Nghĩa của từ mobilizing bằng Tiếng Việt

động từ
huy động, động viê

Đặt câu có từ "mobilizing"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "mobilizing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ mobilizing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ mobilizing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The CIA is mobilizing a strike team out of Pittsburgh.

CIA đang huy động một đội tấn công từ Pittsburgh.

2. Laurel, go to your father. Start mobilizing the police.

Laurel, đến gặp bố cô, huy động lực lượng cảnh sát.

3. You can also do the same for mobilizing diaspora giving.

Cũng có thể làm điều tương tự để huy động sự hỗ trợ của cộng đồng hải ngoại.

4. Mobilizing political will, particularly at the international level, will be absolutely critical

5. Mobilizing political will, particularly at the international level, will be absolutely critical.

6. ADP-ribosyl cyclase: an enzyme that Cyclizes NAD+ into a calcium-mobilizing metabolite Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) is a metabolite of NAD+ that is as active as inositol trisphosphate (IP3) in mobilizing intracellular Ca2+ in sea urchin eggs.

7. Next Steps “Costed implementation plans are crucial for determining the financing gap and mobilizing resources

8. When he hears we are mobilizing, he will return, weakened in numbers, and by pride.

Khi ông ta biết chúng ta đang động binh ông ta sẽ trở về với quân số bị tiêu hao, và cả lòng kiêu hãnh.

9. g) Where have public/private models for mobilizing investment in climate mitigation and adaptation been working?

10. In this regard, the pivotal role of efficient capital markets in mobilizing and allocating resources has been recognized

11. To assist in mobilizing and supporting new and additional financial resources from all sources for sustainable forest management;

12. This image -- a war machine opposing the abstract war machine of global capital -- developed a huge mobilizing impact.

13. She won because of her indefatigable energy and willpower, mobilizing women in state after state where the Amendment was contested.

14. The physiotherapist usually starts by mobilizing the shoulder girdle, moving it passively in all directions, to make it perfectly pliable.

15. - establishing machinery for coordinating and mobilizing all the administrations concerned, together with the bodies representing the beneficiaries and economic agents,

16. Philippe Le Billon describes a war economy as a "system of producing, mobilizing and allocating resources to sustain the violence."

17. By mobilizing a strong willpower for practice and training, some disabled persons have achieved more than they could ever have imagined.

18. Cooperatives’ agility Coops excel at gaining organizational alignment and mobilizing employees but can be slow in responding to emerging challenges and oppor-tunities

19. This chapter focuses on archdeacons and the creation of Archdeaconries, which offered a practical alternative means of mobilizing the collective energies of the Church

20. They are recruiting hackers both before and after they become involved in criminal and industrial espionage activities -- are mobilizing them on behalf of the state.

Họ chiêu mộ các hacker cả trước và sau khi họ trở nên có liên quan tới tội phạm và các hoạt động gián điệp công nghiệp, họ thay mặt nhà nước kêu gọi các hacker.

21. Trump is mobilizing his entire Administration to address drug addiction and opioid abuse by directing the declaration of a Nationwide Public Health Emergency to address the opioids crisis.

22. In 1951, she was in charge of mobilizing people to temporarily occupy rice, sugar and milk and move to the free area to serve Trần Hưng Đạo Campaign.

Năm 1951, bà làm nhiệm vụ vận động nhân dân vùng tạm chiếm chuẩn bị gạo, đường, sữa chuyển ra vùng tự do phục vụ Chiến dịch Trần Hưng Đạo, đánh đường 18.

23. Vote Brigading is the practice of mobilizing a campaign within an online community to promote or undermine a targeted page, user or belief en masse through the user-voting system

24. Occasionally, surfactants (detergents) are injected to alter the surface tension between the water and the oil in the reservoir, mobilizing oil which would otherwise remain in the reservoir as residual oil.

Đôi khi, chất hoạt động bề mặt (chất tẩy rửa) được bơm vào để làm thay đổi độ căng bề mặt giữa nước và dầu trong bể chứa, di chuyển lượng dầu mà nếu không sẽ vẫn còn lại trong bể chứa dầu.

25. However, the Bund seems to have had somewhat less success in mobilizing women in independent Poland between the two world wars than it had during the Tsarist era.

26. As noted in the book The Plug-in Drug, one woman states: “I have trouble mobilizing myself and dealing with real people after watching a few hours of television.

27. 3.4 Addressing the Global Challenges including climate change: ISRO and CNES would jointly address the global challenges like climate change through joint missions, advanced processing tools and also mobilizing expertise and resources from other space-faring nations.

28. Survivor Corps is one of the largest and fastest growing grassroots movements connecting, supporting, educating, motivating and mobilizing COVID-19 Survivors to support all medical, scientific and academic research, help stem the tide of this pandemic and assist in the national recovery.

29. In hypophysectomized rats substituted with corticosterone eserine was ineffective in mobilizing FFA but still caused an increase in blood pressure. On the other hand, blockade of pituitary secretion of ACTH by pretreatment with dexamethasone did not prevent the lipolytic response to eserine.

30. That entails providing assistance in establishing major agglomerations of States that are capable of mobilizing efforts to ensure prosperity based on economies of scale, as well as full inclusion of individuals and State bodies set up to bring an end to widespread poverty among entire groups of the population who have been plunged into extreme poverty by the distortions of the global economic system.