Nghĩa của từ aggradation bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
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@Lĩnh vực: cơ khí & công trình
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Đặt câu có từ "aggradation"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "aggradation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ aggradation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ aggradation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Subsequent aggradation of T-1 sediment and then degradation of about 3–4 m were followed by aggradation of T-2 alluvium.

2. We define two end-members for depositional surfaces: aggradation and progradation.

3. The ice grew beneath a frozen diamicton during the downward aggradation of permafrost.

4. However, on account of strong aggradation the harbour could not be held.

5. In 1938, the pier was last moved further north due to proceeding aggradation.

6. Permafrost aggradation commenced in the lake bottom during the first winter following drainage.

7. This paper dwells the concepts of retrogressive aggradation and the datum of erosion.

8. Usually bare substrate with no vegetation cover due to effects of active erosion or aggradation.

9. The simple association of degradation and aggradation of beaches with wave type needs some modification.

10. Aggradation and eventual shoaling of the reef complex occurred over an additional six sea-level cycles.

11. From 1987 to 1990, observations and logged data clearly show aggradation and cooling of the permafrost.

12. For instance, the aggradation angle, which until now has generally been disregarded, is actually crucial.

13. Erosion continues along the Mackenzie River above The Ramparts but some aggradation occurs below it.

14. Predicting rates of channel aggradation over a decadal timescale is difficult and open to very high uncertainties.

15. Where aggradation occurs, the nature of the morphological response depends on the character of the alluvial deposits.

16. Scan-image analysis allowed the interpretation of the ice lenses and soil cryostructures resulting from permafrost aggradation.

17. Closely spaced deposition of a number of these sediment lobes results in aggradation of composite sediment sheets.

18. The aggradation phase lasts until about 70 years, after which time aspen is replaced by northern hardwoods.

19. Further downstream, where tributaries add more material to the river, aggradation may be more common than degradation.

20. The specific site of growth is usually in a small residual pond where permafrost aggradation is retarded.

21. Base-level (Lake Ontario) rise directly controlled aggradation between 6500 and 1800 years ago, after which time base level no longer directly controlled aggradation because levees had emerged alongside the channel and reduced the supply of sediment to the floodplain.

22. Cold, continental environments characterized by rapid sedimentation and permafrost aggradation appear most conducive for formation of syngenetic fissures.

23. Should Porcupine River return to an aggrading habit what are the potential channel aggradation effects to the proposed bridge crossing?

24. The terraces were formed in glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments by the Fraser River: degradation alternated with episodes of stability and aggradation.

25. Uplift of the coastal mountains caused the longitudinal depression to infil with sediment until aggradation virtually ceased in the Middle Miocene.

26. Just put it every two months a tablet into the tank and it remains free of chalk, aggradation, and backlocks.

27. The lower terraces, two paired surfaces, and associated fluvial sediments provide evidence for at least two cycles of aggradation and downcutting.

28. d) Prepare guidance on methodologies for the possible inclusion of activities of degradation and/or aggradation under Article # of the Kyoto Protocol

29. In August 1978, a large tundra lake was drained to study the aggradation of permafrost into newly exposed lake-bottom sediments.

30. If a bed is uplifted which is more resistant than the rate of incision, aggradation will occur in an upstream section of the river.

31. The Wood Mountain Formation represents an initial episode of erosion followed by low-accommodation deposition, where the net aggradation rate was likely low.

32. c) Prepare guidance on methodologies for the possible inclusion of activities of degradation and/or aggradation under Article # of the Kyoto Protocol

33. The ages exhibit the expected sedation from youngest to oldest and are consistent with historical evidence coupled with an assumed constant sediment aggradation rate.

34. The subhorizontal depositional surfaces that dominate during times of aggradation provide a well defined reference frame for regional analysis of decompacted stratigraphies and related subsidence.

35. Studies of the gravels show them to represent a period of rapid aggradation by a braided river, subsequent to the drainage of glacial Lake Calgary.

36. Depending on the nature of the river bed, strong movements of sediment could lead to ements to aggradation, thus covering the chain with gravel and stones.

37. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary interval is also marked by enhanced aggradation and degradation inParacosta species, possibly resulting from lowered oxygen and/or enhanced food levels.

38. Towards the south, Neogene planation has eroded the Paleogene pediplain, although major pediplanation and aggradation had everywhere ceased by the Upper Miocene when canyon formation commenced.

39. NovaGold will monitor changes to the channel bed at the Porcupine River crossing and if there is evidence of aggradation will asses its impact on the bridge crossing.

40. If water moves under hydrostatic pressure resulting from local permafrost aggradation, then the pingo is a hydrostatic-system pingo (eg, closed-system pingos of the Mackenzie Delta and Banks Island).

41. The debris flow was followed by three days of almost continuous hyperconcentrated flow surges, which caused significant fluvial aggradation in the Meager Creek flood plain below the Capricorn Creek confluence.

42. Radiocarbon-dated alluvial terrace sequences in Alberta show generally comparable trends of rapid early creek incision followed by partially overlapping episodes of net aggradation and degradation from basin to basin.

43. The effect of the new groyne shapes was higher than expected before construction and led—in some parts—to a reversal in trend, resulting in an aggradation process necessitating an optimisation of the measure.

44. Transported sediment stored in the floodplain and along valley margins resulted in aggradation of up to 0.75 m, except in restricted reaches where limited sediment supply and increased stream power caused degradation of up to 3 m.

45. (noun) below St Paul), a picturesque expansion of the river across its flood-plain, is due to the aggradation of the valley floor where the Chippewa river, coming from the north-east, brought an overload of fluvio-glacial drift.

46. Regulation in the second half of the 19th century changed its morphology fundamentally—initially through upstream regulation and the consequent bedload deposit resulting in heavy aggradation—and subsequently left the bed elevation and water level almost the same until around the 1940s.

47. The depositional architecture and the geometric relationships between platform-slope deposits and basinal sediments along with paleontological evidence indicate the time interval of the younger Anisian Reitziites reitzi ammonoid zone to largely represent the main stage of platform aggradation at the Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon carbonate platforms.

48. Water levels at low flow conditions were slightly increased by means of the measures (also based on the aggradation within the area), having positive ecological effects for the National Park Donauauen. At the same time high water levels were slightly decreased, improving the situation during floods.

49. Published and new U-Pb age data of zircons from volcaniclastic layers bracketing the stratigraphic interval of platform growth constrain the duration of platform evolution to a time span shorter than 1.8±0.7m.y., probably in the order of 0.5-1m.y., reflecting fast rates of vertical platform aggradation exceeding 500 m/m.y.