Nghĩa của từ nation-states bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
quốc gia độc lập

Đặt câu có từ "nation-states"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "nation-states", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ nation-states, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ nation-states trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Other nation states have different Counterintelligence practices

2. Very different than nation-states, which are abstractions.

Khác xa so với quốc gia, là một thứ trừu tượng.

3. The entire planet is covered by sovereign, independent nation- states.

Cả hành tinh được bao phủ bởi các quốc gia độc lập và có chủ quyền.

4. Its members are the thirty-five independent nation-states of the Americas.

Thành viên là 35 quốc gia độc lập ở Mỹ châu.

5. Under the industrial mode of life, humans subjugated in vast quarrelsome patriarchal nation - states.

6. These events and nationalist forces can lead to the creation or disintegration of nation states.

Những sự kiện và các lực lượng dân tộc có thể dẫn đến việc kiến tạo hoặc tan rã của các quốc gia dân tộc.

7. Moreover, nation-states belong to the community of nations, whether the United Nations or trading blocs.

8. Capitalist globalisation is increasingly emptying the old nation states of their capacity for serious political intervention.

9. Botnets act as a force multiplier for individual attackers, cyber-criminal groups and nation-states looking

10. Nation states, the industry, academia and civil society, all need to work towards a formal collaborative framework.

11. Note that this list primarily concerns land the United States of America acquired from other nation-states.

Chú ý là danh sách này chính yếu chỉ nói về các vùng đất mà Hoa Kỳ thu được từ các quốc gia dân tộc.

12. 9 Capitalist globalisation is increasingly emptying the old nation states of their capacity for serious political intervention.

13. Balkans - Balkans - Formation of nation-states: While the 18th century in the Balkans was dominated by the steady decline of Ottoman power, the outstanding feature of the 19th century was the creation of nation-states on what had been Ottoman territory

14. 9 This was not a recipe for success in a world full of egoistic and suspicious nation - states.

15. The fascists were nationalists, rooted in nation-states and devoted to the strengthening and aggrandizement of those states.

16. Making stuff is important, especially for nation-states wanting to boost employment, increase skills and reduce import dependence.

Sản xuất vật liệu là quan trọng, đặc biệt cho nhà nước tự chủ muốn cải thiện lao động, tăng cường kỹ năng và giảm phụ thuộc nhập khẩu.

17. For that reason, modern nation-states are free to unleash devastating reprisals against their captive nations who attempt liberation.

18. Therefore, Panchsheel can act as a catalyst to better coordinate the efforts of nation states and tackle transnational threats.

19. And so these are the people who want more global governance, they don't like nation states, they don't like borders.

Đây là những người mong muốn một chính phủ toàn cầu hơn, họ không thích các quốc gia độc lập, họ không thích biên giới.

20. The economy of Asia comprises more than 4.5 billion people (60% of the world population) living in 49 different nation states.

Kinh tế châu Á là nền kinh tế của hơn 4 tỉ người (chiếm 60% dân số thế giới) sống ở 48 quốc gia khác nhau.

21. Generally when self-governance of nation-states is discussed, it is called national sovereignty, which is an important concept in international law.

Nói chung, khi thảo luận về tự quản của các quốc gia, nó được gọi là chủ quyền quốc gia, một khái niệm quan trọng trong luật pháp quốc tế.

22. This can trim down ignorance and impoverishment by fixing dilemmas of illiteracy and unemployment that are staring several nation states in the face.

23. The Biological Weapons Convention was intended to stop Biowarfare, but some analysts believe nation states have further developed their capacity to conduct war in

24. Sophisticated Cyber actors and nation-states exploit vulnerabilities to steal information and money and are developing capabilities to disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services

25. The Russians are a proud, talented, and chauvinistic people who seek(and believe they deserve)to be considered the leading country in the world hierarchy of nation-states.

26. Anarchy, in political science and the study of international relations, the absence of any authority superior to nation-states and capable of arbitrating their disputes and enforcing international law.

27. The effective international coordination and sharing of information and activities of individual nation States logically require the active involvement of international organizations — first and foremost of the United Nations.

28. The effective international coordination and sharing of information and activities of individual nation States logically require the active involvement of international organizations- first and foremost of the United Nations

29. At the end of the First World War, the German and Austrian/Hapsburg empires fell apart, enabling a set of new nation-states to emerge.One of these new states was Czechoslovakia

30. Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention Policy (CTTP) supports the Department’s mission by countering terrorism and preventing a wide-array of threats to the Homeland to include hostile nation states and emerging threats.

31. * Our approach has been to seek a global legal regime that treats this problem in a unified and integrated manner by holding nation states accountable for their actions or inactions in support of terror.

32. Countering Gray-Zone Hybrid Threats 4 Abstract The gray zone is an operating environment in which aggressors use ambiguity and leverage non-attribution to achieve strategic objectives while limiting counter-actions by other nation states

33. This example, in particular, makes it clear that there are many areas in which nation-states alone are no longer able to look after the interests of their citizens, and only a common European approach will do.

34. At its most benign we see Balkanization in the rise of various pop-culture niches into which individuals self-select; at its most traumatic we see Balkanization in the dissolution of nation-states and the formation of mutually hostile groups (such as what occurred with

35. But with the gradual increase in the size and population of the political units and ultimately with the advent of modern Nation - States , it became impossible to arrange for the people to assemble at a place to discuss matters of the State and arrive at decisions smoothly .

36. The Absolutist monarchs had seen this power centralize and expand as they became rulers of modern nation-states, which had emerged from more medieval forms of government, where nobles, councils/parliaments, and the church had held powers and acted as checks, if not outright rivals, on the old-style monarch.

37. The Slave Trade Act 1807, officially An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom prohibiting the slave trade in the British Empire.Although it did not abolish the practice of slavery, it did encourage British action to press other nation states to abolish their own slave trades.

38. There is a sense among many Europeans, not just in the Netherlands, that they have been abandoned in a fast-changing world, that multi-national corporations are more powerful than nation-states, that the urban rich and highly educated do fine and ordinary folks in the provinces languish, while democratically elected politicians are not only powerless, but have abjectly surrendered to these larger forces that threaten the common man.