Nghĩa của từ mattered bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. chất, vật chất
2. đề, chủ đề, nội dung
3. vật, vật phẩm
4. việc, chuyện, điều, sự kiện, vấn đề
5. việc quan trọng, chuyện quan trọng
6. số ước lượng, khoảng độ (thời gian, không gian, số lượng...)
7. lý do, nguyên nhân, cớ, lẽ, cơ hội
8. (y học) mủ

nội động từ
1. có ý nghĩa, có tính chất quan trọng
2. (y học) mưng mủ, chảy mủ

Đặt câu có từ "mattered"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "mattered", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ mattered, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ mattered trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. It wouldn't have mattered anyway.

Thế cũng chả quan trọng gì.

2. But prominence mattered little to Daniel.

Nhưng danh vọng đối với Đa-ni-ên không thành vấn đề.

3. Nothing mattered except the profit motive.

4. What had mattered was the here and now.

5. Box-office success mattered more than artistic merit.

6. Sometimes it mattered more when it was actually timed.

7. The rule of thumb no longer mattered.

8. We haven't mattered since the day we were born.

Chúng ta không nghĩa lý gì kể từ ngày mới sinh ra.

9. The fact that I am a heterosexual woman never mattered.

10. I had to keep in with the people who mattered.

11. Financial plutocracy must give way to financial democracy – banking as if people mattered.

12. Lenny's career went into a tailspin when he decided personality mattered more than material.

13. I wondered why a little hardly detectable grit mattered if wallpaper was to cover it.

Tôi tự nghĩ tại sao một chút đá dăm khó thấy lại quan trọng như vậy nếu đã có giấy dán tường phủ lên rồi?

14. If you were buying one of these Airstreams new, these names would have mattered to you.

15. He drove her back to Greystones, still talking fluently of things that mattered not at all.

16. It was none of her business and it mattered to her not one iota.

17. What mattered, once they were committed to the huge exercise in architectural solipsism, was its completion.

18. While not all Alabamians lost to COVID-19 lived larger than life, their lives mattered to many

19. What mattered here was how contemporaries chose to describe the events that happened in 1688-

20. Limbs pliant, reason suspended, she lay in a universe where nothing mattered except that he should not stop.

21. Astronautics treats you as though you never mattered and your job can easily be covered by someone else

22. The House Brasserie evokes a bygone era, a time when service and hospitality mattered most in the dining experience

23. Most of the students felt that sincerity was an unassailable virtue: what mattered was to say what you felt.

24. The enthusiasm and militancy of 1919 no longer existed in the areas and industries where it had mattered most.

25. In Bezique there was no requirement to follow suit in this early part of the game; face value was all that mattered

26. (Ac 17:18, 19) Another school of philosophy was that of the Skeptics who held that, in effect, nothing really mattered in life.

27. For friends such as Hussa and Maha who had spent a lifetime with the family such formalities scarcely mattered any more.

28. It was the response to the third inquiry that really mattered—for this showed that the difference was, indeed, carried into the polling booth.

29. In an attempt to justify this, the New Catholic Encyclopedia states: “What mattered for purposes of government was the office, and not the personal character of the individual pope.

Để bào chữa cho điều này, cuốn “Tân Bách khoa Tự điển Công giáo” (New Catholic Encyclopedia) tuyên bố: “Điều quan trọng nhằm mục đích cai trị là chức vụ, chứ chẳng phải là bản tính cá nhân của từng giáo hoàng.

30. Phenomenal Corrugation “It’s all in the box” what mattered of many ages ago, but now “look at the box” exclusive enough to make one curious!! The Packaging platform has shown steady growth in the developing world

31. ‘The Comparatively lower salaries mattered less because doctors enjoyed autonomy and esteem.’ ‘The breaking stresses of stems are Comparatively easy to measure empirically.’ ‘It is Comparatively easy for anyone to develop a marketing plan showing forecasts and budgets.’

32. The Besht was particularly fond of a talmudic statement, "God desires the heart" (Sanhedrin 106b), which he interpreted as meaning that for God, a pure religious spirit mattered more than knowledge of the Talmud

33. But I think it was used not to aggrandise her but to tell people what mattered to her and say something about the values that she tried to live with at the end of her life.

34. ‘The Comparatively lower salaries mattered less because doctors enjoyed autonomy and esteem.’ ‘The breaking stresses of stems are Comparatively easy to measure empirically.’ ‘It is Comparatively easy for anyone to develop a marketing plan showing forecasts and budgets.’

35. Cottle shot a swift glance towards my mother; and before that incident could have been forgotten, Hasluck, when no one was looking, pinched her elbow, which would not have mattered had not the unexpectedness of it drawn from her an involuntary "Augh," upon which, for the reputation of the house, and the dinner being then towards its end; my mother deemed