Nghĩa của từ impacting bằng Tiếng Việt

danh từ
1. sự va chạm, sự chạm mạnh; sức va chạm
2. tác động, ảnh hưởng

ngoại động từ
1. (+in, into) đóng chặt vào, lèn chặt vào, nêm chặt vào
2. va mạnh vào, chạm mạnh vào

nội động từ
1. va mạnh, chạm mạnh
2. tác động mạnh (đen & bóng)

Đặt câu có từ "impacting"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "impacting", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ impacting, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ impacting trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. The canine is impacting on the incisor.

2. Adsorb-it inhibits oils and oil-borne contaminants in water from impacting the land, and contaminants on land from impacting the water.

3. *The coronavirus pandemic is impacting airlines and Airports.

4. The Mars-sized planetoid is impacting the Earth.

5. In Bangladesh the crime rate impacting foreigners is generally low.

6. From the 1900s, human activities started impacting the nitrogen cycle.

7. The Asteroid had a mere 0.41% chance of impacting Earth's atmosphere

8. And China trade war really impacting markets? Conning's global CIO breaks down what

9. Anf system updates and upgrades are applied without impacting the customer environment

10. The algorithm can provide high precision timer ( microsecond level ) without impacting system's throughout.

11. Discover stories About our culture, philosophy, and how Google technology is impacting others.

12. No line Bifocals or progressive lenses eliminate the bifocal line without impacting your vision

13. Moreover, testing of alternative seabed-impacting fishing gear is allowed under a permit system.

14. Question: There was a sense of the weather impacting the rescue operations. ...(Inaudible)...

15. Crew Network is impacting the industry through invaluable initiatives and opportunities for its members worldwide

16. Crookes Magazine shares the stories of game-changers impacting culture with their ambition and vision

17. The above permits a shock-absorption for the impacting element in case of impact.

18. The impacting planet made a hard, but glancing blow off Earth at just the right angle.

19. Pollution is carried around the globe by circling currents of air and water, impacting the reefs.

20. There is geologic evidence of large rocks from outer space impacting the earth in prehuman history.

21. Fears were expressed that Ontario may have lost 20 million maple trees, impacting the maple syrup industry.

22. Digitization is impacting on governance and accountability in ways that we are only just beginning to understand.

23. Rabies is a kind of acute infectious disease impacting people's central nervous system caused by hydrophobia virus.

24. Road building and expansion, and erosion that may coincide following these activities may be impacting four populations.

25. However, there were a number of regulatory and taxation issues which were adversely impacting on their sentiments.

26. We must rely on our collective wisdom to analyze issues impacting regional strategies and enhance security cooperation.

Chúng ta phải dựa vào tư duy tập thể để phân tích các vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến chiến lược trong khu vực và tăng cường hợp tác an ninh.

27. Use of Auxotrophs drastically decreases the amount of labeled precursor required for expression without impacting the yield

28. The easiest explanation of crater duplicity is that the impacting body was an asteroid with a close satellite.

29. All of these researchers were stating that racism was a factor adversely impacting blacks, but they provided no evidence.

30. This value is trended over time and used to predict increases in friction, rubbing, impacting, and other bearing defects.

Giá trị này có xu hướng theo thời gian và được sử dụng để dự đoán sự gia tăng ma sát, cọ xát, va đập và các khuyết tật của ổ trục khác.

31. Developers can have the freedom to flesh out concepts outside of the main code branch without impacting stable configurations.

32. In 2013 heavy smog struck Beijing and most parts of northern China, impacting a total of 600 million people.

Vào năm 2013, sương khói dày đặc đã tấn công Bắc Kinh và hầu hết các vùng phía bắc Trung Quốc, ảnh hưởng đến tổng cộng 600 triệu người.

33. Corruption is a very significant problem in China, impacting all aspects of administration, law enforcement, healthcare and education

34. The indentation method of residue stress measurement depends on strain measurement around an indention caused by an impacting sphere.

35. This publication is an annual revision impacting the Accessions process and procedures of the Fiscal Year 2020 and 2021 cohorts

36. An additional social disadvantage is the loss of competitiveness of the European aeronautics industry, impacting job creation and living standards.

37. The articulation of better protocols for resource management could help advance related fields, positively impacting our economies, industries and infrastructure networks.

38. The unique design allows for different neutron flux (number of neutrons impacting one square centimeter every second) conditions in various locations.

39. Biologicals occur in nature; they can possess and foster everything from defense mechanisms to pesticidal responses to positively impacting growth

40. Testing of alternative seabed-impacting fishing gear shall be allowed under a specific authorisation procedure related to scientific research projects.

41. And digital technologies are not just impacting knowledge work, they're starting to flex their muscles in the physical world as well.

Những công nghệ số này đang không chỉ ảnh hưởng tới công việc lao động trí óc mà chúng còn bắt đầu vươn tay lấn tới cả những công việc cần sức lực.

42. Adipose tissues can mediate energy homeostasis with impacting on centre through automatic nervous system and neurohumor in a tissue-specific way.

43. Coalescence is committed to achieving business success while positively impacting the health and economic well being of the global community by adhering to …

44. Apt’s mission is to be the leader in caregiver education by delivering exceptional training, inspiring excellence, positively impacting our community, and transforming …

45. While people typically think of Cavities mostly impacting children, adults often get Cavities as their teeth age and decay over the years

46. Ocean Acidification has been shown to affect organisms and ecosystems, impacting ecosystem services such as food security, by endangering fisheries and aquaculture

47. At liftoff, the Blok D strap-on suffered an engine malfunction and broke off of the booster, impacting on the pad and exploding.

Tại thang máy, dây đeo Blok D bị trục trặc động cơ và vỡ ra khỏi bộ tăng áp, tác động lên miếng đệm và nổ tung.

48. The Alicyclic groups in curing agent b make the cured epoxy resin b have high rigidity, but with bad bending ability and impacting resistance

49. Although it has not been widely studied, research on Boredom suggests that Boredom is a major factor impacting diverse areas of a person's life

50. Ultimately, the EIT's innovation-oriented reference model will stimulate and drive change across the board, impacting the research and education sectors in particular.