Nghĩa của từ matures bằng Tiếng Việt

tính từ
1. chín, thành thục, trưởng thành; (về rượu hoặc pho mát) ngấu
2. cẩn thận, chín chắn, kỹ càng
3. (thương nghiệp) đến kỳ hạn phải thanh toán; mãn kỳ (hóa đơn)

ngoại động từ
làm cho chín, làm cho chín chắn, làm cho hoàn thiện (kế hoạch...)

nội động từ
1. chín, trở nên chín chắn, trưởng thành, hoàn thiện
2. mãn hạn, mãn kỳ, đến kỳ hạn phải thanh toán (hóa đơn)

Đặt câu có từ "matures"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "matures", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ matures, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ matures trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Above: Wine matures in these casks

2. The acorn ripens and the hickory nut matures.

3. The acorn ripens and hickory nut matures.

4. The action ripens and the hickory nut matures.

5. Contractures occur when the burn scar matures, thickens, and tightens

6. This variety is easy to grow and matures early.

7. Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.

8. And faith matures as we continue to feast upon the word.

Và đức tin chín muồi khi chúng ta tiếp tục nuôi dưỡng lời nói của Thượng Đế.

9. This resolve soon matures into a covenant of obedience to God.

Chẳng bao lâu, quyết tâm này phát triển thành một giao ước để vâng lời Thượng Đế.

10. Customer Acquisition Cost will typically increase as a business matures.

Chi phí sở hữu khách hàng thường sẽ tăng khi doanh nghiệp đáo hạn.

11. Excuse me , my CD ( Certificate of Deposit ) matures today. Can I renew the certificate?

12. 15 Never matures as a dimensional character; he is pasty , bland, faceless.

13. As the fruit matures after pit hardening, additional injury can appear.

14. You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.

15. When a Bond matures, the owner is paid the face value of the Bond

16. As our relationship matures, it will become less dramatic and more tranquil and predictable.

17. It forms a part of a man's life, more deeply ingrained as he matures.

18. While the length of time the whisky matures is important, the type of the Cask however is crutial

19. When pollen matures in the pollen sacs, the lobes of the Anthers burst open in the …

20. Acropetal (not comparable) That develops, matures or opens from the base towards the apex in sequence

21. The crop matures in three months, and the whole plant, including the roots, is harvested manually.

Quả của nó chín sau 3 tháng và toàn bộ cây, bao gồm cả rễ, được thu hái thủ công.

22. Once the Crabgrass weed matures it can become extremely difficult, or impossible, to kill with herbicides

23. As your reproductive system matures, your sexual organs will enlarge and hair will grow around them.

Khi hệ sinh sản của bạn phát triển, kích thước cơ quan sinh dục dần lớn hơn và lông sẽ mọc xung quanh.

24. As the cannabis plant matures, the Cotyledons will fall off and fan leaves will grow

25. Penstemon digitalis (Foxglove Beardtongue) matures to 3' in height and has white to pink flowers

26. 'Bullseye' typically matures to 4-5' tall and as wide over the first 10 years

27. A rowdy handful as a puppy, the Airedale Terrier matures into a dignified, self-assured, courageous adult

28. 23 As matures , the thymus gland disappears. Sweetbreads may be broiled, fried, braised, or cooked in liquid.

29. The Senior Add-on Facility matures in March 2013 and carries a coupon of EURIBOR + 325bps.

30. As the reproductive system matures, both boys and girls become aware of the opposite sex as never before.

Khi hệ sinh sản phát triển, cả nam và nữ đều bắt đầu chú ý nhiều hơn đến bạn khác phái.


32. You make money from the gradual appreciation of the bond, which can only be redeemed at face value when it matures.

33. When the investment matures, the dealer undertakes to sell his client’s holdings at the highest prices obtainable.

34. Basipetal — adjective That develops, matures or opens from the apex towards the base in sequence Ant: acropetal … Wiktionary

35. A: The New Zealand tea tree is a large evergreen shrub that matures to 8 or 10 feet in height.

36. The action ripens and the hickory nut matures. The plant commits its future to the seed and the root.

37. 13:23) After a wheat stalk sprouts and matures, the fruit it produces is not little wheat stalks, but new seed.

Sau khi cây lúa mì đâm chồi và lớn lên, nó sẽ sinh ra hạt giống mới chứ không phải những cây lúa mì con.

38. Now growth comes to annual fruition, and preparations are completed for another year, another generation. The action ripens and the hickory nut matures.

39. The revolver expires in July 2011, the unsecured term loan (USD84m Accreted value) matures in April 2012, while other debts (USD11m) mature through mid-2011

40. Chastity Bond: A bond that matures immediately upon the completion of a trigger event such as a takeover or a change in control of the issuer

41. Blueback is a deceptively simple allegory about a boy who matures through fortitude and who finds wisdom through living in harmony with all forms of life

42. Berberis thunbergii, commonly called Japanese barberry, is a spiny, broad-rounded, deciduous shrub with obovate green leaves. It typically matures to 5' tall and as wide

43. The main function of the Antheridium is to produce and store the male gametes also known as the sperms.These male gametes are released when it matures.

44. Excluding China, growth in the region is forecast to moderate from 5.4 percent in 2018 to 5.3 percent in 2019 as a cyclical economic recovery matures.

Không kể Trung Quốc, tăng trưởng trong khu vực sẽ giảm nhẹ từ 5,4% năm 2018 xuống 5,3% năm 2019 do phục hồi kinh tế theo chu kỳ đã vào giai đoạn chín.

45. Their spirits haven't been Bastardized and destroyed by the wants of adults and society at large that occurs at a later date as the child matures: 4.

46. Accreted value is a bonds current value, often calculated for balance sheet purposes, including the interest accrued even though that is usually not paid until the bond matures.

47. In such cases, the policyholder pays into the annuity and is usually the Annuitant once the annuity matures and it is time to receive the regular payments.

48. From the initial concept to scheduled maintenance as it matures, our comprehensive approach enAbles you, the customer, to relax and enjoy the process while we handle every aspect of the project

49. Because the Lena population of A. baerii completes its lifecycle in fresh water and sexually matures relatively early, it is the most common original broodstock for captive-bred specimens.

Bởi vì dân số Lena A. baerii hoàn thành vòng đời của nó trong nước ngọt và trưởng thành tính dục tương đối sớm, thường ban đầu nhất bố mẹ cho các mẫu cá đã thuần dưỡng.

50. Definition of Cheddar : a hard white, yellow, or orange smooth-textured cheese with a flavor that ranges from mild to strong as the cheese matures — called also Cheddar cheese Examples of Cheddar …