Nghĩa của từ self destruction bằng Tiếng Đức

self destruction [selfdistrʌkʃən] Selbstvernichtung

Đặt câu có từ "self destruction"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "self destruction", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ self destruction, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ self destruction trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Self-destruction runs in the family.

2. The word “Autolysis” essentially means “self-destruction.”

3. You act out the same cycles of self-destruction again and again.

4. Together they escape and accidentally trigger the self-destruction of the base.

5. But that end will not be self-destruction through nuclear warfare among nations.

6. Whereat a voice respond in my heart, "No, the God dislike self-destruction."

7. The soldiers continued their advance, possessed by some lemming like instinct for self - destruction.

8. At some point, parents inured to a child's self - destruction, but I never did.

9. Unfortunately, he also has a tendency to bring self - destruction, bureaucracies, and gullibility too.

10. With his dying breath, Strange activates "Protocol 11", the self-destruction of Wonder Tower.

11. 12 The safety of pyrotechnics of self - destruction system in hot - splitting process was studied.

12. The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U. S.

13. But could a diet of videos, music, or games that highlight violence or self-destruction be anything but poisonous?

14. Instead of making social critiques, we are more and more engaging in self-critique, sometimes to the point of self-destruction.

15. They often drag down members of their family into their coal cellar of degradation as they fuel the fires of self destruction.

16. However, there is one way of preventing this self-destruction by paper -acid-free paper (not to be confused with unbleached paper).

Es gibt jedoch ein Hilfsmittel, um dieser Selbstzerstörung des Papiers entgegenzuwirken: das säurefreie Papier (nicht zu verwechseln mit chlorfreiem Papier).

17. When we follow someone who says we can improve ourselves through self-help techniques or self-fulfillment, we're actually heading for self-destruction.

18. It's another case of power in the wrong hands - a Corruptive, toxic, untenable mix that can lead to almighty delusions of grandeur, invulnerability and, ultimately, self-destruction

19. Director and writer Sigal Avin so Belabors the point that an idle mind can stray into self-destruction that “Losing Alice” paradoxically has the same effect on its viewers.

20. In November 1992, the Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution Bill was proposed, which would have removed a risk of self-destruction as grounds for an abortion, but was defeated in a referendum.

21. DAughter lets us know that a lot of people have truly been hurt and just give up, so if you’re still going, even after being hurt, you’re lucky! The theme of self-destruction is evident.

22. Some types of torpedoes are equipped with a self-destruction mechanism . For those types, if a torpedo needs to be aborted and destroyed, due to for example a targeting acquisition problem, it can be destroyed.

Die Enterprise (NX-01) ist das erste Schiff, das mit diesen neuen und experimentellen Torpedos ausgerüstet wird ( ENT : Die Ausdehnung ).