Nghĩa của từ revolt bằng Tiếng Anh

an attempt to put an end to the authority of a person or body by rebelling.
a countrywide revolt against the central government
synonyms:rebellionrevolutioninsurrectionmutinyuprisingriotriotinginsurgenceseizure of powercoupcoup d'état
rise in rebellion.
the insurgents revolted and had to be suppressed
synonyms:rebelrise uprisetake to the streetsriotmutiny
cause to feel disgust.
he was revolted by the stench that greeted him
synonyms:disgustsickennauseatemake nauseousmake someone sickturn someone's stomachbe repugnant tobe repulsive toput offbe offensive tomake someone's gorge riseturn offgross out

Đặt câu với từ "revolt"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "revolt", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ revolt, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ revolt trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Instead, they rebel, or revolt.

2. Zhao Shenyan is conspiring to revolt

3. Book 2 addresses the Komnenian revolt.

4. Children always revolt against parental disciplines.

5. The army quickly crushed the revolt.

6. 27 The peasants threatened to revolt.

7. 10 The farmers rose in revolt.

8. What is the revolt of Jacob?

9. Absalom’s conspiracy and revolt (1-12)

10. 16 The army is in revolt .

11. The government squashed the revolt cruelly.

12. Teenagers often revolt against parental discipline.

13. 28 The peasants rose in revolt.

14. 18 Has the revolt been contained?

15. This revolt too was put down.

16. 4 The people rose in revolt.

17. 5 Satan’s revolt is still going strong.

18. 20 The threatened revolt just fizzled out.

19. The counterrevolutionary revolt was quickly got under.

20. Autocracy often causes the people to revolt.

21. 9 The government squashed the revolt cruelly.

22. The revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.

23. 3 Children always revolt against parental disciplines.

24. 25 Rumors of a revolt were afloat.

25. 11 There's no fear of revolt now.

26. 2 The army quickly crushed the revolt.

27. Rumors of a revolt were afloat.

28. Violent revolt was simmering in the country.

29. San Salvador rose in revolt against federal authority.

30. Ultimately the Ottomans managed to quell the revolt.

31. Karykes, the leader of a revolt in Crete.

32. The army has put down/suppressed the revolt.

33. Before and during the revolt, the Colonized always

34. What will be the consequences of Judah’s revolt?

35. The Jerusalem Bible calls it “the Great Revolt.”

36. 14 There was an armed revolt in process.

37. The revolt was swiftly quashed by government troops.

38. After that the Urabi revolt was put down.

39. 21 Violent revolt was simmering in the country.

40. The government immediately moved to quash the revolt.

41. Attempts to negotiate peace ended in armed revolt.

42. Troops loyal to the President crushed the revolt.

43. 3 This revolt is a kind of catharsis.

44. 30 Autocracy often causes the people to revolt.

45. 26 The people broke out/rose in revolt.

46. 19 The revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.

47. A revolt in Cyrene was crushed the same year.

48. Before long the Romans moved to crush the revolt.

49. 22 The regime was overthrown by a popular revolt.

50. 15 French farmers are in revolt over cheap imports.