Nghĩa của từ precariously bằng Tiếng Đức

precariously [prikɛəriəzliː] prekär, unsiche

Đặt câu có từ "precariously"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "precariously", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ precariously, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ precariously trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. 21 She leaned precariously out of the window.

2. The economy is precariously close to recession.

3. She balanced precariously with one foot on each.

4. Furthermore, he was precariously balanced and might fall.

5. The hotel perched precariously on a steep hillside.

6. 27 Ice Cube is precariously balanced between entertainment and polemic.

7. The state is precariously close to its Borrowing limit.

8. Ice Cube is precariously balanced between entertainment and polemic.

9. The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.

10. Why was my life hanging so precariously in the balance?

11. He balanced the glass precariously on the arm of his chair.

12. Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.

13. They lived precariously on the income from a few small investments.

14. 8 This leaves him precariously balancing his highbrow and lowbrow selves.

15. The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books.

16. A pile of china dishes rested precariously on the head of the acrobat.

17. Straight at me where I kneel unbalanced, precariously lodged between joist and board.

18. Her suitcase was precariously balanced on the tiny luggage rack above her head.

19. It is a compromise solution which leaves the best-execution pillar swaying precariously.

20. Grasping a handful of bulrushes to steady herself, she leaned precariously out to grab it.

21. 17 One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.

22. 29 Her suitcase was precariously balanced on the tiny luggage rack above her head.

23. Perched precariously, these spectacular Cliffhanging properties promise unparalleled views across breathtaking mountain ranges and tranquil tropical oceans

24. A thin squeaking betrayed the presence of two baby gold crests, precariously balanced on the branch of a larch.

25. Fenella, clutching the narrow ledge, standing precariously on the piled sacks, thought, in horror: Miach's spell.

26. 2 People paddle kayaks and outriggers along the shore, and catamarans whizz by, leaning precariously on one hull.

27. People paddle kayaks and outriggers along the shore, and catamarans whizz by, leaning precariously on one hull.

28. Perched precariously, these spectacular Cliffhanging properties promise unparalleled views across breathtaking mountain ranges and tranquil tropical oceans

29. As a result, Georgia may now live precariously in the nether region between Russian autocracy and European liberalism.

30. 16 People paddle kayaks and outriggers along the shore, and catamarans whizz by, leaning precariously on one hull.

31. The ship hit and twisted on the skids, rocked over toward the left, hesitated precariously, and flopped back level.

32. Meditation for a leap into the unknown At great turning points, life quivers precariously on the tightrope of obedience.

33. He lived rather precariously from one day to the next, never knowing where his next meal was coming from.

34. The double-decker smashed through a fence and ended up perched precariously on a bridge parapet at Brighouse, West Yorkshire.

35. 27 A thin squeaking betrayed the presence of two baby gold crests, precariously balanced on the branch of a larch.

36. It suggests that, even though much of the country is cut off from the food-distribution system, rural dwellers survive precariously through subsistence farming.

37. When someone walks in precariously balancing something that shouldn't be carried alone, trips, falls, and makes a mess, it is funny, but it's not ironic.

38. On the fringes of the jungle, nests built by large chestnut-colored birds called Montezuma oropendolas hang from the huge trees and sway precariously in the breeze from the lake.

39. No man could breast the colossal and headlong stream that seemed to break and swirl against the dim stillness in which we were precariously sheltered as if on an island.

40. The first person is the author's mother, Rachel, who lived through hell and precariously hung on to life at Bergen-Belsen and thereafter after having survived Auschwitz, a slave labor camp and a death march ending up at Bergen-Belsen, where tens of thousands died from disease and mistreatment in a short period at the end of the war.