Nghĩa của từ right to vote bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
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Đặt câu có từ "right to vote"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "right to vote", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ right to vote, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ right to vote trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Tom has the right to vote.

Tom có quyền bầu cử.

2. And that gave women the right to vote.

Và mang lại cho phụ nữ quyền được bầu cử.

3. Contrariwise, not all members have the right to vote

4. The right to vote is a base civil right.

5. 5 Associate members do not have the right to vote.

6. After Championing Greener Building Codes, Local Governments Lose Right To Vote

7. 18 Many blacks were denied the right to vote through chicanery.

8. 17 He is willing to part with his right to vote.

9. Every citizen over the age of 19 has the right to vote.

Mọi công dân trên 19 tuổi có quyền bỏ phiếu.

10. And the law can ensure that you have the right to vote.

Và luật pháp đảm bảo cho các bạn quyền đi bầu.

11. In 1888, Tubman became more active in the fight for women’s right to vote.

Năm 1888, Tubman tham gia năng nổ hơn vào cuộc đấu tranh vì quyền bầu cử của phụ nữ.

12. The African-Americans used to fight tooth and nail for the right to vote.

13. Women didn’t win the right to vote until Wells was in her late 50s.

Phụ nữ không giành được quyền bầu cử cho tới khi Wells 50 tuổi.

14. In 1893, the British colony of New Zealand granted women the right to vote.

Năm 1893, thuộc địa New Zealand của Anh đã trao cho phụ nữ quyền bầu cử.

15. Aboriginal Australians were only granted the right to vote in national elections in 1962

16. We, as Americans, decided that of course women should have the right to vote.

Chúng ta, những người Hoa Kỳ, đã quyết định rằng hẳn nhiên phụ nữ phải có quyền bầu cử.

17. They're protesting about the right to vote and the way they're treated in your state.

Ho đang kháng nghị về quyền bầu cử và cách họ bị đối xử ở bang của ông.

18. Women demanded that they be given the right to vote and to hold public office.

Phụ nữ yêu cầu họ được quyền bầu cử và giữ chức vụ công.

19. Active officers, NCO's and soldiers in the army did not have the right to vote.

Nhân viên tích cực,NCO và binh sĩ trong quân đội không có quyền bỏ phiếu.

20. The last Latin American country to give women the right to vote was Paraguay in 1961.

Quốc gia Mỹ Latinh cuối cùng trao cho phụ nữ quyền bầu cử là Paraguay vào năm 1961.

21. Seventy - two years later nineteenth amendment to the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote.

22. Near the end of the war, Canada, Russia, Germany, and Poland also recognized women's right to vote.

Gần cuối cuộc chiến, Canada, Nga, Đức và Ba Lan cũng công nhận quyền bầu cử của phụ nữ.

23. The Management Board shall act by a two-thirds majority of all members with the right to vote.

24. 21 He did a good job of it, too, through intimidation and challenges to people's right to vote.

25. Chairing a Hearing on the Right to Vote during the Pandemic On Wednesday, as Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, I presided at a hearing on the right to vote during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

26. Right to vote shall not be abridged or denied... on account of race or color or condition of previous servitude

27. Born in 1920 in Paris, Benoite Groult obtained the right to vote only when she was twenty-five years old

28. Such states as had complied and given the negro the right to vote were under "Carpetbag" rule.A School History of the United States

29. Each executor/executrix of an Estate account has to become a member and each has the right to vote on issues concerning Desjardins Credit Union.

30. In the United States, the Fifteenth Amendment, ratified in # prohibits denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race, colour or previous condition of servitude

31. In the United States, the Fifteenth Amendment, ratified in 1870, prohibits denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race, colour or previous condition of servitude.

32. VIRGINIA: Blackface Northam Calls for Backup, Allows 69,000 Felons to Vote Ahead of Governor Race Ralph Northam is giving 69,000 felons the right to vote as the gubernatorial election looms

33. 3 Suffragist groups existed all over the country and under many different names but their aim was the same: to achieve the right to vote for women through constitutional, peaceful means.

34. Two absentee residents (not coincidentally attending Osgoode Hall Law School) sought an order that their constitutional right to vote was infringed because the provincial Election Act failed to provide for absentee ballots.

35. The Committee is concerned that, according to article 11 of the Electoral Code, voters who live in another State have the right to vote only in the territory of the Republic of Albania.

36. Recent Examples on the Web At New Britain Museum of American Art, 2020 was set to be the year of the woman, to mark the Centennial of women getting the right to vote

37. 13 When the first poll was taken, the Reconstruction era that followed the Civil War was regarded as a time of corruption and misgovernment caused by granting black men the right to vote.

38. Washington Closes Season After Elk Hunt Turns Ugly Just because people have the right to vote, unfortunately, does not mean they will exercise this great privilege in a manner Condusive to welfare of the their

39. By the early twentieth century, new leaders, including Carrie Chapman Catt and Anna Howard Shaw, emerged and suffragists devised innovative tactics in the struggle for the right to vote, including suffrage parades and open-air meetings

40. DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, Voting Section, brings lawsuits against states, counties, cities, and other jurisdictions to remedy denials and abridgements of the right to vote, and also defends lawsuits brought against the Attorney General under the Act.

41. These actions were the culmination of a long struggle that began in 1913 and ended in 1949, when President Gabriel González Videla signed the law that granted the right to vote in all elections to women in Chile.

Những hành động này là đỉnh cao của một cuộc đấu tranh kéo dài bắt đầu vào năm 1913 và kết thúc vào năm 1949, khi Tổng thống Gabriel González Videla ký luật đã trao quyền bỏ phiếu trong tất cả các cuộc bầu cử cho phụ nữ ở Chile.

42. The last of the post-Civil War era Amendments, the Fifteenth Amendment provides that the right to vote “shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, colour, or previous condition of servitude”

43. A CRASHED VOTER REGISTRATION WEBSITE IS FLORIDIANS’ LATEST OBSTACLE TO THE RIGHT TO VOTE SARA MORRISON OCTOBER 9, 2020 VOX Because, like Eliot Spitzer, if Falwell had not been outed, you can bet he’d be Castigating people publicly for that which he enjoyed privately.

44. Women won the right to vote in 1920, the right to serve alongside men in the military in 1948, and the right to equal pay in 1963—and the past 50 years have been just as influential when it comes to Achievements made by women

45. African American women, though often overlooked in the history of woman suffrage, engaged in significant reform efforts and political activism leading to and following the ratification in 1920 of the Nineteenth Amendment, which barred states from denying American women the right to vote on the basis of their sex.

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47. The International Bureau shall communicate the said decisions to the members of the Assembly which are States, have the right to vote on the said matter and were not represented and shall invite them to express in writing their vote or abstention within a period of three months from the date of the communication.