Nghĩa của từ self defence bằng Tiếng Đức

self defence [selfdifens] Notwehr, Selbstverteidigung

Đặt câu có từ "self defence"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "self defence", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ self defence, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ self defence trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. I'm taking classes in self-defence.

2. He shot him in self-defence.

3. They learn basic techniques in self-defence.

4. He killed a robber in self-defence.

5. He claims he acted in self-defence.

6. Spiders generally bite only in self-defence.

7. He killed the attacker in self-defence.

8. She avoided jail by pleading self-defence.

9. He used the gun in self-defence.

10. She claims she shot him in self-defence.

11. Jokes can be a form of self-defence.

12. Noye claimed he struck out in self-defence.

13. She goes to self-defence classes for women.

14. 20 He used the gun in self-defence.

15. All nations have the right to self-defence.

16. The police claimed they had acted in self-defence.

17. The jury decided that Walker had acted in self-defence.

18. He told police that he had acted in self-defence.

19. He tried to claim that he had acted in self-defence.

20. Mr De Benedetti's line in self-defence is also rather familiar.

21. The recruits are exercised every day in the art of self-defence.

22. The man later told police that he was acting in self-defence .

23. Driven beyond the limits of their forbearance , they fought back in self - defence .

24. Archaeolith 778-431 Phone Numbers Her list is self defence? Anhydrous solution or product

25. Invoking its right to self-defence, Israel responded with air strikes and ground operations.

Israel berief sich auf sein Selbstverteidigungsrecht und reagierte mit massiven Luftangriffen und Bodenoperationen.

26. Question:The Japanese Government today lifted the self-imposed ban on the collective self defence.

27. Those who have killed in self - defence and who do not show psychopathic tendency.

28. The girl rose in self-defence and landed a blow on the hooligan's nose.

29. Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort.

30. Many of the dead were said to be members of anti-guerrilla vigilante self-defence organisations.

31. They are in fact State terrorism, but they are passed off as acts of self-defence.

32. I struck out feebly in self-defence and hit him across the chest, which increased his rage.

33. For self-defence therefore the sworn foresters were allowed to carry bows and arrows in the forest.

34. It is equipped with a machine gun for local self-defence, a smoke grenade launcher, and NBC protection.

35. Because taekwondo was originally designed as an art of self-defence, blocking techniques are highly developed and refined.

36. Batons are powerful self-defence weapons that are a necessity in any law enforcement officer's arsenal of tools

37. The crew was equipped with two PPSh submachine guns and 25 F1 grenades for short-range self-defence.

38. Aikido is a highly refined martial art, developed this century as a means of self-defence and spiritual training

39. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF) was represented by two destroyers, one maritime patrol aircraft and a helicopter.

40. But developing a sense of this is essential to wellbeing; assertiveness training and learning self-defence can both help.

41. It Contextualises the right of self-defence in customary international law as well as in accordance with the UN Charter

42. Ads for functional devices that appear to discharge a projectile at high velocity, whether for sport, self-defence or combat

43. And that's what differentiates Confidence from Arrogance! Slobodan Jovicic: He (Mayers) Believes he was assaulted and has acted in self-defence.

44. The Human Rights Committee has endorsed the self‐defence necessity and proportionality equation for use of force by law enforcement agents.

45. And he was now teaching young Patsy, unbeknownst to his elder brothers, the rudiments of the noble art of self-defence.

46. You might be able to think of crimes that are not generally regarded as deviant - crime committed in self-defence, for example.

47. Ahimsa also inspired a great amount of ancient works that discussed the morality of violence including war, self-defence and punishing criminals

48. The People’s Solidarity Brigades is a network of self-initiated mutual aid groups acting for self-defence by the people for the people

49. Israel's envoy retorted that the soldiers responded in self-defence when activists on board the aid vessels violently attacked with the intention of lynching them.

50. 12 There are sporting societies for the athletically minded including snowboarding, self-defence, Aikido and kickboxing among other more traditional pursuits such as football or cricket.