Nghĩa của từ like hell bằng Tiếng Việt

@like hell
*thành ngữ hell

Đặt câu có từ "like hell"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "like hell", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ like hell, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ like hell trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Like hell it is.

Quỷ tha ma bắt.

2. It hurts like hell.

3. It hurt like hell.

4. Which should hurt like hell.

Phải đau điếng lên ấy.

5. My shoulder hurts like hell.

6. The first shock hurts like hell.

Cú sốc đầu tiên đau như trời giáng.

7. I hope it hurts like hell.

Tôi mong là đau đớn tột cùng.

8. My broken finger hurt like hell.

9. Like hell he paid! I did!

10. It rained like hell last week.

Tuần trước vừa mới mưa lớn

11. My new shoes hurt like hell.

12. It would hurt like hell, wouldn't it?

Nó đau đớn lắm phải không?

13. You fought like hell to get it.

Anh đã chiến đấu cực khổ vì nó.

14. He was incredulous. " Like hell he is!

15. I've been feeling like hell all week.

16. The prison was like hell on earth.

17. She worked like hell for her exams.

18. There's no ventilation, and it stinks like hell.

19. Maggie's eyes and back are aching like hell.

20. It sounds like hell over the long haul.

21. We worked like hell to finish the job.

22. When I start shooting, you run like hell.

Khi tôi bắt đầu nổ súng, cô chạy thục mạng và đừng nhìn lại.

23. He worked like hell to get the house built.

24. And a face full of glass hurts like hell.

Khi mặt cô bị găm đầy mảnh kính cảm giác rất đau.

25. We fought like hell for most of the time.

26. " If you see a leopard, boy, you better run like hell. "

" Nếu con nhìn thấy một con báo đen, thì hãy chạy bán sống bán chết đi. "

27. ♫ Better run like hell when you hit the ground ♫

♫tốt hơn hết là hãy chạy như bay khi bạn tiếp đất♫

28. But he made her laugh and worked like hell for peanuts.

29. No, but they saw him before that, running like hell from an alley.

30. I'm going to draw them away and hope like hell they take the bait.

Tôi sẽ dụ chúng ra khỏi đây và hy vọng chúng cắn câu.

31. In fact, one thing's for sure, in my experience, we love to laugh like hell.

Trên thực tế, một điều chắc chắn, với kinh nghiệm của tôi, chúng ta thích cười như điên

32. 8 A fan of neat, clean house while stuff piling like hell when losing you.

33. The advertising agency 's mantra is : " Early to bed , early to rise , work like hell , advertise . "

Danh ngôn của công ty quảng cáo là : " ngủ sớm , dậy sớm , làm hết sức mình , quảng cáo . "

34. I was able to breathe only with the utmost difficulty, and my arm hurt like hell.

35. My forehead hurt like hell and my body was bruised all over, but no bones were broken.

36. Spring sauntered north, but he had to run like hell to keep it as his traveling companion.

37. It hurt like hell but he was damned if he was going to let the gunman escape.

38. Must have fought like hell to find its niche within the forest, to distinguish itself within the pack.

39. That's why they pulled out in a panic and ran like hell to join forces with the Russians.

Nên vì thế họ vội vã thoát ly và hợp tác với chính phủ Nga.

40. Among snatches of conversation, both of us remember his referring to the underground as being rather like hell.

41. He looks like hell and sounds awful, but then, as he's the first to admit, he always did.

42. On the first day of every month, and whenever there's a full moon my stomach hurts like hell inexplicably

Cứ mùng một hôm rằm là con vô duyên vô cớ bụng đau như cắt.

43. I know he lost his legs first, and then his fingers-he died alone and it hurt like hell.

44. What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven. Chuck Palahniuk 

45. In that case I would peak earlier and higher and then feel like hell for the rest of the day.

46. In China indicated it was a brew of grapes, rice, honey, and hawthorn berry, a Bitter component which “tastes like hell

47. Our job is to punch a hole through the German front line here and then drive like hell up this road, linking up with each airborne division on the way up.