Nghĩa của từ indiscriminately bằng Tiếng Việt

Phó từ
bừa bãi, ẩu

Đặt câu có từ "indiscriminately"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "indiscriminately", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ indiscriminately, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ indiscriminately trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. It was used indiscriminately.

Nó bị sử dụng bừa bãi.

2. Don't honk the horn indiscriminately.

3. Casually: as in carelessly, indiscriminately

4. The men opened fire indiscriminately.

5. Jehovah does not destroy people indiscriminately.

Đức Giê-hô-va không hủy diệt người ta một cách bừa bãi.

6. I'm afraid this disease strikes indiscriminately.

7. Soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.

8. They fired indiscriminately into the crowd.

9. Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population.

10. One should not stick labels indiscriminately on others.

11. We should not use proverbs and allusions indiscriminately.

12. Capture strategic locations, rescue hostages and slaughter indiscriminately!

13. The eighteenth century mathematicians used series indiscriminately.

14. The soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.

15. He is accused of being indiscriminately optimistic and formless.

16. Any definition is - one or some indiscriminately of whatever kind:

17. She was nuzzling around, sucking everything in sight quite indiscriminately.

18. 15 synonyms for Blindly: thoughtlessly, carelessly, recklessly, indiscriminately, unreasonably

19. Indiscriminately using medicine might be avoided by early diagnosis.

20. For instance, Hitler speaks indiscriminately of the German Reich.

21. The police used their batons indiscriminately, bringing down anyone in their path.

22. Standard cancer drugs indiscriminately kill dividing cells, causing nausea, hair loss, even death.

23. TADPOLE, a term often, but wrongly, applied indiscriminately to all Batrachian larvae

24. The same argument applies to the example Gandhi cites of the madman who kills indiscriminately.

25. Trapping kills birds indiscriminately, thus internationally protected species of migratory birds are killed as well.

Việc bẫy giết chim một cách bừa bãi, do đó các loài chim di cư cũng bị giết chết.

26. 6 synonyms for Arbitrarily: at random, every which way, haphazardly, indiscriminately, randomly, willy-nilly

27. We do not want the child to rely on guidance for all instructions indiscriminately.

28. But these amino acids cannot be tied together just indiscriminately; they must be in the right sequence.

29. Synonyms for Arbitrarily include indiscriminately, aimlessly, blindly, randomly, unsystematically, at random, chaotically, erratically, haphazardly and injudiciously

30. Both factions were firing anti-aircraft guns and large-calibre machine guns indiscriminately at civilian housing.

31. Synonyms for Blindly include sightlessly, unseeingly, without sight, without vision, purBlindly, eyelessly, darkly, airily, indiscriminately and injudiciously

32. I've been writing about food more or less omnivorously -- one might say indiscriminately -- for about 30 years.

Tôi đang viết về thực phẩm, ít nhiều là linh tinh -- cũng có thể gọi là bừa bãi -- trong khoảng 30 năm.

33. What is more questionable, however, is whether it is possible to extend the direct response approach indiscriminately.

34. Scientists warned hunters not to kill other sharks indiscriminately, saying the creatures were crucial to the marine environment.

35. These pathways are crucial for self-tolerance, which prevents the immune system from attacking cells indiscriminately.

Những con đường này rất quan trọng để tự dung nạp (self-tolerance) hay dung nạp miễn dịch (immunological tolerance), ngăn cản hệ miễn dịch tấn công các tế bào bừa bãi.

36. Thoughtlessly, carelessly, recklessly, indiscriminately, unreasonably, impulsively, unthinkingly, senselessly, heedlessly, regardlessly Don't just Blindly follow what the banker says

37. Arbitrarily: 1 adv in a random manner Synonyms: at random , every which way , haphazardly , indiscriminately , randomly , willy-nilly

38. There have also been numerous reports of chemical weapons being used by Soviet forces in Afghanistan, often indiscriminately against civilians.

Cũng có rất nhiều báo cáo về vũ khí hóa học đã được các lực lượng Liên Xô sử dụng ở Afghanistan, thường là trong các vụ thảm sát dân thường..

39. But the initiative was rejected by the countries where tropical forests are being indiscriminately felled for quick cash profits.

40. According to HRW, Turkish border guards have been indiscriminately shooting at refugees attempting to flee the conflict zone into Turkey.

Theo Human Rights Watch (HRW), các lính biên phòng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đã bắn bừa bãi vào những người tị nạn tìm cách trốn khỏi vùng xung đột sang Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ.

41. 5 What is more questionable, however, is whether it is possible to extend the direct response approach indiscriminately.

42. Lost and abandoned fishing gear can also continue to fish indiscriminately, creating Bycatch and scouring habitats for long periods of time.

43. When a person indiscriminately runs words together, his hearers may catch some ideas and phrases but they have to guess at others.

Khi một người nói líu nhíu một cách tùy tiện, người nghe có thể hiểu một số ý tưởng và từ ngữ nhưng phải đoán nghĩa những ý tưởng và từ ngữ khác.

44. Albin says it was used indiscriminately as a panacea for ailments such as rheumatism, sprains, kidney disorders, and intestinal conditions.

45. The Italian reinforcements were ill-disciplined and without regular pay; they pillaged indiscriminately from both Muslims and Christians before setting out from Acre.

Những đội quân tiếp viện tới từ Ý vô kỷ luật đã thường xuyên viện cớ không có lương để đến cướp bóc bừa bãi cả người Hồi giáo và người Thiên chúa giáo trước khi tới được Acre.

46. And just as inhaling secondhand smoke is harmful, so absorbing hours and hours of TV programs indiscriminately selected has a damaging effect—especially on children.

Và giống như việc hít khói thuốc vào là có hại, hấp thu nhiều giờ các chương trình ti-vi chọn một cách bừa bãi cũng có tác hại—đặc biệt đối với trẻ em.

47. However, when dealing with Conflicting goals, we are not consistent in our choices, indiscriminately hopping between eating junk food and trying to have a healthy lifestyle

48. The Committee resolutely condemns any activities indiscriminately targeting civilians, either by the Israeli army or by Palestinian militias firing mortars and rockets at Israeli cities.

49. The Committee resolutely condemns any activities indiscriminately targeting civilians, either by the Israeli army or by Palestinian militias firing mortars and rockets at Israeli cities

50. I’ve Googled the usage of “Applicable to” and “Applicable for” and find that BOTH are used indiscriminately I would use only 'to' in these cases, quite discriminately.