Nghĩa của từ precipitated bằng Tiếng Đức

precipitated [prisipiteitid] abgestürzt

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "precipitated", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ precipitated, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ precipitated trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. His remark precipitated my decision.

2. This personal dispute precipitated Marlborough's dismissal.

3. Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper)

Kupfermatten; Zementkupfer (gefälltes Kupfer)

4. One small error precipitated the disaster.

5. Method for producing precipitated starch esters

Verfahren zur herstellung von gefällten stärkeestern

6. Specially precipitated silicic acids for rubber applications

Speziell gefällte kieselsäuren für gummianwendungen

7. Falling sales precipitated the failure of the company.

8. The truck overturned and precipitated us into the ditch.

9. This event precipitated a family crisis with political consequences.

10. Alcohol-precipitated pectin is then separated, washed and dried.

11. The sulfide can also be precipitated from acetate solutions.

12. An acute sickle cell crisis is often precipitated by infection.

13. The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.

14. The assassination of the king precipitated the country into war.

15. Two major events precipitated a major resurgence in Norwegian literature.

16. Uranium(IV) crystallizes or is precipitated by ethanol in excess.

17. 22 The accident precipitated them into the depth of adversity.

18. The riot was precipitated when four black men were arrested.

19. Barytes & Precipitated Barium Sulphate (Chemical Name: Barium Sulphate (BaSO 4)

20. Though precipitated manganese dioxide does absorb NO, its capacity is low.

Gefälltes Mangandioxid absorbiert zwar NO, doch ist die Kapazität gering.

21. The water thus precipitated to earth flows back into the oceans.

22. Cementite is precipitated from a melt consisting of austenite and ferrite.

23. This assembly precipitated the largest movement of brothers ever in Australia.

24. Studies show that marriages precipitated by pregnancy tend to be short-lived.

25. Dextrin can be added to the solution to stabilize the precipitated product.

26. Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.

27. Like those films, “Backwash” is an absurdist journey precipitated by a frivolous happening

28. No doubt there are circumstances in his life that have precipitated his behavior.

29. Sodium ions, precipitated as sodium-antimonate, are found in the cytoplasm, the mitochondrial matrix, and the nucleoplasm as well as extracellularly. Chloride ions, precipitated as AgCl, are mainly localized between adjacent tubule cells.

Während die als Natriumanimonat gefällten Natriumionen intrazellulär — d. h. intracytoplasmatisch, intramitochondrial, intranukleär — und extracellulär in den zwischenzelligen Faltenräumen vorkommen, beschränkt sich die Lokalisation der als AgCl gefällten Chloridionen weitgehend auf die Räume zwischen den einzelnen Tubulusepithelien.

30. This precipitated a financial troubles which lasted until the start of 2007 season.

31. 1 In contrast, the unconjugated, carboxylic, bile acids are easily precipitated by calcium phosphate.

32. The variety of adsorbed elements and their co-precipitated amounts are listed in tables.

Anzahl, Auswahl und mitgerissener Anteil der Spurenelemente sind in Tabellen wiedergegeben.

33. Using formaldehyde-hydrochloric acid about 77% of the active phenolic components could be precipitated.

Bedingt durch die hohen Molekulargewichten notwendig, um eine vollständige Aushärtung der Leimfuge zu erzielen.

34. Bartter syndrome is a group of disorders characterized by genetically precipitated kidney function defects

35. He then precipitated the platinum as ammonium chloroplatinate by adding ammonium chloride (NH 4Cl).

36. 28 In contrast, the unconjugated, carboxylic, bile acids are easily precipitated by calcium phosphate.

37. This appears to have precipitated a wave of violent persecution bent on exterminating the Christians.

38. The starch solution can be precipitated to form starch nanoparticles having a predefined void structure.

39. Repending from the Eh—pH-values, rhythmic, hydrolytically precipitated, colloidal, and iron-rich layers formed.

Je nach Eh und pH-Werten bildeten sich meist rhythmische, hydrolytisch abgeschiedene, kolloidale, eisenreiche Lagen.

40. Impact-modified polycarbonate compositions containing acidic phosphorus compounds and comprising basically precipitated emulsion graft polymer

Saure phosphorverbindungen enthaltende schlagzähmodifizierte polycarbonat-zusammensetzungen mit basisch gefälltem emulsionspfropfpolymersiat

41. We supply high quality natural and precipitated Barytes which are commonly used in brake linings

42. Tetany may be triggered by hyperventilation or precipitated by vomiting or by pregnancy and lactation.

43. These volatile-rich magmas precipitated both albite and two generations of K-rich alkali feldspar.

Diese Gas reichen Magmen schieden Albit und zwei Generationen von K-reichem Alkalifeldspat aus.

44. It was southern secession that precipitated emancipation and an end to federal support of slavery.

45. Relapse of florid symptoms and possibly their first onset can be precipitated by stressful events.

46. Product obtained from skimmed or buttermilk by drying casein precipitated by means of acids or rennet

Erzeugnis, das durch Trocknen des aus Magermilch oder Buttermilch durch Säuren oder Lab gefällten Kaseins gewonnen wird

47. Metals can often be precipitated out by changing the pH or by treatment with other chemicals.

48. Some precipitated directly from water, accumulating around certain springs as well as in lakes and oceans.

Teilweise wird es direkt aus dem Wasser abgeschieden und sammelt sich an den Rändern bestimmter Quellen an, aber auch in Seen oder im Meer.

49. This precipitated a political debate, which grew more heated through the winter of 1988 to 1989.

50. The precipitated silicas are prepared by acidulation of an alkali metal silicate under carefully controlled conditions.