Nghĩa của từ watch tower bằng Tiếng Hàn

noun - watchtower
망대: watchtower
관점: aspect, vantage point, slant, watchtower
등대: lighthouse, waiting, watchtowe

Đặt câu có từ "watch tower"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "watch tower", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ watch tower, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ watch tower trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Hàn

1. He also subscribed to Zion’s Watch Tower.

2. (See also Compact Discs; Internet; Watch Tower Publications)

(또한 참조 워치 타워 출판물; 인터넷; 콤팩트디스크)

3. Two story Blockhouse with third story watch tower

4. Would the Watch Tower endorse these popular beliefs?

「파수대」는 이러한 일반적으로 퍼져 있는 신앙을 뒷받침해 줍니까?

5. The Watch Tower Society does not endorse any particular treatment.

6. OVER a century ago, the Watch Tower announced something new.

7. In 1879, the Watch Tower referred to the “Babylon church.”

8. (See also Audiocassettes; Compact Discs; Internet; Videocassettes; Watch Tower Publications)

(또한 참조 비디오카세트[비디오테이프]; 오디오카세트[카세트테이프]; 워치 타워 출판물; 인터넷; 콤팩트디스크)

9. Greenfield, accused the Watch Tower Society of propagating “ecclesiastical Bolshevism.”

그린필드’는 ‘왙취 타워’ 협회가 “종교적인 공산주의”를 선전하고 있다고 비난하였다.

10. • What printing operations does the Watch Tower Society have, and why?

11. How did Zion’s Watch Tower expose as false the Trinity doctrine?

12. Seated across the aisle was the Watch Tower Society’s president, Nathan H.

13. (See also Golden Age, The [Magazine]; Magazine Distribution; Subscriptions; Watch Tower Publications)

14. I try to find helpful information in the Watch Tower Society’s publications.

15. Martial law was declared, and the Watch Tower Society’s books were banned.

16. Since 1962 the Watch Tower Society had not been considered accredited in Haiti.

1962년 이래로 워치 타워 협회는 아이티에서 법적으로 인가된 것으로 간주되지 않았다.

17. Any checks contributed at the convention should be made payable to “Watch Tower.”

18. I received an assignment to the Watch Tower Society’s branch office in Amsterdam.

나는 암스테르담에 있는 워치 타워 협회 지부 사무실에 임명되었습니다.

19. It was entitled Deliverance, published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

20. Sarah Bellona Ferguson, the first subscriber to the English Watch Tower in Brazil

21. Checks sent to the above address should be made payable to “Watch Tower.”

22. For years The Watch Tower had been making the name of Jehovah prominent.

23. The Watch Tower Society publishes Rotherham’s New Testament, using a secular printing company

24. (See “Life Stories of Jehovah’s Witnesses” in the Watch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985.)

(참조 「워치 타워 출판물 색인 1930-1985년」[영문] 혹은 「워치 타워 출판물 색인 1981-1985년」에 있는 “여호와의 증인의 체험기.”)

25. Foreign reporter said that while uses the hand to gesticulate watch tower structure thickness.

26. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, as represented by its then president, J.

27. Readers of the Watch Tower received these to distribute to the public without charge.

28. And by 1915, The Watch Tower was being printed regularly in Polish each month.

그리고 1915년에는 이미 「파수대」가 폴란드어로 매월 정기적으로 인쇄되었다.

29. They received handwritten copies of the Watch Tower from their brothers in Charleroi, Belgium.

그들은 ‘벨기에’의 ‘사를레르와’에 있는 형제들로부터 손으로 베낀 「파수대」지들을 받았다.

30. How did The Watch Tower of September 1, 1915, begin to refine our understanding?

31. These vehicles were identified by a large sign, which read “WATCH TOWER —Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

32. 18 The third president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Nathan H.

33. This term was applied to questions supplied for group study of the Watch Tower.

이 ‘베뢰아’ 질문은 「파수대」 집단 연구를 위하여 제공된 질문에 적용된 말이었다.

34. Rutherford accepted a Baptist debate challenge in behalf of the Watch Tower Society against J.

러더포오드’는 ‘왙취 타워 협회’를 대표하여 침례교인인 ‘제이.

35. Russell, who served as the first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

36. (b) Relate how the Governing Body has been progressively distinguished from the Watch Tower Society.

37. The Romans erected a watch tower at the Burgfluh, site of the distinctive Wimmis Castle.

38. See Watch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985, under “Marriage,” “Families,” “Moral Breakdown,” and “Depression (Mental).”

39. What fine example of humility did a former president of the Watch Tower Society provide?

40. □ A woman in Portugal inherited a number of Watch Tower publications following her grandmother’s death.

41. Then the Watch Tower Society published some Bible-based information that addressed her very problem.

42. The year 1985 began a new chapter in the history of Watch Tower Publications Indexes.

1985년에 「워치 타워 출판물 색인」 역사상 새로운 장이 열렸다.

43. Actually, contact with the Watch Tower Society had been cut off during World War II.

사실상, 제2차 세계 대전 중에 워치 타워 협회와의 연락은 중단된 상태였습니다.

44. In 1925, a landmark article appeared in The Watch Tower, entitled “Birth of the Nation.”

45. Zion’s Watch Tower of December 1881 stated: “Millions were brought into the church from Paganism.

46. Or you may send your questions to Watch Tower, using the appropriate address listed below.

47. In 1884 Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in Pennsylvania.

48. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index provides access to printed experiences from around the world.

사실상, 「워치 타워 출판물 색인」은 세계 도처의 경험담을 인쇄물로 접할 수 있게 해준다.

49. Russell, the first president of the Watch Tower Society, died, active and faithful to the end.

러셀’은 끝까지 활동적으로 충실히 일하다가 사망하였다.

50. The Watch Tower Society was organizing a tour of Israel in 1979, so I signed up.