Nghĩa của từ precipitating bằng Tiếng Đức

precipitating [prisipiteitiŋ] herbeiführend, stürzend

Đặt câu có từ "precipitating"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "precipitating", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ precipitating, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ precipitating trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Astringent effect: protein precipitating thus heals wound.

2. Both countries claimed the same area, precipitating a border war.

3. If this was their intention, they succeeded - by precipitating his resignation.

4. Precipitating electrode plate is a key part in electrostatic precipitation equipment.

5. Machines for sewage treatment,In particular mixers and Agitators,Precipitating devices and filtering apparatus

Maschinen für die Abwasserbehandlung, insbesondere Mischer und Rührapparate, Fällvorrichtungen und Filterapparate

6. Precipitating minerals reduce the pore space in a rock, a process called Cementation

7. Most cases of pituitary Apoplexy occur spontaneously, although precipitating factors have been suggested

8. The process includes precipitating titanyl sulfate from leach liquors containing acidic solutions of titanyl sulfate.

9. This chain of events will then prove unstoppable, thus precipitating World War III.

10. Objective To investigate the relation between precipitating factors and prognosis of hepatic encephalopathy.

11. As the air descends on the downwind side of the mountain, it warms and stops precipitating.

12. Suddenly, a ladder broke away, precipitating them down into a heap and unfortunately one was killed.

13. Although the aetiology of morphea often remains unknown, various precipitating causes have been identified.

Hinsichtlich der Ätiologie der Morphaea sind verschiedene chemische, physikalische und mikrobielle Auslöser bekannt.

14. Altostratus is a precipitating cloud (praecipitatio) and therefore often is accompanied by virga and mamma

15. Chinese officials and economists are now more worried about a precipitating slowdown than an inflationary build - up.

16. In continuously running thickener, the sedimentary specificities of thickeningarea are different from those in precipitating column.

17. Most patients with Anterolateral ankle pain report some history of trauma as the precipitating event

18. The status of air - flow distribution is one of the key factors affecting the precipitating efficiency.

19. On the other hand, the peroxidase activity of the extract decreases as the amount of precipitating hemoglobin increases.

Andererseits setzen zunehmende Mengen von ausfallendem Hämoglobin die Peroxidaseaktivität des Extrakts herab.

20. Actomyosins were purified twice by precipitating at ionic strength 0.1 and recovered as solution in 0.6 M KCl

21. Distinction between categories of predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors is useful for understanding of this complex disorder.

22. The Chistian Dempeached Allende's Ministers of Labor and Mines . charging them with precipitating the copper strikes.

23. If they do not, the party could lose its majority in parliament, precipitating a government crisis.

24. The status of air-flow distribution is one of the important factors affecting the precipitating efficiency of ESP.

25. Thus the binding, precipitating, and stabilizing activity of bacterial crusts causes sediment to accumulate on the bioherm.

Die Sediment-Akkumulation der Biohermstruktur erfolgt nur untergeordnet durch Mikritfang zwischen Schwammumien (“baffling”), hauptsächlich aber durch ständiges Wachstum zahlreicher Schwämme und Krusten und besonders durch die karbonatfällende,-bindende und-stabilisierende Wirkung der bakteriogenen Peloidkrusten.

26. Thus differences in 18 O/ 16 O ratio may be expected between water and calcite precipitating from it.

27. Topical Astringents are agents that cause skin cells or mucus membranes to contract or shrink, by precipitating proteins from their surface

28. These, instead of co-precipitating with the clay matrix, are repelled from it, and accumulate at the sediment solution interface.

Diese werden, statt zusammen mit dem Lehmmaterial abzuscheiden, davon abgesondert und häufen sich in der Sedimentlösungs-zwischenschicht an.

29. - the availability of products and equipment for the chemical treatment of hydrocarbons (dispersants, precipitating agents, aerator-agitators and dispersant spreading equipment);

- vorhandene Produkte und vorhandenes Gerät zur chemischen Behandlung von Öl ( Dispergierungs - und Fällmittel , Pulverisierungspumpen und Rieselapparate für die Dispergierungsmittel ) ;

30. The last remain fluid of lamprophyre magma is similar to metallogenetic fluid in composition and precipitating sequence, showing their genetic relationship.

31. The sulfated galactan is prepared by the processes of water extracting, acid degrading, membrane filtering, alcohol precipitating, drying and the like.

32. His discovery of the use of iron oxide hydrate as a precipitating agent is still today the most effective antidote against arsenic poisoning.

33. Early recognition of hemoglobinuric complications and prompt treatment for precipitating disease and ARF are important to prevent progression to an irreversible adverse renal outcome.

34. Crystallization is the process of precipitating crystals from a solution due to changes in solubility conditions of the solute in the solution

35. Kim's government required government and military officials to publish their financial records, precipitating the resignation of several high-ranking officers and cabinet members.

36. Moreover, Re elements can fine the structure of the layer, improve precipitating carbonous chromium nitride formed and increase the hardness of the layer.

37. An old technique of precipitating pectin with aluminium salts is no longer used (apart from alcohols and polyvalent cations, pectin also precipitates with proteins and detergents).

38. RD-1333 lead azide (MIL-DTL-46225), a version of lead azide with sodium carboxymethylcellulose as a precipitating agent, was developed to meet that need.

39. The factors that influence the coagulation values and the efficiency of coagulation of insoluble metal salt sols and metal ammine salt sols by precipitating, chelating and neutralising electrolytes are reassessed.

Die Faktoren, die die Koagulationswerte und die Wirksamkeit der Koagulation von unlöslichen Metallsalzsolen und Metallamminsalzsolen beim Fällen, Gelatinieren und Neutralisieren mit Elektrolyten beeinflussen, wurden erneut festgelegt.

40. By using this engaging popular format for traditional, local culture, it actually, in the Gulf, is precipitating a revival of interest in Nabati poetry, also in traditional dress and dance and music.

41. In this work, a new manganese ions doped zinc oxide porous six Arrises column nanorods was rapidly synthesized with L-Lys as the precipitating and capping agent (L-Lys/Mn-ZnONRs)

42. The present invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine preparation for cardio-cerebral blood vessel diseases, it is prepared though extracting danshen and notoginseng by lye , precipitating with alcohol, concentrating, and adding other medicine and excipients.

43. In studies of patients with or without history of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) or rheumatic heart disease (RHD), there was an inverse relationship between magnitude of TA hemagglutinating and A-CHO precipitating antibody (Ab) titers.

44. Concretions are masses of mineral matter embedded within rock layers, including limestone, sandstone, and shale.They often take shape when minerals precipitating (settling) out of water collect around a nucleus, such as a pebble, leaf, shell, bone, or fossil

45. - availability of the required coastline-protection resources (oil slick containment equipment, oil absorbants or precipitating agents, gels enabling dispersants to be used on rocks or structures, aerator-agitator and recovery equipment for use in shallow waters and beach-cleaning equipment).

- zum Schutz der Küsten zur Verfügung stehende Mittel ( Mittel zur Umgrenzung der Ölteppiche , Mittel zur Absorption des Öls oder Fällmittel , die dessen Sedimentation bewirken , Gelatine , die die Verwendung der Dispergierungsmittel auf Felsen und Bauwerken ermöglicht , Pulverisierungsapparate für seichte Gewässer und Gerät zur Reinigung der Strände ) .

46. So I'd like you to image a mining industry in a way that one hasn't existed before; imagine a mining industry that doesn't mean defiling the Earth; imagine bacteria helping us do this by accumulating and precipitating and sedimenting minerals out of desalination brine.

47. Medical Definition of Anterograde 1 : affecting memories for a period of time immediately following a precipitating event (as alcohol intoxication, traumatic brain injury, electroconvulsive therapy, or severe emotional stress) and especially from the time of onset to the present Anterograde memory loss He suffered an Anterograde amnesia.

48. For example, this is the case when a large active manager sells his position in a company, leading to (possibly) a decline in the stock price, but more importantly a loss of confidence by the markets in the management of the company, thus precipitating changes in the management team.

49. In this work, a new manganese ions doped zinc oxide porous six Arrises column nanorods was rapidly synthesized with l-Lys as the precipitating and capping agent (l-Lys/Mn–ZnONRs).The as-synthesized l-Lys/Mn–ZnONRs exhibited large specific surface area and high ferromagnetism, which could serve as excellent nanocarrier.Meanwhile, due to the outstanding …

50. The amount of this Colorific matter may be estimated quantitatively by noting the quantity of the chloride of lime solution required to destroy this blood-red color in different cases: or the same result may be obtained by macerating for a short period in milk of lime -- filtering -- precipitating the filtered liquor by acetic or muriatic acid