Nghĩa của từ aggiornamento bằng Tiếng Việt

* danh từ
- số nhiều aggiornamentos
- sự hiện đại hoá, sự hiện đại hoá công giáo

Đặt câu có từ "aggiornamento"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "aggiornamento", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ aggiornamento, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ aggiornamento trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Aggiornamento and the “Jesus People”

2. John XXIII used to define this transformation: "aggiornamento."

3. Parte superiore; Aggiornamento (Auro-3D) (solo per l’Europa) Appendice Panoramica

4. Firstly, it was the Aggiornamento followed by the Charismatic Renewal.

5. Then I had to spell " aggiornamento " to get to the next round.

6. But such ideas of aggiornamento (updating) were not shared by all the prelates in the Vatican.

7. Risk prevention and management: the need for "aggiornamento" from a sustainable development angle 1-1.

8. The initiator of the Council, the Servant of God John XXIII, specified this task with the word aggiornamento.

9. One was called aggiornamento (updating), and the other was the reuniting of all the so- called Christian churches.

10. The Roman Catholic Church underwent an aggiornamento, or updating, that opened the way for unprecedented heart-searchings among Catholics.

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12. That "aggiornamento," that renewal or "transformation," was dictated by deep knowledge of the nature of the Church and love for her salvific mission.

13. In 1975, it acquired its present function as a school for prison police (Scuola di Formazione e Aggiornamento della Polizia Penitenziaria).

14. The French Socialist Party never had its “aggiornamento” or “Bad Godesberg” (where the German SPD in 1959 renounced its last vestiges of Marxism).

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16. During his brief but intense pontificate, he began an aggiornamento that was able to impress on the Church a vast and meaningful renewal.

17. A number of Canadians (eg, Cardinal Léger, theologian Bernard LONERGAN and humanitarian Jean VANIER) emerged as leaders of the aggiornamento (modernization movement) in various spheres of activity.

18. (73) Projections included in the Adjusted Business Plan 2011-2013 (‘Aggiornamento Piano Industriale’), p. 8 and 19, approved by SACE BT's Board of Directors on 24 November 2011.

19. The deepest sense of the "aggiornamento" is strictly evangelical: it springs from the will to serve, following Christ, from the will to serve God in men, to serve man.

20. A dictionary defines aggiornamento as “the policy of updating or modernizing Roman Catholic doctrines and institutions, adopted as one of the goals of the Second Vatican Council 1962-1965.”

21. Pope John XXIII thus demonstrated what he expected of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65): to introduce fresh air into the Catholic Church, to bring about an aggiornamento, an updating.

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23. It involved the effort to understand more deeply, at a time of rapid changes, the nature of the Church and her relationship to the world, in order to provide a suitable "aggiornamento".

24. In persevering along the path of obedience, personal and communal wisdom matures, and thus it also becomes possible to adapt rules to the times. For true “aggiornamento” is the fruit of wisdom forged in docility and obedience.

25. May he also intercede that these Churches may not be imprisoned in the formulas of the past but be open to the healthy "aggiornamento" which he set forth with the policy of the wise harmony between "nova et vetera" (new and old).

26. Chiunque possegga una iPhone, iPod o iPad sa benissimo ad ogni aggiornamento di firmware da parte di Apple rinizia la corsa al tool e alla... Anyone who owns a iPhone, iPod or iPad knows every firmware update from Apple to run the reset of tools and ...

27. Let us remember him in prayer, and above all, let us seek to put into practice the precious legacy of the teachings he left us with his word, with his commitment of fidelity to tradition and of "aggiornamento", with his life, and with his holy death.

28. (73) Projections included in the Adjusted Business Plan 2011-2013 (‘Aggiornamento Piano Industriale’), p. 8 and 19, approved by SACE BT's Board of Directors on 24 November 2011. (See Annex 8 — Minutes of the meeting of SACE BT's Board of Directors, 24 November 2011, submitted on 30 March 2012).

29. It is time that the family undertake its "aggiornamento" in this area, so that with the indispensable cooperation of the school, the family may progressively take care to train consciences to come of their own accord to calm and objective judgments 1eading them to accept or reject the various programmes that are offered to them.

30. It can be said that, thanks to this critical and self-critical effort, we are already beginning to pass from the "negative" phase to a "positive" implementation of Vatican II, that is, to that authentic renewal or "aggiornamento" which was among the aims of the lovable Pontiff who courageously decided on it.

31. Mr Jean-Luc Dehaene, Vice-President of the European Convention and Mr Roger Briesch, President of the EESC aggiornamento is in the hands of the 25 governments of the future broad-based Union, it is however up to the EESC and to all its members by their daily action and their commitment to recall that the Committee fulfils a genuine need for participatory democracy at European level.

32. Renewal, that is, the acquisition by the Church of new strength in the enriching freshness of her sources, in order to be able to meet the new challenges of new times with the vigour and enthusiasm of a restored body and spirit: this renewal (or «aggiornamento»), which was one of the fundamental aims and, in a certain way, a characteristic note of the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, was also the first of the purposes that we fixed – for the Church and for each of the faithful – for the celebration of the Holy Year.

33. It submits that such a difference is, however, justified to the extent that teaching carried out abroad would be on the basis of texts, programmes and content different from that in Italy and would not therefore be ‘specific’ as required by Italian law and giving the right, in accordance with Ministerial Decree No 123 regulating the norms for the application of methods adopted to fill and bring up to date the permanent lists provided for in Articles 1, 2, 6 and 11(9) of Law No 124 of 3 May 1999 (Decreto Ministeriale n°123, relativo al ‘regolamento recante le norme sulle modalità di integrazione e aggiornamento delle graduatorie permanenti previste dagli articoli 1, 2, 6 e 11, comma 9, della legge 3 maggio 1999, n° 124’) of 27 March 2000 (GURI No 113 of 17 May 2000, hereinafter ‘Ministerial Decree No 123/2000’), to the award of additional points in the recruitment procedure.