Nghĩa của từ reciprocally bằng Tiếng Đức

eciprocally [risiproukəliː] umgekehrte, wechselseitig

Đặt câu có từ "reciprocally"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reciprocally", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reciprocally, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reciprocally trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. May not be reciprocally incorporated with another lamp

Ineinanderbau mit einer anderen Leuchte ist nicht zulässig

2. The Conoid and trapezoid ligaments functioned reciprocally during shoulder abduction

3. All right, thus form and function interact dynamically and reciprocally.

4. May not be reciprocally incorporated with any other lamp

Ineinanderbau mit einer anderen Leuchte ist nicht zulässig

5. 4 It opens channels from heart to heart so that feelings can flow reciprocally.


die zusätzlichen Scheinwerfer für Abblendlicht mit zusätzlichen Begrenzungsleuchten ineinandergebaut oder zusammengebaut sind

7. And reciprocally, a Borgesian story or poem often assumes the patterns of a treatise

8. By the common law, parents and children reciprocally owe each other Aliments or maintenance

9. This approval mark may be placed anywhere on the grouped, combined or reciprocally incorporated lamps provided that:

Dieses Genehmigungszeichen kann an den zusammengebauten, kombinierten oder ineinander gebauten Leuchten an einer beliebigen Stelle angebracht werden, vorausgesetzt, dass

10. Bivalence is the principle according to which truth and falsity are reciprocally exclusive and jointly exhaustive values

11. Reciprocally, Canadian companies could gain from enhanced access to the fast developing civil aviation industry in India.

12. A spring action sled (32) is reciprocally mounted in a rectangularly shaped cutout portion of the base member.

13. Reciprocally, it is through these structural affinities that we can approximate hermeneutically to the characteristics of psychotic existence.

Vermittels eines spezifisch-hermeneutischen Vorgehens scheint es möglich zu sein, über eben diese Affinitäten sich der Eigenart des Originär-Psychotischen anzunähern.

14. Coevolution The term Coevolution is used to describe cases where two (or more) species reciprocally affect each other's evolution.

15. Synonyms for Cooperatively include mutually, jointly, conjointly, commonly, reciprocally, respectively, in conjunction, in collaboration, in combination and as a group

16. In a relational ontology or relational worldview - anything that is, is co-Constituted, or reciprocally constructed via relations to anything/everything else.

17. The act or principle of compensating.; Something which is regarded as an equivalent; something which Compensates for loss; The extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors by the credits of which they are reciprocally creditors; the payment of a debt by a credit of equal amount; a set-off.

18. A cam guide (49) moves the Breechblocks (32) reciprocally and in series from the rear position (50) to the breech position (52) as the gun rotor (10) rotates

19. The Attorney General’s Office periodically reviews the laws of other states to determine whether those laws meet the requirements for Washington to reciprocally recognize a Concealed pistol license or permit issued by those states

20. Invicem moechos anus Arrogantis invicem in turn; by turns; reciprocally/mutually wiederum, abwechselnd, gegenseitig / wechselseitig à son tour; tour à tour et réciproquement / mutuellement a sua volta, di volta in volta; reciprocamente / reciprocamente a …

21. The present invention relates to an actuator using a phenomenon in which a soft sealing film moves reciprocally inside a pressure container while having a variable form, like a piston inside a cylinder, as the soft sealing film comes into close contact with or separates from the container.

22. Where grouped, combined or reciprocally incorporated lamps have been found to comply with the requirements of several Regulations, a single international approval mark may be affixed, consisting of a circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted the approval, and an approval number.

23. amber; however the rearmost side-marker lamp can be red if it is grouped or combined or reciprocally incorporated with the rear position lamp, the rear end-outline marker lamp, the rear fog lamp, the stop lamp or is grouped or has part of the light emitting surface in common with the rear retro-reflector.

gelb; allerdings kann die hinterste Seitenmarkierungsleuchte rot sein, wenn sie mit der Schlussleuchte, der hinteren Umrissleuchte, der Nebelschlussleuchte oder der Bremsleuchte zusammengebaut, kombiniert oder ineinander gebaut ist oder mit dem hinteren Rückstrahler zusammengebaut ist oder mit diesem eine teilweise gemeinsame Lichtaustrittsfläche hat;

24. This book is the second in a series of two, featuring the Adiposity - Omics and Molecular Understanding, serving as an introduction to modern views on how the adipocytes are reciprocally interacting with organ systems in order to explain the biology of the body's fat cells and how they are integrated with other organ systems, like muscle cells and the liver, in order to control the lipid

25. In this contribution, we will address from aclinical point of view the issue of the interrelations between the knowledge acquiring processes and the social interactions within a class of mathematics: a) how can the knowledge that is to be acquired determine the kind of social relationship established during a didactic interaction, and b) reciprocally, how can the social relationship already established within the class influence each and every student’s acquisition of knowledge?

In diesem Beitrag werden aus klinischer Sicht die Beziehungen zwischen Prozessen der Wissensaneignung und sozialen Interaktionen im Mathematikunterricht behandelt: a) Wie kann das zu erwerbende Wissen die Art der sozialen Beziehung in einer didaktischen Interaktion bestimmen? b) Wie kann umgekehrt die bereits bestehende soziale Beziehung in der Klasse den Wissenserwerb eines jeden Schülers beeinflussen?