Nghĩa của từ irradiance bằng Tiếng Đức

irradiance [ireidiəns] Beleuchtungsdichte

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "irradiance", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ irradiance, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ irradiance trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Capturing the Full Value of Bifacial Gains Bifacial PV modules convert irradiance captured on

2. Each channel of the RGBW LEDs is controlled individually, allowing color tuning and irradiance regulation.

Jeder der vier Kanäle der RGBW LEDs wird separat angesteuert. Damit ist zusätzlich zur Regulierung der Beleuchtungsstärke auch eine individuelle Farbmischung möglich.

3. radiant exposure, the time integral of the irradiance, expressed in joules per square metre [J m-#]

Bestrahlung, das Integral der Bestrahlungsstärke über die Zeit, ausgedrückt in Joule pro Quadratmeter [J m-#]

4. The new software not only increases the accuracy of the irradiance calculations but also improves fault detection.

5. radiant exposure: the time integral of the irradiance, expressed in joules per square metre [J m-#]

Bestrahlung: das Integral der Bestrahlungsstärke über die Zeit, ausgedrückt in Joule pro Quadratmeter [J m-#]

6. radiant exposure, the time integral of the irradiance, expressed in joules per square metre [J m-2];

Bestrahlung, das Integral der Bestrahlungsstärke über die Zeit, ausgedrückt in Joule pro Quadratmeter [J m-2];

7. radiant exposure: the time integral of the irradiance, expressed in joules per square metre [J m-2];

Bestrahlung: das Integral der Bestrahlungsstärke über die Zeit, ausgedrückt in Joule pro Quadratmeter [J m-2];

8. Dual-mirror Aplanats provide efficient, ultracompact, high-irradiance solar concentration and were recently developed for concentrator photovoltaics

9. 16 In summary, our results provide circumstantial support for the hypothesized link between solar cycle length and irradiance.

10. radiant exposure (H): the time integral of the irradiance, expressed in joules per square metre (J m-2);

Bestrahlung (H): das Integral der Bestrahlungsstärke über die Zeit, ausgedrückt in Joule pro Quadratmeter (J m-2);

11. Upper air: temperature, wind speed and direction, water vapour, cloud properties, Earth radiation budget (including solar irradiance)b

12. A ground-based sky camera was used to analyse and forecast spatially and temporally highly variable surface solar irradiance.

Es wurde eine bodenbasierte Kamera verwendet, um die räumlich und zeitlich äußerst variable Sonneneinstrahlung an der Oberfläche zu analysieren und vorherzusagen.

13. In general, both adaxial and abaxial r1 values were lower at midday when irradiance was maximal than at 0800 or 1800 h.

14. The PREMOS device is made up of six filter radiometers and one absolute radiometer, the latter able to measure total solar irradiance.

15. V-Ray is a rendering engine that uses global illumination algorithms, including path tracing, photon mapping, irradiance maps and directly computed global illumination.

16. A beam processing element may be used to provide a beam waist with an average irradiance of more than 10 W/cm2 within the acceptance angle of the optically transmissive element.

17. To what quantity is the measured quantity really related, absorptance (the absorbed irradiance, as in 1-R-T) or Absorbance (as in -lg T)? What other methods that really measure absorption or a

18. b The minimum and maximum data in Table 3 are based on more than 30 spectral irradiance measurements for water and air cooled Xenon-arcs with window glass filters of various lots and ages.

19. NeON® 2 Bifacial The NeON® 2 Bifacial is designed to absorb irradiance not only from the front but also the rear side of its NeON® cell by using transparent back sheet

20. b The minimum and maximum data in Table 3 are based on more than 30 spectral irradiance measurements for water and air cooled xenon-arcs with window glass filters of various lots and ages.

21. It is recommended that an angle ofπ/36 radians (5°) or smaller is required to evaluate the diffuse irradiance to 5 percent; for 10 percent error, the angle should not exceedπ/18 radians (10°).

Es wird empfohlen, daß ein Winkel vonπ/36 rad (5°) oder kleiner nötig ist, um die diffuse Einstrahlung mit 5 Prozent Genauigkeit zu bestimmen. Für einen 10%igen Fehler soll der Winkelπ/18 rad (10°) nicht übersteigen.

22. The spectra, radiance, and irradiance of six light sources with different associated fibre optics (20 G, 23 G, standard collimated, wide-angle diffuse) were measured and compared with thresholds published by international standardisation committees.

Bei 6 handelsüblichen Lichtquellen mit Lichtsonden (20 G, 23 G, Eng- und Weitwinkel) wurden die Lichtspektren, Strahlungsleistung sowie Bestrahlungsstärken in verschiedenen Arbeitsabständen ermittelt und mit den Richtwerten verschiedener Normen verglichen.

23. Input parameters for the program are astronomical factors, spectral values of extraterrestrial irradiance and of atmospheric absorption coefficients, and the surface albedo. The input parameters for aerosol extinction and the precipitable water of the atmosphere can be taken from actinometric measurements.

Eingabegrößen für die Berechnungen sind astronomische Faktoren, spektrale Werte der extraterrestrischen Sonnenstrahlung und der atmosphärischen Absorptionskoeffizienten, weiters die Bodenalbedo und aktinometrisch bestimmte Parameter der Dunstextinktion und des atmosphärischen Wasserdampfgehaltes.

24. Responses of abaxial, adaxial, and total leaf conductance to incident photosynthetic photon flux density, solar irradiance, and changing leaf water potential, as well as diurnal and seasonal patterns of stomatal conductances, were examined under field conditions for six Populus clones.

25. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A pyranometer is a type of Actinometer used for measuring solar irradiance on a planar surface and it is designed to measure the solar radiation flux density (W/m 2) from the hemisphere above within a wavelength range 0.3 μm to 3 μm.

26. ‘The same Collimator was used for both the BMIPP and the [sup.99m] Tc-MIBI studies.’ ‘In all cases the treatment light was delivered from a 690 nm diode laser system through a fiber optic Collimator to a 1 cm 2 spot on the tumor tissue, for a total surface irradiance of 200 mW / cm 2.’

27. ‘The same Collimator was used for both the BMIPP and the [sup.99m] Tc-MIBI studies.’ ‘In all cases the treatment light was delivered from a 690 nm diode laser system through a fiber optic Collimator to a 1 cm 2 spot on the tumor tissue, for a total surface irradiance of 200 mW / cm 2.’