Nghĩa của từ subtotal bằng Tiếng Đức

subtotal [sʌbtoutl] Zwischensumme

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1. SUBTOTAL(function; value

2. Subtotal personalised services | 2 843 950 |

Zwischensumme personalisierte Dienstleistungen | 2 843 950 |

3. Others Expenses Miscellaneous Equipment purchased GST/HST PST Subtotal:

4. D : I think a subtotal thyroidectomy is necessary.

5. The ear cancer was treated subtotal temporal bone resection.

6. Rat model of chronic renal failure induced by subtotal nephrectomy.

7. Objective To explore the method and effect of abdominal subtotal hysterectomy.

8. Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of modified procedure subtotal thyroidectomy.

9. The return value is used to initialize subtotal on each subsequent iteration.

10. For patients with multiple endocrine adenomatosis or familial hyperparathyroidism, subtotal parathyroidectomy is preferred.

11. Conclusions: Endoscopic subtotal adrenalectomy has a similar success rate to the open approach.

Schlußfolgerungen: Die endoskopische subtotale Adrenalektomie weist eine ähnliche Erfolgsquote wie beim konventionell offenen Zugang auf.

12. Objective : To explore the superiority of uterine body centre ectomy to the traditional subtotal hysterectomy.

13. 2 Objective : To explore the superiority of uterine body centre ectomy to the traditional subtotal hysterectomy.

14. The impact of subtotal adrenalectomy in patients with unilateral tumours has to be exmained in future studies.

Weitere Untersuchungen mit längerem Follow-up sind erforderlich.

15. Select the Total Price input field, press the Ctrl key, and click the Subtotal column header label.

16. Four patients with extensive aneurysms were treated successfully in this way including one patient with subtotal aortic replacement.

Vier Patienten mit Mehrfachaneurysmen wurden erfolgreich behandelt.

17. The breakdowns for ‘Current activity status’ are designed to break down any total or subtotal referring to persons.

Die Untergliederungen für „Derzeitiger Erwerbsstatus“ dienen der Untergliederung von Gesamtwerten oder Teilwerten, die sich auf Personen beziehen.

18. Carcinomas may be diagnosed using a fine-needle aspiration biopsy, subtotal removal of a single node, or a core biopsy

19. In partial atrophy, more than 70% and in subtotal atrophy, more than 90% of the villus-crypt-ratios were below 0.6.

Bei der partiellen Atrophie sind über 70%, bei der subtotalen Atrophie über 90% der Zotten-Krypten-Raten kleiner als 0,6.

20. As for treatment, complete resection of the Bronchogenic cyst was performed in 47 (94%) patients, subtotal resection was performed in …

21. A subtotal in an individual's tax return computed by deducting from gross income any business-related expenses and other deductions ...

22. As the patient presented with severe sepsis, he underwent emergency subtotal colectomy and splenectomy due to splenic inflammation and adhesion to the colon.

Da bei dem Patienten eine schwere Sepsis vorlag, hatte er sich einer notfallmäßigen subtotalen Kolektomie und Splenektomie aufgrund einer Milzentzündung und einer Verwachsung mit dem Kolon zu unterziehen.

23. In familial adenomatosis subtotal colectomy is done; this provides a 2 cm long muscle-mucose tube for a transanal anastomosis circularly autosutured with the J-pouch.

Bei der familiären Adenomatose wird eine subtotale Kolektomie durchgeführt, wobei ein ca. 2 cm langer Muskel-Schleimhautschlauch für eine transanale zirkuläre Klammernahtanastomose mit dem vorgeschalteten J-Pouch erhalten bleibt.

24. 17 Total resection was performed in 11 patients, subtotal resection in and partial resection in Transient cranial nerve paresis occurred newly in 3 patients postoperatively. No death occurred.

25. The indications for subtotal parathyroidectomy were: severe acute hypercalcemia after transplantation (1 case), persistent asymptomatic hypercalcemia (2 cases), allograft lithiasis (2 cases), and bone disease (1 case).

26. 15 Total resection was performed in 11 patients, subtotal resection in and partial resection in Transient cranial nerve paresis occurred newly in 3 patients postoperatively. No death occurred.

27. Seventy-nine patients underwent subtotal or total adrenalectomy for pituitary-dependent Cushing's syndrome (1953–1980); 76 survived the operation and 75 were followed for 1 to 27 (mean 11) years.

28. A subtotal Colectomy is where the surgeon removes most of the colon but is able to leave part of the left side of the colon called the sigmoid colon

29. 18 In the third approach, the unilateral lower subtotal maxillotomy, half of the maxilla, and the hard palate are hinged on the soft palate and folded downward into the floor of the mouth.

30. Patients with Cicatrised duodenal ulcer require Truncal Vagotomy and Posterior Gastrojejunostomy and patients with carcinoma antrum require curative (Subtotal Gastrectomy with Billroth II Anastomosis) or palliative treatment (Anterior Gastrojejunostomy or Feeding Jejunostomy) depending on the stage of the disease

31. The present study provided evidence for the safety and benefit of subtotal bilateral adrenalectomy, which could guarantee sufficient adrenocortical function in adrenal remnant volume of more than one-third of one adrenal gland even after dividing the main adrenal vein.

Die vorliegende Untersuchung weist die subtotale Adrenalektomie als ein sicheres Verfahren aus, durch das nach Erhalt von mindestens 1/3 einer normalen Nebenniere und auch nach Durchtrennung der Nebennierenvenen eine suffiziente adrenokortikale Funktion in einem hohen Prozentsatz garantiert werden kann.

32. AlgaeBarn, LLC offers promotional free shipping on all purchases (excluding items that require overnight shipping such as live fish, live Clams, or frozen foods) that subtotal exceeds $40 (not including taxes or fees) and the delivery address is located inside the continental United States of America.

33. 2 Aerospace Engineering, Bsae ECON 4113 Energy Economics: Traditional and Renewable Energy Markets MGMT 4073 Management and Ethical Leadership MGMT 4533 Leadership Dynamics Or from MATH, MET, or STAT Hours Subtotal 52 Total Hours 123 1 MAE requires grades of ’C’ or better in all prerequisite courses, and their prerequisites

34. Large doses of hydrochlorothiazide (50-200mg/kg/day p.o.) given for 5 to 6 weeks did not induce any increase in the fasting blood-sugar concentration, nor any decrease of glucose tolerance in normal rats and in rats “sensitized” toward diabetogenic agents by a subtotal pancreatectomy or by a sub-diabetogenic dose of alloxan. No increase in blood sugar was found in the 8 h following a single oral dose of 50 mg/kg of hydrochlorothiazide. —Large doses (> 3.5 ml/kg) of the solvent N-monomethyl-acetamide (NMMAA), used at one time in the preparation of one brand of hydrochlorothiazide for injection, on the other hand, exerted marked diabetogenic effects in the rat.