Nghĩa của từ revolted bằng Tiếng Anh

rise in rebellion.
the insurgents revolted and had to be suppressed
synonyms:rebelrise uprisetake to the streetsriotmutiny
cause to feel disgust.
he was revolted by the stench that greeted him
synonyms:disgustsickennauseatemake nauseousmake someone sickturn someone's stomachbe repugnant tobe repulsive toput offbe offensive tomake someone's gorge riseturn offgross out

Đặt câu với từ "revolted"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "revolted", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ revolted, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ revolted trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. But those who revolted shared a common set of grievances and have similar demands today.

2. In 1775, periphery vassals states of Lan Na and Manipur both revolted.

3. In the mid-980s, Sweyn revolted against his father and seized the throne.

4. Averse: adjective adverse , alienus , antagonistic , disinclined , disliking , hostile , inimical , loath , opposed , reluctant , repelled , revolted , undesirous

5. By 1599, all the vassal states had revolted, and the Toungoo Empire completely collapsed.

6. Argos, however, revolted against Sparta and expelled their garrison with the help of some Macedonian soldiers.

7. In 446 BC, Boeotia revolted and defeated the Athenians at Coronea and regained their independence

8. Antonyms for Captivated include repulsed, disgusted, revolted, sick, nauseated, repelled, sickened, bored, disenchanted and disenthralled

9. During the French Revolution, the Bourgeoisie revolted against the monarchy and established a republic that …

10. I thought you would be revolted, Jane, when you saw my arm, and my Cicatrised visage

11. Because his guardian Agathocles, who ruled in his name, dealt arrogantly with the Egyptians, many revolted.

12. While they never would have revolted against their masters, they could rightly accept an offer to be emancipated.

13. The Afghan people revolted against the PDPA government when the government introduced several socialist reforms, including land reforms.

14. However, the Chinese soldiers on board revolted and threatened to kill the crew unless Galsworthy took them back to China.

15. Some 300 Vietnamese soldiers revolted and released 200 political prisoners, whom, in addition to several hundred local people, they armed.

16. In April 1271, when nobles of northwestern Temeria spearheaded by Maria Louisa La Valette revolted against Foltest, the Archpriest sided with them.

17. In August, the planters revolted and prevailed over Dutch forces in a minor battle fought outside Recife, effectively ending Dutch control over the colony.

18. (Rochester was blinded and maimed during the fire at Thornfield.) "I thought you would be revolted, Jane, when you saw my arm, and my Cicatrised

19. Admiringly So too, men and women handle string bags every day, often Admiringly and possessively, but they are revolted by placentas and other birth substances

20. Clamorous Sentence Examples It was not only that his intellect revolted against the narrowness of party, his whole being repudiated its Clamorous and vulgar excesses.

21. At one time Moab, under King Mesha, revolted, and Israel formed an alliance with Judah and the neighboring kingdom of Edom to war against Moab.

22. In the mid-1630s, the peasants of the Shimabara Peninsula and Amakusa, dissatisfied with overtaxation and suffering from the effects of famine, revolted against their lords.

23. Although the last attested Gothic noble Widin revolted in northern Italy in the 550s and was captured in 561 or 562, the Ostrogoths faded into obscurity.

24. - These eight verses tell how Rehoboam, relieved of the responsibility of attempting to reconquer the revolted, wisely Betakes himself to strengthening and defending what was left to him

25. 19 These documents were designed to limit and eliminate the vicious Equity, Maritime or Admiralty Law which was what we revolted against as Our Revolution against the totalitarianism of England.

26. (Jg 3:12-30) Mesha, king of Moab, revolted against Israelite domination many centuries later, “as soon as Ahab died,” according to the Bible account at 2 Kings 3:4, 5.

27. As he cracked down on the Ikhwan in the years after his conquest of Mecca , it revolted , leading to a civil war that lasted until Abdul - Aziz defeated his renegade forces in 1930 .

28. The upper Bourgeois, the aristocracy of his good cities, were his allies both against the nobles and against the artisan class, whenever they revolted, driven to desperation by the oppressive royal taxes which furnished the money for his wars or diplomacy.

29. Moncton laughed at what he termed my Affectation of moral integrity, and tried by every art to seduce me to join in amusements, and visit scenes, from which my mind revolted; and his own example served to strengthen my disgust.