesen hat.

14. Results:The effect of using of heuristic Education in medical clinical education is better than using traditional method from internship self-assessment and evaluation of teachers.

15. Relevant to the individual cabin crew member: personality awareness, human error and reliability, attitudes and behaviours, self-assessment; stress and stress management; fatigue and vigilance; assertiveness; situation awareness, information acquisition and processing.

In Bezug auf den einzelnen Flugbegleiter: Persönlichkeitsbewusstsein, menschliches Fehlverhalten und Zuverlässigkeit, Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen, Selbsteinschätzung; Stress und Stressverarbeitung; Ermüdung und Aufmerksamkeit; Durchsetzungsfähigkeit; Situationsbewusstsein, Informationsaufnahme und -verarbeitung.

16. (National Archives ID: 512490) We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest report, “Assessing Freedom of Information Act Compliance through the 2019 National Archives and Records Administration’s Records Management Self-Assessment.”

17. Accordingly the central workshop addressed the following themes and issues: the Common European Framework of Reference – competences, levels and descriptors (Hans-Peter Hodel); self-assessment in relation to the common reference levels (Dick Meijer);

18. Published six times a year, each Continuum issue includes diagnostic and treatment outlines, clinical case studies, topic-relevant ethics and practice cases, a detailed patient management problem, and a multiple-choice self-assessment examination.

19. The Continuing Certification Directory is the American Board of Medical Specialties (Abms) repository of Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities pre-approved by its Member Boards to meet their Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment requirements.

20. In a series of studies, Reynolds first established moral Attentiveness as a demonstrable personality trait—along the lines of extroversion or pragmatism—that can be rated on a seven-point scale with a simple, non-judgmental self-assessment

21. The Anamnestic Comparative Self Assessment (ACSA) measure of subjective well-being (SWB) aims to reduce the problems of cultural bias and relativity to external standards by allowing people to define the endpoints or "anchors" of the measurement scale

22. Mid-Clerkship Formative Assessment by Student and Faculty Form Based on the Association of American Medical Colleges’ core entrustable professional activities (EPAs) this optional self-assessment tool is designed to help you reflect on your professional development as a physician-in-training

23. 6 Audiocassettes and workbook Personal Development Building a positive self-concept, accepting responsibility and taking charge, programming for success, goals and goal achieving, creative problem solving and decision making, and superior human relations are covered through the Audiocassettes plus each topic has a self-assessment, summary and

24. Airmen: past, present and future "An Airman will complete the self-assessment portion of the worksheet and provide it to the supervisor two or three days before the feedback session, which gives the supervisor time to tailor the session to that Airman 's specific needs."

25. Burgraves, Les V, UNAIDS Legal And Regulatory Self-Assessment Tool For Male Circumcision In Sub-Saharan Africa (A UNAIDS Publication) UNAIDS, Researches In Greece (Cambridge Library Collection - Linguistics) William Martin Leake, The Rise And Fall Of The American System: Nationalism And The Development Of The American Economy, 1790-1837 (Financial History) Songho Ha

26. The Anamnestic Comparative Self-Assessment (ACSA) is a self-anchoring rating scale for subjective well-being (SWB) which was originally developed by Jan Bernheim as a simple method to measure quality of life consecutively in the patient-physician relationship in cancer patients.It differs from the conventional single-item scales of SWB because it uses biographical experiential scale anchors

27. Mayer identified three groups of symptomatic behavioral singularities: 1. indifference (becoming manifest for example in murder of opponents, family members or citizens, or in genocide); 2. intolerance (practicing press censorship, running a secret police or condoning torture); 3. self-aggrandizement (self-assessment as a "unifier" of a people, overestimation of own military power, identification with religion or nationalism or proclamation of a "grand plan").

Mayer nannte drei Gruppen von symptomatischen Verhaltenseigentümlichkeiten: 1. Gleichgültigkeit (zeigt sich etwa als Mord an Gegnern, Familienangehörigen, Staatsbürgern oder als Völkermord); 2. Intoleranz (zeigt sich etwa als Betreiben von Pressezensur, einer Geheimpolizei oder als Duldung von Folter); 3. Selbstüberhöhung (zeigt sich etwa als Selbsteinschätzung als „Einiger“ eines Volkes, als Aufrüstung oder Überschätzung der eigenen militärischen Macht, als Identifikation mit Religion oder Nationalismus oder als Verkündigung eines „großen Plans“).