Nghĩa của từ philistine bằng Tiếng Việt

@philistine /'filistain/
* danh từ
- Phi-li-xtin (kẻ địch thời xưa của người Do thái ở nam Pa-le-xtin)
-(đùa cợt) địch thủ
- người ít học; kẻ phàm phu tục tử; người tầm thường

Đặt câu có từ "philistine"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "philistine", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ philistine, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ philistine trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. He's a perfect philistine.

2. Humility zombie philistine.

Lũ xác sống phàm tục mù chữ.

3. Philistine giants killed (4-8)

Những tên Phi-li-tia khổng lồ bị giết (4-8)

4. Giant from Gath a Royal Philistine city.

5. Phenomenize, his philistine misfire Bedabbling ubique

6. And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.

7. Philistine army should have surrendered and not run away.

8. When it comes to art, the man's a philistine.

9. Birmingham is still declaimed as smoky, grimy, unpleasant and philistine.

10. I believe he seriously thinks me an awful Philistine.

11. IMAGINE this scene: Philistine troops face the army of Israel.

Hãy tưởng tượng cảnh này: quân Phi-li-tin giàn trận trước quân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

12. David lived in Philistine territory a year and four months.

13. Rejecting the cult of Bardolatry does not make you a philistine

14. Answer: Beelzebub is the Greek form of the name Baal-zebub, a pagan Philistine god worshiped in the ancient Philistine city of Ekron during the Old Testament times

15. David saw two men standing in front of the Philistine army.

16. The philistine attitude of the public results in the work being abandoned.

17. I wouldn't expect a philistine like you to understand my paintings.

18. Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman.

19. The philistine attitude of the public resulted in the work being abandoned.

20. With a thousand poorly equipped men, he overcame the armed Philistine garrison at Geba.

21. (Exodus 34:11-16) Yet, the Philistine woman was “just right” in Samson’s eyes.

(Xuất Ê-díp-tô Ký 34:11-16) Tuy nhiên, người nữ Phi-li-tin đó “đẹp mắt” Sam-sôn.

22. Turn back and go in peace ; do nothing to displease the Philistine rulers.

23. Contemporary stereotypes of the bourgeois a grasping philistine ought to therefore be nuanced.

24. 19 synonyms for Churl: barbarian, boor, chuff, Philistine, vulgarian, yahoo, boor, Goth, tike, tyke

25. This threw great fear into the Philistine army and resulted in a mighty rout.

26. The Philistine came forward morning and evening for forty days and took his stand.

27. But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succoured him, and smote the Philistine, and killed him.

28. For forty days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand.

29. David did as God commanded him , and they routed the Philistine army from Gibeon to Gezer.

30. But Abishai the son of Zeruiah helped him and struck down the Philistine and killed him.

31. Beelzebub was a Philistine god worshiped in the city of Ekron in the accounts of the Old Testament

32. When Saul and all Israel heard those words the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid.

33. Beelzebub is a name derived from a Philistine God of Ekron, formerly worshipped in the Philistine city of Ekron.This high ranking demon is one of the Princes of Hell who presides over the "Order of the Fly".

34. In the days of King Saul, the Israelites had to get their metal tools sharpened by Philistine smiths.

Vào thời Vua Sau-lơ, dân Y-sơ-ra-ên phải mướn thợ rèn người Phi-li-tin mài dụng cụ kim loại của họ.

35. The destruction layer evident throughout the tell may have occurred in the wake of the Philistine victory at Eben-Ezer.

Tầng lớp huỷ hoại rõ ràng trong khắp tell này có thể xảy ra sau chiến thắng của người Philistine tại Eben-Ezer.

36. 10 On one occasion, David sought refuge with Achish, king of the Philistine city of Gath, the home of Goliath.

10 Vào một dịp nọ, Đa-vít tìm nơi ẩn náu nên đã đến gặp A-kích, vua thành Gát thuộc Phi-li-tin, từng là nơi sinh sống của Gô-li-át.

37. She says she's a bit of a philistine and doesn't know much about rowing, but hopes to find out.

38. This strength which enabled him to do so much for his country against the Philistine overlords was not his own.

39. Four Philistine giants come to “fall by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.” —2 Samuel 21:22.

Bốn người Phi-li-tin khổng lồ “bị giết bởi tay Đa-vít và bởi tay các đầy-tớ người”.—2 Sa-mu-ên 21:22.

40. And an illegitimate son will actually seat himself in Ashdod, and I shall certainly cut off the pride of the Philistine.

41. When will there be an end to the philistine approach of the Government who apply a cornershop philosophy to the arts?

42. It is often written Ashtoreth, particularly in Bible references to Philistine idols. The name may have been derived from that of the Assyrian goddess Ishtar.

43. Uncivilized, wild, rough, gross, savage, primitive, rude, coarse, vulgar, barbarian, philistine, uneducated, brutish, unsophisticated, uncouth, uncultivated, unpolished, uncultured, unmannered He thought the poetry of Whitman Barbarous.

44. As the mighty Goliath and his shield bearer advance, ‘the Philistine calls down evil upon David by his gods.’ —1 Samuel 17:12-44.

45. 7 From Nob, David fled about 25 miles [40 km] west into Philistine territory and sought refuge with King Achish in Goliath’s hometown, Gath.

7 Từ Nóp, Đa-vít chạy thêm 40 kilômét về hướng tây và tìm đến ẩn náu nơi A-kích, vua thành Gát thuộc xứ Phi-li-tin, từng là nơi Gô-li-át sinh sống.

46. Jehovah delivered him “from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear” and from the hand of the Philistine giant Goliath.

Đức Giê-hô-va giải cứu ông “khỏi vấu sư-tử và khỏi cẳng gấu”, cùng khỏi tay người khổng lồ Phi-li-tin Gô-li-át.

47. The Israelites at Gilgal were greatly agitated by the Philistine army gathered at Michmash, which was “like the grains of sand that are upon the seashore for multitude.”

Dân Y-sơ-ra-ên tại Ghinh-ganh run sợ vì quân Phi-li-tin đóng trại tại Mích-ma “đông như cát trên bờ biển”.

48. BerberS, indigenous North African tribes who originally spoke dialects of the Berber language.Medieval Arab writers ascribed the ancestry of the Berbers to *Goliath the Philistine and maintained their Canaanite origin

49. Beelzebub, or Baalzebûb, the Philistine god of Accaron (Ekron), scarcely 25 miles west of Jerusalem, whose oracle King Ochozias (Ahaziah) attempted to consult in his last illness, IV (II) Kings, i, 2

50. Beelzebub, prince of devils, from Latin, from Greek Beelzeboub, from Hebrew Baʽal zĕbhūbh, a Philistine god, literally, lord of flies Learn More about Beelzebub Time Traveler for Beelzebub The first known use of Beelzebub was before the 12th century