Nghĩa của từ irreconcilable bằng Tiếng Đức

irreconcilable [irekənsailəbl] unvereinbar, unverträglich

Đặt câu có từ "irreconcilable"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "irreconcilable", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ irreconcilable, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ irreconcilable trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. But the two are irreconcilable.

2. To partisans, these figures are irreconcilable.

3. The theory is irreconcilable with the facts.

4. This view is irreconcilable with common sense.

5. This belief was irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine of salvation.

6. We can never agree our views are irreconcilable.

7. These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life.

8. On November 18, 2006, Robinson filed divorce papers, citing "irreconcilable differences".

9. As soon as the meeting began, however, irreconcilable differences emerged.

10. Fighting in a war was irreconcilable with his religious beliefs.

11. These practices are irreconcilable with the law of the Church.

12. Twentieth-century man finds himself caught between two irreconcilable visions.

13. In November 2006, Spears filed for divorce from Federline, citing irreconcilable differences.

14. In February 1974, Sonny filed for a separation, citing "irreconcilable differences".

15. The split in the Liberal party seems to be irreconcilable.

16. From the standpoint of mainstream contemporary jurisprudence the issue seems irreconcilable.

17. The differing needs might not be irreconcilable with an improved system.

18. They have become irreconcilable, with both sides refusing to compromise any further.

19. They want us to believe irreconcilable differences are the reason she filed for divorce?

20. Kevin and Torrei Hart filed for divorce in February 2010, citing irreconcilable differences.

21. Each approach seems to have its merits, yet to be irreconcilable with others.

22. On July 27, Tina filed for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.

23. The differences between the landowners and the conservationists were irreconcilable from the start.

24. citing irreconcilable differences, one party will jilt the other sooner rather than later.

25. It is absolutely legitimate to wage a consistent and irreconcilable fight against this group.

Absolut legitim ist es, gegen sie einen konsequenten und unversöhnlichen Kampf zu führen.

26. When irreconcilable differences exist between two people[ ], it is better that they should separate.

27. In the WTO, we played an active role in bringing together almost irreconcilable positions.

In der WTO haben wir eine aktive Rolle gespielt und fast unvereinbare Positionen einander angenähert.

28. When his children left home, he and his wife separated because of irreconcilable differences.

29. Our hatred for each other is absolutely irreconcilable. You and I are at daggers drawn.

30. Both these ways of looking at the world are valid but utterly irreconcilable with each other.

31. Miss Golani had only one piece to play - as one of three irreconcilable characters in Michael Colgrass's Strangers.

32. The only way Glass could overcome this irreconcilable difference was by doing away with the bar lines completely.

33. It is the irreconcilable contradiction inevitable in humanism because of its false assumptions in constructing a world-view.

34. Critics of the group's report will claim the differences between landowners and conservationists were irreconcilable from the start.

35. The principal advocates of the works, however, often present irreconcilable differences in both interpretation and methods of advocacy.

36. Regarding the early Christians and military service, German theologian Peter Meinhold said: “Being a Christian and a soldier was considered irreconcilable.”

37. The reference weight of 108 kg is absolutely irreconcilable with normal marketing of that carcase on the French market.

Das Referenzgewicht von 108 kg sei mit einem normalen Absatz dieses Schlachtkörpers auf dem französischen Markt absolut nicht zu vereinbaren(28).

38. The subjective nature of measuring program effectiveness may lead to irreconcilable differences between the review staff and program management.

39. If equality means entitlement to an equal share of the profits of economic tyranny, it is irreconcilable with liberation.

40. PEAS-the ruling alliance-was a classic coalition of conflicting interests, united in a common hatred but divided by irreconcilable ambition.

41. Annulments are very rare because they must meet specific criteria that go far beyond “irreconcilable differences” that are common in divorce proceedings

42. Given the existence of such irreconcilable opponents to the Byzantines as Krakra, Nikulitsa, Dragash and others, such apparent passivity seems difficult to explain.

43. While all these words mean "being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable," Antithetical stresses clear and unequivocal diametrical opposition

44. If Conscience simply is the expression of moral intuition, and if individuals have significantly different and irreconcilable moral intuitions, then individuals also have significantly different and difficult-to-reconcile conscientious moral Consciences

45. Antithesis, (from Greek antitheton, “opposition”), a figure of speech in which irreconcilable opposites or strongly contrasting ideas are placed in sharp juxtaposition and sustained tension, as in the saying “Art is long, and Time is fleeting.”

46. If underivable from, or irreconcilable with, known laws, it is a mere Conjecture or prejudice. This disagreement is very embarrassing when people try to Conjecture the antiquity of this or that vihara or chaitya

47. In the Bergsonian fashion, these explorations seek to dispense with the stagnant and irreconcilable philosophical tropes of both pure materialism and pure idealism in order to yield a more precise understanding of cultural forms as living processes

48. If, in this field, different rules are laid down for similar situations, the result is not merely inequality before the law, but also, and inevitably, distortions of competition which are absolutely irreconcilable with the fundamental philosophy of the Common Market.

Wollte man auf diesem Gebiet für gleichartige Sachverhalte unterschiedliche Regeln aufstellen, so würde dies nicht nur zu einer Ungleichheit vor dem Gesetz führen, sondern überdies zwangsläufig Wettbewerbsverzerrungen zur Folge haben, die mit den grundlegenden Vorstellungen, auf denen der Gemeinsame Markt beruht, völlig unvereinbar wären.

49. While all these words mean "being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable," Contradictory applies to two things that completely negate each other so that if one is true or valid the other must be untrue or invalid.