Nghĩa của từ get behind bằng Tiếng Việt

@get behind
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) ủng hộ, giúp đỡ

Đặt câu có từ "get behind"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "get behind", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ get behind, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ get behind trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. To get Behind prendre du retard → If we don't hurry up, we're going to get Behind.

2. Jesus countered: “Get behind me, Satan!

Chúa Giê-su đáp lại: “Hỡi Sa-tan, hãy lui ra đằng sau tôi!

3. I tried to get behind his words.

4. Christ firmly responded: “Get behind me, Satan!

Đấng Christ cương quyết đáp: “Ớ Sa-tan, hãy lui ra đằng sau ta!

5. Let's convince the board to get behind her.

Chúng ta cần phải thuyết phục ban lãnh đạo ủng hộ cô ta

6. And if you get behind, it a struggle.

7. Without newspaper, we would get behind the times.

8. But they don't have time get behind the notes.

9. I don't want to get behind with my work.

10. You can always catch up later if you get behind.

11. Find companies with missions and values that you can get behind.

12. Keep doing your homework so you don't get behind in school.

13. Once you get behind [ the spread of ] flu, you cannot catch up.

14. He turned his back on Peter and said: “Get behind me, Satan!

Ngài quay lại trách Phi-e-rơ: “Ớ Sa-tan, hãy lui ra đằng sau ta!

15. I hope finally we will work out our difference and get behind togetIT.

16. I have always tried to focus on human stories get behind the headlines.

17. The police are questioning some people to try and get behind the robbery.

18. If you get behind with the rent, you will be asked to leave.

19. Caste feeling will come in and shield and Circumvent and get behind the law

20. In the Store there was always something to get behind or under or wriggle through ....

21. Keep everything steady and make sure you're not letting your hands get behind your shoulders.

22. They show their immaturity as soon as they get behind the wheel of a sports car.

23. Obama urged Americans get behind the financial rescue plan during a campaign appearance in Reno, Nevada.

24. If you get behind in your car payments, the finance company may repossess it from you.

25. But Billy had taken the precaution to get behind a tree, andthe drop on his rival.

26. We always get behind schedule and end up working down to the wire on our publications.

27. Your life and the lives of others will be in your hands when you get behind the steering wheel.

Khi bạn cầm tay lái, sinh mạng của bạn và những người cùng đi nằm trong tay bạn.

28. Get behind me: According to the parallel account at Mt 16:23, Jesus adds: “You are a stumbling block to me.”

29. On another occasion, when Peter himself rebels against the prospect of the Cross, he is abruptly rebuked in words that, according to the nuance of the original text, could be an invitation to get "behind" Jesus again, after trying to reject the goal of the Cross: "Get behind me, Satan!

30. Get behind the wheel and experience the balance of design and performance that puts Corvette, and whoever is driving it, out in front

31. While most of Azealia Banks's Beefs seem pointless, this one we can get behind: The Harlem rapper lashed out at Italian designer Dolce & Gabbana …

32. Do a social media Cleanse This is the one Cleanse I can get behind! You’ve probably seen news reports that social media can heighten feelings of …

33. (1 Thessalonians 5:14) For Louise, quoted at the outset, five months elapsed before she could once again get behind the steering wheel of a car.

34. The Stade Velodrome is one of those arenas where the fans really get behind their team, but we're used to that and I'm sure we can cope.

35. But Jesus didn't consider the direction of frail men, like Peter, and " truning around [ His back to Peter] and seeing HIs disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying , Get behind Me, Satan!

36. Terrorism, extremism, and radicalization are a global scourge that must be fought and terrorist safe havens rooted out in every part of the world ... this is something we can all get behind.

Khủng bố, quá khích, và cực đoan là tai họa toàn cầu phải bị dẹp tan và nơi trú ẩn an toàn của bọn khủng bố phải bị diệt trừ tại mỗi nơi trên thế giới ... đây là điều tất cả chúng ta phải cùng nhau thực hiện.

37. The clogged streets and smoggy skies of Asia's cities make it hard to imagine any great drives in the region. But every time Karen Yu travels, she and her husband make time to get behind the wheel.