Nghĩa của từ irradiated bằng Tiếng Đức

irradiated [ireidieitid] bestrahlte

Đặt câu có từ "irradiated"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "irradiated", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ irradiated, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ irradiated trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. - absolute viability (optical density of NR extract) of irradiated and non irradiated cells,

- absolute Viabilität (optische Dichte des NR-Extrakts) von bestrahlten und nicht bestrahlten Zellen,

2. absolute viability (optical density of NR extract) of irradiated and non irradiated cells

absolute Viabilität (optische Dichte des NR-Extrakts) von bestrahlten und nicht bestrahlten Zellen

3. absolute viability (optical density of Neutral Red extract) of irradiated and non-irradiated cells

absolute Viabilität (optische Dichte des NR-Extrakts) von bestrahlten und nicht bestrahlten Zellen

4. The surgeons irradiated the tumour.

5. The skin irradiated was pigmentation after radiotherapy.

6. His little face was irradiated by happiness.

7. All polyethylene liners were gamma irradiated in air.

8. Irradiated food must carry labels acknowledging the fact.

9. The cells are irradiated so that they cannot reproduce.

10. The flies were irradiated to make them sterile.

11. In case of a breach, they release irradiated steam.

12. The jury's still out on the safety of irradiated food.

13. He was irradiated by the dawn of a great amazement.

14. The high-purity natural Ag foils in disc shape were irradiated with Bremsstrahlungs generated from an electron accelerator Microtron. The induced gamma spectra in the irradiated foils were measured

15. Azobenzene undergoes trans→cis isomerization when irradiated with light tuned to an appropriate wavelength

16. His eyes irradiated with a lustre that had not been there eight years ago . "

17. The propagation of microwaves in piezoelectric semiconductors irradiated with an acoustic field has been discussed.

18. The hinge - available through co - irradiated - folding machine, fold and grid hybrid folding machine tool.

19. The genuine enzymes remain fully active in irradiated spices, whereas the microbial load is clearly reduced.

Bestrahlte Gewürze weisen bei deutlicher Keimreduktion noch dieselben Enzymaktivitäten auf wie die unbehandelte Rohware.

20. The pulsed and irradiated pDC and the PBMC share at least one major histocompatibility complex (MHC) allele.

21. Processing of irradiated fuels for the purpose of separating some or all of the elements contained therein.

Aufbereitung bestrahlter Brennstoffe zur Trennung aller oder eines Teils der darin enthaltenen Elemente

22. Electrons can absorb energy from photons when irradiated, but they usually follow an "all or nothing" principle.

23. A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface measure solar radiation.

24. In all, 60 patients were irradiated using either one or alternating combinations of abutted AP electron fields.

Eine Bestrahlung mit einem oder mehreren versetzten AP-Elektronenfeldern erhielten 60 Patienten.

25. Melons, squash take special care Sauton, "Haploid gynogenesis in Cucumis sativus induced by irradiated polen," Cucurbit …

26. The grains are then irradiated individually with infrared light and the reflections analysed by a specially designed detector.

Dabei werden die Körner einzeln mit Infrarotlicht bestrahlt, und ein speziell konzipierter Detektor analysiert, wie die einzelnen Körner das Licht reflektieren.

27. In the absence of any indicators that Iran is currently considering reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel to extract plutonium,

28. Treatment of gynecological cancer patients in the prone position using a Bellyboard reduces the volume of irradiated small bowel

29. “Beryllium dust, even when not irradiated,” noted The European, “is one of the most toxic forms of industrial waste known.”

30. The iodide–iodate and the ferrioxalate Actinometer solutions were irradiated with an interference filter attached to the illumination cell

31. Control of accuracy was via observation of the manifestation of neck node metastases in 45 patients who were postoperatively irradiated.

Die Kontrolle der Genauigkeit erfolgte über die Manifestation von Hals-LK-Metastasen bei 45 Patienten, die keine postoperative Bestrahlung erhalten hatten.

32. MR Bellyboard The MR Bellyboard assists in reducing the irradiated small bowel volume of patients undergoing treatment in the pelvic region

33. In every human body, they insisted, there remains a spark of the Divine Principle which once irradiated its entire being.

34. The researchers irradiated all of the tumor cells to render them incapable of spreading once returned to the patients' bodies.

35. Room-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies (at ca. 9.85 GHz) of γ- and x-irradiated alpha-quartz are reported and discussed.

36. Individual radiosensitivity was determined by the total chromosomal aberration rate measured in in vitro irradiated lymphocytes by a metaphase detection technique.

Anhand der Gesamtchromosomenaberrationsrate wurde die experimentelle Gruppe nach den RTOG/EORTC-Kriterien weiter in zwei kleinere Gruppen klassifiziert, eine Gruppe mit Grad 1–2 und eine Gruppe mit Grad 3–4.

37. Method for detecting repair gene of cancer onset regulating dna in mice irradiated with ionizing radiation and dna repair gene group

38. Glycerinated rabbit psoas myofibrils, F-actin, and myofibril ghosts were irradiated with ultraviolet light (UV) to investigate how UV blocks myofibril contraction.

39. AIM: To explore the effect of neural stem cells (NSC) transfected with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on brain injury irradiated by radioaction.

40. Garbanzo Beans • Pardina Lentils • Green Split Peas • Non-GMO Project Verified • 15 total LBS • 100% Non-Irradiated • Certified Kosher Parve • USA Grown • Field Traced

41. Ambient Temperature Stored in Saline Irradiated 2275-45 Cancellous Backfill Plug 6mm 2276-45 Cancellous Backfill Plug 8mm 2277-45 Cancellous Backfill Plug 10mm

42. When the pollen material is irradiated and put to the unirradiated acceptor pollen germinating in visible light, a high stimulation of tube growth is observed.

Die stärkste Förderung rufen UV-bestrahlte Inhaltsstoffe bei hellgekeimten Pollen hervor.

43. The targets were irradiated with Bremsstrahlungs produced by electron accelerator Microtron MT-25 of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.

44. With irradiated chromatin templates, changes in base composition of the synthesized RNA suggest a relatively greater radiation sensitivity of the adenine—thymine base pair in the chromatin DNA.

Bei bestrahlten Chromatinmatrizen lassen die Veränderungen in der Basenzusammensetzung der synthetisierten RNS auf eine relativ größere Strahlungsempfindlichkeit des Adenin—Thymin-Basenpaares in der Chromatin-DNS schließen.

45. Trapped electron yields were measured by means of optical absorption spectroscopy for a hydrocarbon glass γ-irradiated at 77 K in the presence of an external electric field.

46. The energy density of the irradiated tissue is limited to the range of from about .1 joule per square centimeter to about 15 joules per square centimeter.

47. Optical absorption and photoconductivity spectra of trapped electrons in -γ-irradiated 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (TMP)/2,2-dimethylbutane (DMB)/2-methyltetrahydrofuran (MTHF) mixture glasses at 77 K have been measured.

48. When the u.v.-irradiated acceptor pollen are germinated in visible light there is stimulation in both cases: the germination proceeds in presence or absence of the pollentube extract.

Bei UV-Bestrahlung von Akzeptorpollen und/oder Inhaltsstoffen tritt Förderung nur dann auf, wenn die Pollen im Hellen keimen.

49. Organic Broccoli Sprouts Powder, 8 Ounces — Grown from Non-GMO Seeds, Kosher, Non-Irradiated, Pure, Vegan Superfood, Bulk, Rich in Sulforaphane 4.1 out of 5 stars 66 $31.99 $ 31

50. The occurrence of morphea is an unexpected late effect (approximately 1 year after the end of radiation therapy) which occurs frequently in the irradiated breast in women with breast-conserving therapy.

Das Auftreten einer Morphaea ist ein unerwarteter Späteffekt (etwa 1 Jahr nach dem Ende der Strahlentherapie), welcher häufiger in der bestrahlten Brust bei Frauen nach brusterhaltender Therapie auftritt.