Nghĩa của từ theism bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "theism"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "theism", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ theism, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ theism trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Antitheism Meaning: "opposition to theism; opposition to belief in God or gods," 1788; see anti- + theism

2. Antitheism is active opposition to theism

3. The usual theism is more insipid.

4. Theism generally comes packaged in a religion.

5. Theism Roman Berryings, Buy Xanax Nyc formulating nowise

6. Theism Strong Atheism is a logically flawed position

7. He then only argues that theism is superfluous.

8. Negative atheism includes all other forms of non-theism.

Còn chủ nghĩa vô thần yếu bao hàm tất cả các hình thức khác của thuyết phi thần (non-theism).

9. VOICE : How can theism be presented most effectively in modern thought?

10. The Ontological Argument attempts to give a deductive argument for theism.

11. The word Atheism comprises the word theism with the prefix ‘a’

12. (Antitheism & theism)/(Antitheism & atheism)/(Antitheism & agnosticism) are all consistent i.e

13. Atheism is that system of thought which is formally opposed to theism

14. I have tried to make general observations about the structure of theism.

15. Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.

16. Analysis of the FQP leads to a clear understanding of the relation between theism and science.

17. In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.

18. The theism and the antitheism seems united here, it is not an easy thing.

19. It is one of the strongest arguments for theism that it can do that.

20. The level at which theism provides an explanation is the very general level of metaphysics.

21. The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism.

22. The difference between theism and atheism should not lead to antagonism between theists and atheists.

23. And now agnosticism is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism.

24. It should be obvious, however, that he is here simply missing the point of theism.


26. As a result, despite its enduring importance, the ontological argument has brought few people to theism.

27. Within nontheism, post-theism can be contrasted with Antitheism.The term appears in Christian liberal theology and Postchristianity.

28. Does this not constitute a radically different form of theism from that practised by the Near Eastern religions?

29. 25 In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.

30. Shortly before his death Carlile had abandoned atheism for what Berman calls a confused form of mystical theism.

31. Atheism (or non-theism) is the belief that gods do not exist, or a complete rejection of Theism or any belief in a personal god or gods (the latter also known as Antitheism).It can cover a range of both religious and nonreligious attitudes

32. THE BASIS OF EARLY CHRISTIAN THEISM LAWRENCE THOMAS COLE This interview is called pucca dheykha or the Confirmatory visit

33. Analogical Sentence Examples Beginning with the certainties of everyday experience, it reaches theism at last by means of an Analogical argument

34. All thinking people tend to agree more with atheism than theism, even though they may not be anti-religion. Dr T.P.Chia 

35. Xi) “Antitheism presupposes theism” is one of Van Til’s best lines, because it captures in a nutshell the genius of presuppositional apologetics.

36. Agnostic theism, agnostotheism or agnostitheism is the philosophical view that encompasses both theism and Agnosticism.An Agnostic theist believes in the existence of a God or gods, but regards the basis of this proposition as unknown or inherently unknowable.The Agnostic theist may also or alternatively be Agnostic regarding the properties of the God or gods that they believe in.

37. The reason for the nonexistence of a tradition of Antitheism seems therefore to be that it is merely emotionally, not that it is rationally, less inviting than theism.

38. It is the opposite of theism, which is the belief that at least one god exists.A person who rejects belief in gods is called an Atheist.Theism is the belief in one or more gods

39. The existential question about God asks whether God exists, but the Axiology of theism addresses the question of what value-impact, if any, God’s existence does (or would) have on our world and its inhabitants

40. Opposed to theology.; atheistic; In Search of the Foundations of Theism: "After all, nontrivial Atheological reasons, ranging from various problems of evil to naturalist theories according to which theistic belief is illusory or merely projective, are a

41. Christians are Cobelligerents with TERF against postmodern transgenderism Obviously those of us who are shaped by Judeo-Christian theism would be united in our view of the humanity and thus the human dignity of members of both the LGB and trans communities.

42. As Atheists, we simply deny the assumptions of theism; we declare that the God idea, in all its features, is unreasonable and unprovable; we add, more vitally, that the God idea is an interference with the interests of human happiness and progress.

43. An Antitheist is someone who actively opposes religion or even theism in general, which they make known in an egotistical, cynical, and overall self-righteous way. Ironically, a lot of them seem to enjoy berating and judging the same religious …

44. Can theology still operate in the void of post-theism? In attempting to answer this question Agnosis examines the concept of the void itself, tracing a history of nothingness from Augustine through Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to Bataille and Derrida, and dialoguing with Japan's Kyoto School

45. What is an Agnostic? An Agnostic is popularly defined as a person who holds to a middle ground between atheism and theism who also believes that the existence of God is a definite possibility but it is not within the realm of one’s knowledge

46. As such, it is usually distinguished from theism, which affirms the reality of the divine and often seeks to demonstrate its existence.Atheism is also distinguished from agnosticism, which leaves open the question whether there is a god or not, professing to find the questions unanswered or

47. Atheism is the position that runs logically counter to theism; in that sense, it can be said to be "antireligion." However, when religious believers speak of atheists being "antireligious" they usually mean that the atheists have some sort of antipathy or hatred towards theists.

48. • Some Arminians think that a denial of this doctrine is a rejection of basic Christian Theism, and that those who deny the doctrine cannot therefore be Arminian • The Society of Evangelical Arminians affirms the doctrine, and one cannot belong to the society unless one is in agreement with it

49. Atheism means “lack of a belief in gods” or “a belief that there is no god.” But, atheists are not necessarily anti-spiritual, anti-religion, or immoral; many atheists believe that Atheism can provide a better foundation for morality and a meaningful life than theism (belief in a god or gods)

50. Antitheism (sometimes anti-theism) is active opposition to theism.The term has had a range of applications; in secular contexts, it typically refers to direct opposition to organized religion or to the belief in any deity, while in a theistic context, it sometimes refers to opposition to a specific god or gods.