Nghĩa của từ Rationalization bằng Tiếng Việt

hợp lý hóa.

Đặt câu có từ "Rationalization"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "Rationalization", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ Rationalization, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ Rationalization trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Meet emergency products, rationalization of flexibility.

2. And proposed the corresponding rationalization proposal.

3. Counteractive Control and the Impact on Rationalization

4. The rationalization is that it helps patients.

5. Strategy is a combination between imagination and rationalization.

6. No amount of rationalization could justify his actions.

7. Finally, conclude and put forward to the rationalization proposals.

8. Coordinate to 5 S activities, rationalization proposals, Abnormal Tagging etc.

9. Investment aid for the improvement and rationalization of the abattoir Traunstein

10. But there is more fig leaf than fact in this rationalization.

11. All this suggests the urgent need for rationalization and a consistent approach.

12. The effect is finally to provoke analysis rather than rapture or rationalization.

13. First, a process of rationalization of scientific research, which has accelerated technical progress.

Đầu tiên, là quá trình duy lý hóa nghiên cứu khoa học, đã thúc đẩy tiến bộ công nghệ.

14. The expansion allowed employers to reap the benefits of the deflation-induced rationalization.

15. And finally, a process of rationalization of economic production and of trade liberalization.

Và cuối cùng, quá trình duy lý hóa sản xuất kinh tế và tự do hóa thương mại

16. Many rationalization proposal were submitted to ensure product quality and prevent rupture generating.

17. They agreed to take steps to facilitate rationalization of telecom tariff on a reciprocal basis.

18. • rationalization of pork processing capacity which is on-going and should be accelerated by market forces

19. The fifth chapter a few of rationalization proposals are put forward to collocate QFII policy.

20. (The Rationalization of Terrorism) Therefore, as an effective instrument against terrorism, the UN is stymied.

21. The implicit justification in terms of national unity is also a rationalization in this sense.

22. This would allow a reduction in operating costs as the current process of rationalization is accelerated.

23. The rationalization of modern life, suggest those who adopt the functionalist style, must be directly confronted.

24. But that weak rationalization came too late and has been muted by the waves of criticism.

25. - integration and rationalization of integrated programming system environment interfaces, project support environments and knowledge-based techniques,

26. The examples developed here are heavily biased towards the leadership and intellectual rationalization for the movement.

27. Agriculture in mountain areas, for instance, has fewer opportunities for agricultural rationalization than low-land areas have.

28. The main lines of the plan were a reduction in expenditure and the rationalization of government controls.

29. They are themselves prominent actors in the rationalization of a number of industries in crisis, notably steel and shipbuilding.

30. Like specialization agreements or joint-buying or joint-selling agreements, it conduces to the rationalization of commercial processes.

31. The rationalization process involved concentrating the production of standard draught beers at the Watson brewery at St Helens.

32. Affirming the consequent is commonly used in rationalization, and thus appears as a coping mechanism in some people

33. We live in a day of rationalization; people want to discount spiritual experiences, and they deny themselves revelation.

34. In such circumstances, an industrial policy that seeks faster and more efficient rationalization of the sunset industry may be advantageous.

35. This article has discussed our country environment question origin particularity, and to the now environment legislative work, put forward some rationalization proposal.

36. Leading industry is the core of industry structure and its rational choice is the presupposition and key of the rationalization of industry structure.

37. In order to establish International Pricing Centre of bulk commodity, our should make six strategies such as rationalization and diversification for investor's structure.

38. Frankl realized: “Man’s search for meaning is a primary force in his life and not a ‘secondary rationalization’ of instinctual drives,” such as animals have.

Frankl nhận thức: “Việc loài người đi tìm ý nghĩa là mãnh lực chủ yếu trong đời sống chứ không phải do sự thôi thúc của bản năng” như thú vật có.

39. In the end, for the investment and financing condition of URRT construction in china, proposing rationalization proposal that joint development URRT and surrounding land.

40. Leading industry is the core of industry structure and its rational choice is the presupposition and key of the rationalization of industry structure.

41. This statement is one more attempt at a post facto rationalization for an action that should never have taken place in the first instance."

42. A combined spectroscopic, synthetic, and Apparative study has allowed a more detailed mechanistic rationalization of several recently reported eosin Y-catalyzed aromatic substitutions at arenediazonium salts

43. Halakhah is the rationalization and schematization of living; it defines, specifies, sets measure and limit, placing life into an exact system. Aggadah deals with man’s …

44. The IM/IT Rationalization initiative will be conducted in full co-ordination with CF Transformation to operationalize the CF according to a Command Centric philosophy.

45. • In this budget, we allowed Tax pass through for AIFs, rationalization of capital gains of REITs, modification in PE norms and deferring the implementation of GAAR for two years.

46. In the history of Christian thought, Justin was the first to philosophize Christian primeval faith. He was also the first to make an effect of the rationalization of Christian faith.

47. Rationalization and Disenchantment as the Fate of Modernity In both lectures, Weber starts from the current situation of science or politics, highlighting the fundamental fact that they both become a Bureaucratized profession

48. The corporation’s purpose for its service is: “to develop an urban transit system, provide a convenience for citizens, and promote a national prosperity through the construction of public transportation facilities in the transit zone of metro and operational rationalization.”

Mục đích của công ty cho dịch vụ của mình là: “để phát triển hệ thống vận chuyển đô thị, mang lại sự tiện lợi cho nhân dân, và thúc đẩy sự thịnh vượng cho quốc gia thông qua việc xây dựng cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông công cộng trong vùng tàu điện ngầm và hợp lý hóa hoạt động.”

49. ‘He Codified a layered system of mosque types, reflecting hierarchies of social status and territorial rank, shaped by notions of identity, memory and decorum.’ ‘Increased rationalization of the stock system thus leads to more Codified systems of casting and increased typecasting.’