Nghĩa của từ subtracted bằng Tiếng Đức

subtracted [səbtræktid] abziehend, schmälerte, subtrahierte

Đặt câu có từ "subtracted"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "subtracted", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ subtracted, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ subtracted trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The divisor is subtracted from the dividend.

2. Any numerical expressions to be subtracted

Beliebige numerische Ausdrücke, die voneinander subtrahiert werden sollen

3. Career breaks will not be subtracted.

Unterbrechungen der Berufstätigkeit sind nicht abzuziehen.

4. (to be subtracted from measured engine power)

(von der gemessenen Motorleistung abzuziehen)

5. Abatement: something that is or may be subtracted

6. The insurance premium per vehicle type is then subtracted

Anschließend wird die Versicherungsprämie je Fahrzeugtyp in Abzug gebracht

7. Then they reflect back the part that is not absorbed, or subtracted.

8. A distracted defector has subtracted some compact extract from the impacted interaction.

9. The Adjustments, subtracted from total income on Form 1040, establish the adjusted gross income (AGI).

10. We have subtracted $25 per adult to arrive at a basic room rate.

11. * pollutant concentrations are expressed as measured at ambient monitoring stations and (in parentheses) with background subtracted.

12. 20 We have subtracted $25 per adult to arrive at a basic room rate.

13. So I said, "I took this and added this and multiplied by this and subtracted that."

14. When God is subtracted, something doesn't add up for man, the world, the whole universe.

15. Since 2/ 3 x is being subtracted right now, we need instead to add it.

16. Since 2 3rd x is being subtracted right now, we need instead to add it.

17. In both cases, the CH4 concentration shall be determined and subtracted from the HC concentration as follows:

In beiden Fällen ist die CH4-Konzentration zu bestimmen und von der HC-Konzentration wie folgt abzuziehen:

18. For every 1 % chloride, 1,13 degrees Brix or 0,0157 refractive index must be subtracted (at 20 °C).

Für jedes 1 % Chlorid muß (bei 20 °C) 1.13 Brix oder 0,0157 Brechungsindex abgezogen werden.

19. The quantity of nuclear material involved is to be subtracted from the inventory of the material balance area.

Die betreffende Kernmaterialmenge ist vom Bestand der MBZ abzuziehen.

20. Disposal costs, if applicable, are to be discounted and can be subtracted to the final value.

Entsorgungskosten sind ggf. abzuzinsen und können vom Endwert abgezogen werden.

21. The price of the man will be subtracted from your winnings Until the remainder is balanced!

22. Contribution is the amount of earnings remaining after all direct costs have been subtracted from revenue

23. This extrapolation could be customized features could be changed and added or subtracted hence the term.

24. • the action was partially funded and the early action claim subtracted out a portion of the reductions.

25. Antonyms for Appended include removed, withdrew, excluded, dropped, eliminated, erased, separated, subtracted, left out and took out

26. Note: Any refunds that occur during the selected time period are subtracted from the total revenue amount.

27. To determine NMHC, the # concentration must be subtracted from the total HC concentration (see annex # appendix # paragraph

28. This circuit allows BCD numbers and dual numbers to be added and subtracted with a single dual adder.

Mit der Schaltungsanordnung ist es unter Verwendung eines einzigen Dual-Addierers möglich, BCD-Zahlen und Dual-Zahlen zu addieren und zu subtrahieren.

29. Now I add the zeros, just because this zero and this five need to be subtracted from something.

Nun füge ich die Nullen hinzu, weil diese 0 und diese 5 von etwas subtrahiert werden müssen.

30. Auxiliaries needed for operating the engine (to be subtracted from measured engine power) see Appendix 1, Section 6.1.

Für den Betrieb des Motors notwendige Hilfseinrichtungen (von der gemessenen Motorleistung abzuziehen) siehe Anlage 1 Abschnitt 6.1

31. The output of the adaptive filter is then subtracted from the received signal to produce an error signal.

32. This reconstructed signal is then subtracted from the composite received signal to obtain a received signal of interest.

33. Such a temperature change without heat being added to or subtracted from the parcel is said to be ADIABATIC.

34. However, brokerage commissions and other transaction costs are subtracted from the results of all traders, making foreign exchange a negative-sum game.

35. A circuit is disclosed which allows BCD-coded or dual-coded operands to be added or subtracted with a single dual-adder.

Mit der Schaltungsanordnung ist es möglich, in BCD-Code oder im Dual-Code codierte Operanden zu addieren oder zu subtrahieren unter Verwendung eines einzigen Dual-Addierers.

36. To compute the AspectS, 1 point is subtracted from 10 for any evidence of early ischemic change for each of the defined regions.

37. The paired outputs are added and subtracted by an adder (17) and a subtracter (18), respectively, to obtain the elements (x0, x7) described above.

38. The estimated value of these costs should be subtracted from the interest paid by borrowers to financial intermediaries and added to the interest received by depositors.

Der Betrag der von Kreditnehmern an finanzielle Mittler gezahlten Zinsen muss um den geschätzten Wert des gezahlten Entgelts verringert werden, während der Betrag der von Einlegern empfangenen Zinsen um diesen Wert erhöht werden muss.

39. If the woman is an Asthenic, then 10% should be subtracted from the result, and if it is a hypersthenic, then add 10% to the total

40. Corrigendum refers to text or material that is to be subtracted from published material, a legal document or a computer program. The plural form of Corrigendum is corrigenda

41. For example, some vending machines now allow payment by sending a premium-rated short message, so that the cost of the item bought is added to the user's phone bill or subtracted from the user's prepaid credits.

42. The quotient you get , as far as it represents complete days , is subtracted from the number written in the second place , and the remainder is the savanahargana , i . e . the sum of civil days which we wanted to find .

43. In order to handle a variable of the lowest value bit, a device (224) is provided for determining in which adder block (206) of said adder blocks a lowest value bit of an operand to be subtracted is located.

Zur Behandlung eines variablen niederstwertigen Bits ist eine Einrichtung(224) zum Bestimmen, in welchem Addiererblock (206) der Addiererblöcke ein niederstwertiges Biteines zu subtrahierenden Operanden angeordnet ist, vorgesehen.

44. The reduction unit also allows the m input operands to be subtracted from the accumulator value by simply inverting the bits of the input operands and setting a carry into each of a plurality of reduction adders to one.

45. The slew controlled frame aligner includes a ramp generator for generating a plurality of digital add and skip pulses that are coupled to the feedback counter in the PLL to thereby control the equivalent analog phase added to or subtracted from the feedback signal.

46. The above feature is suitable for a determination of an ASE power (= power of the amplified spontaneous emission ASE) of the individual amplifier stages, which must be estimated and subtracted from the measured total power for an exact determination of the signal power at the amplifier output.

Dieser Aspekt eignet sich sehr gut für eine Bestimmung einer ASE-Leistung (= Leistung der verstärkten spontanen Emission ASE) der einzelnen Verstärkerstufe, die zur exakten Bestimmung der Signalleistung am Verstärkerausgang geschätzt und von der gemessenen Summenleistung subtrahiert werden muss.

47. Whilst Bentham maintains that pleasures and pains are “Addible” so that in any situa - tion the net result is a quantum of either pleasure or pain, Plato argues that although they “both admit of more and less” neither can be subtracted from the other because “the negation of pain will not be the same with

48. Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA, previously DEXA) is a means of measuring bone mineral density (BMD) using spectral imaging.Two X-ray beams, with different energy levels, are aimed at the patient's bones.When soft tissue Absorption is subtracted out, the bone mineral density (BMD) can be determined from the Absorption of each beam by bone

49. The power to Apportion responsibility under the Law Reform Act 1945 afforded a far more appropriate tool for doing justice than the blunt instrument of turpitude.: Also, any direct seats won by independent candidates are subtracted from the parliamentary total used to Apportion list seats.: By 1216 he was the dominant power in Wales, holding a council at Aberdyfi that year to Apportion lands