Nghĩa của từ precluded bằng Tiếng Đức

precluded [prikluːdid] ausgeschlossen, schloß aus

Đặt câu có từ "precluded"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "precluded", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ precluded, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ precluded trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The IRS is precluded from assessing additional tax after a certain period of time.

2. Abdication is precluded by the lack of a possible successor.

3. The very spontaneity of his gestures precluded him from managing his own achievements.

4. Contrariwise, certain physical explanations which may be attractive are completely precluded by the chemistry.

5. It obviously precluded its use in everyday transactions, such as buying loaves of bread.

6. In asexually propagated species, variability resulting from recombination may be severely limited, or even precluded.

7. Most psychologists thought intelligence was hereditary, a position that precluded early childhood education at home.

8. The whole peasant outlook precluded them from meekly submitting to the dictates of the market.

9. His desire was to combat the prevailing notion that blindness precluded a person from the benefits of a formal education.

10. Antonyms for Addrest include disregarded, ignored, passed, avoided, bypassed, dismissed, excluded, omitted, discarded and precluded

11. The purchaser took legal action for reimbursement, on the ground that Community law precluded such a charge.

Der Käufer hatte mit der Begründung, das Gemeinschaftsrecht stehe einer solchen Belastung entgegen, auf Rückzahlung der Abgabe geklagt.

12. 18 The driving force of the rain precluded conversation, sealed each of us in with his own thoughts.

13. Acoustic feedback is precluded as a result of the transmitter (37) producing neither acoustic signals nor mechanical vibrations.

Dadurch, dass durch den Sender (37) weder akustische Signale noch mechanische Schwingungen erzeugt werden, ist akustisches Feedback ausgeschlossen.

14. The bicyclic structure of the reactant and intermediates precluded some mechanistic possibilities of this unusual Abnormal Wolff Rearrangement.

15. Shore staff did the updates, since space, staff and shipboard conditions precluded the operation being done at sea.

16. Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.

17. Thus, the popular view of generation fighting is not necessarily precluded by the presence of Altruistically motivated private transfers

18. Wider use of Clozapine, one of the most effective antipshychotic drugs, is precluded by its propensity to cause agranulocytosis

19. Fish with obvious abnormalities (swim bladder problems, spinal deformities, extreme size variations, etc.) would be precluded when establishing breeding pairs.

Fische mit offensichtlichen Abnormalitäten (Schwimmblasenprobleme, Missbildungen der Wirbelsäule, extreme Größenvariationen, usw.) würden bei der Bildung der Brutpaare ausgeschlossen werden.

20. Goats are highly susceptible to Haemonchus contortus particularly when they are precluded from browsing and derive all their food intake from pasture.

21. 28 It seems reasonably clear now that the haste precluded reasonable and deliberate judicial treatment of these cases and was not warranted.

22. Self-aggregation, which typically arises during production and storage is a major obstacle that has so far precluded the development of an efficient Cochleate-based drug-delivery system.

23. Precluded from applying it By analogy when appropriate.6 Under this model, the timing of recognition for a contribution received depends on whether the contribution is conditional or not

24. If such does not exist, custody is transferred to the closest of the close female relatives. If such does not exist, it is transferred to an agnate other than those with whom marriage is precluded.

25. Paragraph # ccording to the Family Law Act, Hungarian citizenship is not a prerequisite for either the adopter or the adoptee; the adoption of children of Hungarian citizenship by foreign citizens is therefore not precluded

26. The Commission deduces from that supposed failure that the Spanish authorities are precluded from imposing criminal penalties on such persons for acting as estate agents without obtaining the qualifications prescribed by Spanish law.

Aus dieser Unterlassung folgert die Kommission, daß die spanischen Behörden nicht das Recht haben, solche Personen mit Strafen zu belegen, die sich als Immobilienmakler betätigen, ohne die nach spanischem Recht erforderlichen Befähigungsnachweise zu besitzen.

27. As the pandemic precluded an in-person UC Tri-County Walnut Day this year, we’d like to share this informative video from Walnut Days past, as Thousand Cankers Disease continues to be an issue for California walnut growers

28. “. . . the recalculation of the coordinates was to be solely for the purpose of ensuring, on the basis of aerial photography, which the Commission had previously been precluded from initiating, that the coordinates of the locations listed in the Decision were accurate.

29. (149) Translating canon 5 as Tanner and HC do is not precluded by the Latin text: "Si quis dixerit, propter haeresim, aut molestam Cohabitationem, aut affectatam absentiam a coniuge dissolvi posse matrimonii vinculum: a.s." However, three considerations do preclude that translation.

30. If it is indeed the case that the penalty cannot be adjusted to reflect elements such as the degree of fault, that would be a disproportionate penalty precluded by Article 56 TFEU itself as well as by Articles 15, 16 and 17 of the Charter.

Sollte es wirklich keine Möglichkeit zur Anpassung der Sanktion geben, um Faktoren wie etwa dem Verschuldensgrad Rechnung zu tragen, wäre die Sanktion unverhältnismäßig und sowohl nach Art. 56 AEUV selbst als auch nach den Art. 15, 16 und 17 der Charta unzulässig.

31. 134 Moreover, as regards the grant of investment allowances, the Land of Thuringia states that the Commission failed to determine the conditions under which they were granted and, therefore, concluded incorrectly that the alleged prohibition on assistance in associated undertakings should have precluded the grant of such allowances.

134 Was sodann die Gewährung der Investitionszulagen betreffe, so habe die Kommission Feststellungen zum Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen für die Gewährung unterlassen und sei deswegen fehlerhaft zu dem Schluss gelangt, dass die Investitionszulagen wegen des angeblichen Verbotes der Förderung zwischen verbundenen Unternehmen nicht hätten gewährt werden dürfen.

32. The graduate was informed by her local community college that she would most likely not be able to attend school this fall due to a policy adopted by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees (Accsbt), which it alleged precluded her from moving forward with her coursework – a turn of events that could have ultimately forced her

33. The graduate was informed by her local community college that she would most likely not be able to attend school this fall due to a policy adopted by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees (Accsbt), which it alleged precluded her from moving forward with her coursework – a turn of events that could have ultimately forced her to lose full-tuition scholarship.