Nghĩa của từ indiscretion bằng Tiếng Việt

Danh từ
1. hành động vô ý, hành động hớ hênh; lời nói vô ý, lời nói hớ hênh
2. như indiscreetness

Đặt câu có từ "indiscretion"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "indiscretion", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ indiscretion, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ indiscretion trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Janice: Indiscretion? How can an indiscretion last two months?

2. Berowne had seemed not to expect a reciprocal confidence, indiscretion traded for indiscretion.

3. It was an indiscretion, undoubtedly.

4. Casually at first, fishing for indiscretion.

5. We are not talking youthful indiscretion here.

6. He had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.

7. Approximant university-taught indiscretion mestlen marrowish Antipragmatist …

8. 20 synonyms for Carelessness: negligence, neglect, omission, indiscretion, inaccuracy

9. I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion.

10. He had the indiscretion to accept the money.

11. Occasionally they paid for their indiscretion with their lives.

12. He's well-known for his natural propensity for indiscretion.

13. She confessed that she had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.

14. 5 He's well-known for his natural propensity for indiscretion.

15. He talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion.

16. A story of indiscretion and retribution set in windswept Cornwall.

17. Your Majesty has indeed committed an indiscretion. " " I was mad -- insane. "

Bệ hạ đã thực sự cam kết một không suy nghi. " Tôi đã điên điên. "

18. Mr Wolfowitz apologised for his indiscretion only once during the meetings.

19. Trojans are now burning on the pyre because of one youthful indiscretion.

Người Troy đang bị thiêu trên giàn lửa chỉ vì hành động dại dột của tuổi trẻ.

20. He dismissed his past association with racist groups as a youthful indiscretion.

21. 16 He talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion.

22. Dodd says his involvement in the racist group was just youthful indiscretion.

23. I warned him against indiscretion in his conversation [ in choosing his friends ].

24. I instantly regretted my indiscretion and asked her to keep the news to herself.

25. Earl describes his past links with the racist group as a youthful indiscretion .

26. Antonyms for Advisability include imprudence, inAdvisability, inexpedience, inexpediency, injudiciousness, unwisdom, foolishness, unintelligence, indiscretion and

27. I instantly regret my indiscretion and beg him to keep the news to himself.

28. Mr Bush's indiscretion had become a vehicle for attacking the Democratic presidential nominee.

29. Jones was censured for indiscretion in leaking a secret report to the press.

30. The tutor, appalled by the indiscretion, reported him to GCHQ, and he was sacked.

31. Addicted is a sexy and provocative thriller about desire and the dangers of indiscretion

32. He had never forgiven her for reporting his indiscretion in front of her husband.

33. He had never forgiven her for reporting his indiscretion in front of his friends.

34. I told Sandy that not long ago in a moment of indiscretion and he said,

Tôi kể cho Sandy nghe lúc vô ý xảy ra cách đây không lâu và ông ấy nói,

35. 4 Isaiah is the outstanding prophet of that time, and he quickly discerns Hezekiah’s indiscretion.

4 Ê-sai là nhà tiên tri nổi tiếng thời bấy giờ, và ông thấy ngay sự hớ hênh của vua Ê-xê-chia.

36. They correctly argue that the club should not suffer for his indiscretion while at Chelsea.

37. The attendant, now well into his second bottle of vodka, decided to ignore Myeloski's indiscretion.


39. Like the audience, she assumes that Les’s indiscretion was of a homosexual nature, though he Bleatingly insists otherwise

40. But in 1749 he committed a greater indiscretion when he left Cambridge for London, to live on his wits.

41. Bumblingness - clownishness - indiscretion - lubberliness - philistinism - uglification - uncomeliness - ungainliness - unloveliness - unprettiness - unseemliness - unwieldiness 13 letter words DISFIGUREMENT - GRACELESSNESS - HAM-HANDEDNESS - INCORRECTNESS - MALADROITNESS - PONDEROUSNESS - SHAPELESSNESS - TASTELESSNESS - …

42. Boobishness - boorishness - doltishness - fatuousness - foolishness - loutishness - lumpishness - sottishness - stupid thing - witlessness 12 letter words blockishness - bootlessness - cloddishness - clownishness - eccentricity - indiscretion - mindlessness - sluggishness - triflingness 13 letter words

43. Just one indiscretion, such as an angry outburst, one act of the misuse of alcohol, or an incident involving unchaste sexual behavior, is enough to ruin the good reputation of a respected person.

Chỉ một hớ hênh nhỏ, chẳng hạn như nổi giận, một hành động lạm dụng rượu, hoặc hành vi không trong sạch về tính dục, cũng đủ làm mất đi danh thơm, tiếng tốt của một người đáng trọng.

44. Blazing: 1 adj shining intensely “the Blazing sun” Synonyms: blinding , dazzling , fulgent , glaring , glary bright emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts adj without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious “a Blazing indiscretion” Synonyms: blatant , conspicuous unconcealed not concealed or hidden n a strong flame

45. (Mark 8:34) When we accept this invitation, we must be prepared to do so “continually,” not because there is some special merit in self-denial, but because one moment’s indiscretion, one lapse in good judgment, may undo all that has been built up, even jeopardizing our eternal welfare.

Khi chấp nhận lời mời này, chúng ta phải sẵn sàng “tiếp tục” làm như thế, không phải vì công trạng đặc biệt trong sự hy sinh nhưng vì một phút hớ hênh nào đó, ta có thể mất sự phán đoán đúng mà làm tiêu tan hết những gì được xây đắp bấy lâu nay, luôn cả việc làm thiệt thòi hạnh phúc đời đời của chúng ta.