Nghĩa của từ right-bank bằng Tiếng Việt

* danh từ
- hữa ngạn (bờ sông bên phải của một người nhìn xuống hạ lưu)

Đặt câu có từ "right-bank"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "right-bank", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ right-bank, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ right-bank trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. She had moored her barge on the right bank of the river.

2. And 1947 was a legendary vintage, especially in the right bank of Bordeaux.

Và 1947 thực sự là một loại vang huyền thoại, đặc biệt là ở hữu ngạn Bordeaux.

3. The hillside route: blaye & Bourg Come to the right bank of the Gironde estuary

4. It is located right bank of the Tiber River to the surrounding walls for borders.

5. It is situated on the right bank of the Danube, 16 km south of Deggendorf.

Đô thị này tọa lạc bên hữu ngạn sông Danube, 16 km về phía nam Deggendorf.

6. With this caveat, he endorsed the Fifth Army proposal for resuming the offensive on the Right Bank.

7. The sweeping big Boulevards on the Right Bank of the Seine take your breath way at first sight

8. It is situated on the right bank of the Rhine, near Remagen, about 20 km southeast of Bonn.

Unkel nằm bên hữu ngạn sông Rhine, gần Remagen, cự ly khoảng 20 km về phía đông nam của Bonn.

9. The district office was moved to the right bank of the Nan River at Ban Yan Khat around 1950.

Trụ sở huyện đã được dời đến hữu ngạn sông Nan tại Ban Yan Khat khoảng năm 1950.

10. In June 1480, Akhmat seized the occasion and sent out scouting parties to re-Connoiter the right bank of the Oka River

11. The town, built mainly of a reddish brick, stands on the right bank of the Tarn at its confluence with the Tescou.

Thành phố được xây dựng chủ yếu là gạch đỏ, tọa lạc bên hữu ngạn của sông Tarn ở hợp lưu của nó với Tescou.

12. 2nd Arrondissement is located near the city center, on the right bank of the Seine, not far from the Louvre and Tuileries gardens.

13. The right bank of the Tiber was occupied by the Etruscan city of Veii, and the other borders were occupied by Italic tribes.

Hữu ngạn của sông Tiber đã bị chiếm đóng bởi thành phố Etruscan của Veii, và các biên giới khác đã bị chiếm đóng bởi các bộ lạc Italic.

14. The number of streams joining the Brahmaputra on its right-bank is greater than that of those joining it on the left-bank

15. In Autogiro Privat, the payer number is used to identify the payer’s payer and to link the payer to the right bank account number

16. Until de mid 18 th century, the Boulevards constituted a previliged place for walks on the right bank, delimiting Paris and the country side

17. Bourg is a village located on the right bank of the Dordogne, in the heart of the wine appellation of Côtes de Bourg

18. Jelgava is situated on a fertile plain rising only 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) above mean sea level on the right bank of the river Lielupe.

Jelgava nằm trên một đồng bằng màu mỡ tăng chỉ có cao độ 3,5 m (11,48 ft) trên mực nước biển bên hữu ngạn của sông Lielupe.

19. The historic center of Yaroslavl lies to the north of the mouth of the Kotorosl River on the right bank of the larger Volga River.

Trung tâm lịch sử của Yaroslavl nằm ở phía bắc cửa sông Kotorosl trên hữu ngạn của sông Volga lớn hơn.

20. Brest, formerly Brest-Litovsk, Polish Brześć, city and administrative centre of Brest oblast (region), southwestern Belarus, on the right bank of the western Bug River

21. Kungur Ice Cave is a karst cave located in the Urals, near the town Kungur in Perm Krai, Russia, on the right bank of the Sylva River.

Hang động băng Kungur là một hang động đá vôi ở Ural, gần thị xã Kungur trấn ở Perm Krai, Nga, bên hữu ngạn của sông Sylva.

22. He added that the government Allocated Rs 27.866 billion for 61 major ongoing projects including Raising of Mangla Dam, Mirani Dam, Sabkzai Dam Project, Satpara Multipurpose Dam, Gomal Zam Dam, Greater Thal Canal (Phase-1), Rainee canal (Phase-1), Lower Right Bank Irrigation & Drainage Sindh, Extension of Right Bank Outfall Drain, Lining of Irrigation Channels in Punjab, Restoration of …

23. After the split of Ukraine along the Dnieper River by the Polish-Russian Treaty of Andrusovo in 1667, Ukrainian Cossacks were known as Left-bank and Right-bank Cossacks.

Sau khi chia cắt UKraina dọc theo sông Dnepr bởi Hiệp ước Andrusovo năm 1667 giữa Ba Lan và Nga thì người Cozak Ukraina được biết đến như là người Cozak tả ngạn và người Cozak hữu ngạn.

24. Since Mostar was on the trade route between the Adriatic and the mineral-rich regions of central Bosnia, the settlement began to spread to the right bank of the river.

Do Mostar tọa lạc trên các tuyến đường thương mại giữa Adriatic và các khu vực khoáng sản phong phú của miền trung Bosnia, khu định cư bắt đầu lan ranh đến hữu ngạn của dòng sông.

25. Antwerp - Antwerp - History: The site of Antwerp was probably already inhabited, as excavations on the right bank of the Schelde have proved, in Gallo-Roman times, in the 2nd and 3rd centuries ce

26. 7 The results of the studies on the blasting excavation sequence and excavation options for the main carven system on the right bank of Three Gorges can be taken for reference by relevant units.

27. 16 The results of the studies on the blasting excavation sequence and excavation options for the main carven system on the right bank of Three Gorges can be taken for reference by relevant u...

28. Biysk, also spelled Bijsk, or Biisk, city, Altay kray (region), central Russia.The city is situated on the right bank of the Biya River, just above the latter’s confluence with the Katun, which then forms the Ob

29. The fortification on the rocky cliff on the right bank of the river Vltava, with its two towers of St Peter and Paul's Church, which dominates the southern part of historical Prague, dates back to ancient times.

30. The 2nd Army was given orders to hold the Austro-Hungarians down for as long as possible and, if its position became untenable, retreat towards the right bank of the Dobrava River and position itself so as to block the approach to Valjevo.

Tập đoàn quân số 2 được lệnh cầm chân quân Áo-Hung càng lâu càng tốt và khi tình thế trở nên xấu đi sẽ rút về bờ hữu sông Dobrava để giữ con đường đến Valjevo.

31. Lonely Planet Writer 17 June 2019 The city of Paris is a mosaic of densely populated neighbourhoods, known as Arrondissements, which spiral clockwise like a snail shell from the Left Bank (south) and Right Bank (north) of the River Seine right up …

32. Ancient archaeological finds discovered in Nakhchivan ISLAMABAD -- Buddhist Archeological site of Bhamala is considered a significant Archeological discovery of Ghandhara civilization; however, the right bank of river Haro, adjacent to the heritage site, is attracting more visitors than the Buddhist era stupas and statues.

33. Bremen - Bremen - History: The earliest settlement (called Breme or Bremum) on the right bank of the river was favoured by an advantageous position at the junction of important early trading routes from the Rhine River to the Elbe and from the North Sea to southern Germany

34. Anciently the country on both sides of the Euphrates was habitable as far as the river Khabur; at the present time it is all desert from Birejik downward, the camping ground of Bedouin Arabs, the great tribe of Anazeh occupying esh-Sham, the right bank, and the Shammar the left bank, Mesopotamia of the Romans, now called elJezireh or the island.

35. Being in the Province of Manitoba and composed of all that parcel or tract of land containing by admeasurement one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, shown as Indian Reserve No. 21, Block B, upon a plan of survey of River Lots in the vicinity of Pas in the said Province, approved and confirmed at Ottawa, on the 4th day of February, A.D. 1914, by Edouard Deville, Surveyor General of Dominion Lands, and of record in the Department of the Interior, the northwestern limit of the said parcel or tract of land being the right bank of Saskatchewan River, as shown upon a plan showing surveys of part of The Pas Indian Reserve by W. A. Austin, Dominion Land Surveyor, in the year 1883, of record in the Department of the Interior under No. 3209.