Nghĩa của từ reprocessing bằng Tiếng Đức

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reprocessing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reprocessing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reprocessing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Positive Cognitions often change during reprocessing

2. Resubmit failed events for reprocessing (after correcting the errors).

3. Iran's enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities;

Tätigkeiten Irans im Zusammenhang mit Anreicherung, Wiederaufbereitung oder schwerem Wasser,

4. Is Cystoscope reprocessing limiting your productivity? REQUEST INFO

5. According to the notifying parties, additional reprocessing capacity build-up is planned.

Nach Aussage der Parteien befindet sich der Aufbau zusätzlicher Wiederaufarbeitungskapazitäten in der Planung.

6. The Bisect ceramic protector offers reliable protection during reprocessing of the instrument.

7. China plans to develop fast breeder reactors and reprocessing.

8. Don’t treasure up past wrongs, reprocessing them again and again.

9. Question (Jyoti Malhotra, The Telegraph): You have not answered the question about testing and reprocessing.

10. India, like Japan, has put in place a comprehensive fuel cycle, from mining to reprocessing.

11. The invention relates to a method for producing isophorone by catalyzed aldol condensation of acetone as an educt, reprocessing the reaction product, hydrolyzing the product stream, and separating into an organic and an aqueous fraction, obtaining isophorone from the organic fraction, distillatively reprocessing the aqueous fraction, and feeding the vapors from the head of the distillative reprocessing apparatus into the hydrolysis apparatus.

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Isophoron durch katalysierte Aldol-Kondensationen von Aceton als Edukt, Aufarbeitung des Reaktionsproduktes, Hydrolyse des Wertstroms und Trennung in eine organische und eine wässrige Fraktion, Gewinnung von Isophoron aus der organischen Fraktion, destillative Aufarbeitung der wässrigen Fraktion und Weiterleitung der Brüden vom Kopf der Apparatur der destillativen Aufarbeitung in die Hydrolyseapparatur.

12. Reprocessing of commercial nuclear fuel to make MOX was done in the Sellafield MOX Plant (England).

13. Q: Are there ways to provide the meta tag without per-page reprocessing?

14. 14 Both also banned the development of nuclear reprocessing and uranium enrichment facilities.

15. Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products.

16. The EMDR Cognitions worksheet is a list of negative and positive Cognitions for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

17. These changes are effective across the whole website and do not require recrawling or reprocessing of individual URLs.

18. The first showcases the activities of the application engineer who develops individual products while reprocessing the components.

Der erste Teil zeigt die Aktivitäten des Anwendungstechnikers, der die einzelnen Produkte entwickelt, während der Wiederaufbereitung der Komponenten.

19. Radioactive liquids stored for cooling at reprocessing plants regularly leak into the ocean or escape into the air.

20. In the absence of any indicators that Iran is currently considering reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel to extract plutonium,

21. Access to enrichment and reprocessing technology from abroad, as part of international civil nuclear cooperation, is only an additionality to accelerate our three-stage programme

22. Elements such as americium and curium are included in the highly active acidic raffinates (HARs) and concentrates (HACs) coming from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels.

Elemente wie Americium und Curium sind in den hochradioaktiven sauren Raffinaten (Highly-active Acidic Raffinates, HARs) und Konzentraten (Highly-active Acidic Concentrates, HACs) enthalten, die bei der Wiederaufbereitung abgebrannter Kernbrennstoffe entstehen.

23. The medium - level wastes which originate as sludges due to treatment processes , fuel reprocessing , etc . are chemically treated and stored in large , underground stainless steel tanks .

24. (a) whether it is a fact that NSG (Nuclear Supply Group) has put conditions on India for supply of Enrichment and Reprocessing Technology in its Paris meeting;

25. I would also like reassure Honourable Members that we will not accept pre-conditions for transfer of enrichment and reprocessing items and technology.

26. 13 He called upon the North to close its nuclear reprocessing and enrichment facilities and to submit its nuclear programme to international inspection.

27. Calcine was created through a thermal process that converted a liquid waste generated from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing to a more stable, granular solid

28. A toolkit was used to aseptically sample biopsy ports and suction/biopsy channels of 5 gastroscopes, 5 colonoscopes, and 5 Bronchoscopes after full reprocessing.

29. After scrutiny of applications, 2410 persons were advised to submit additional documents for reprocessing. 2 applications were rejected under the relevant provisions of Passport Rules.

30. Another option raised was to have a more extensive treaty which addressed central verification issues, including definitions, the verification approach at enrichment and reprocessing facilities, and a verification model protocol.

31. (g) the reprocessing and plutonium storage should only take place when the information provided on the nuclear energy programme of the party in question has been received, when the undertakings, arrangements and other information called for by the guidelines are in place or have been received and when the parties have agreed that reprocessing and plutonium storage are an integral part of the described nuclear energy programme; where it is proposed to carry out reprocessing or storage of plutonium when these conditions are not met, the operation should take place only when the parties have so agreed after consultation, which should take place promptly to consider any such proposal;

G. die Wiederaufarbeitung und die Plutoniumlagerung sollen erst dann erfolgen, wenn die Informationen über das Kernenergieprogramm der betreffenden Vertragspartei eingegangen sind, wenn die nach den Leitlinien erforderlichen Verpflichtungen, Vereinbarungen oder sonstigen Informationen vorliegen oder eingegangen sind und wenn die Vertragsparteien dahingehend übereingekommen sind, daß die Wiederaufarbeitung und die Plutoniumlagerung ein fester Bestandteil des beschriebenen Kernenergieprogramms sind; falls vorgeschlagen wird, bei Wiederaufarbeitung oder die Plutoniumlagerung auch bei Nichterfuellung dieser Bedingungen vorzunehmen, soll das entsprechende Vorhaben nur dann ausgeführt werden, wenn die Vertragsparteien dies nach einer entsprechenden Konsultation, die zur Prüfung eines solchen Vorschlags umgehend stattfinden soll, vereinbart haben;

32. This course will Capsulize all that infection preventionists or persons reprocessing medical or surgical instruments need to know to be compliant with current standards and guidelines in disinfection, sterilization and antisepsis

33. The reprocessing procedure for reusable flexible Bronchoscopes (RFBs) involves multiple episodes of handling of equipment that has been used during an aerosol-generating procedure and thus is a potential source of transmission

34. Question (Sidharth Varadarajan, The Hindu): I understand that the 123 agreement does not commit the United States to selling India technology and components for reprocessing, enrichment, heavy water.

35. Brittne Murray of Life Journey Counseling Services in Westminster, specializes in therapy for anxiety, depression, trauma, anger and individual relationship counseling, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and Solution Focused Techniques.

36. Pure plutonium-238 is prepared by neutron irradiation of neptunium-237, one of the minor actinides that can be recovered from spent nuclear fuel during reprocessing, or by the neutron irradiation of americium in a reactor.

37. It was rigorous reprocessing of the same raw data on a UNIVAC I, led by Donald J. Bogue of the Scripps Foundation and Emerson Seim of the University of Chicago, that scientifically established the reality of white flight.

38. Combustible waste means Combustible waste material which is salvageable, retained or collected for scrap or reprocessing and may include all Combustible fibres, hay, straw, hair, feathers, down, wood shavings, turnings, all types of paper products, soiled cloth trimmings and cuttings, rubber trimmings and buffing, metal fines, and any mixture of the above items, or any other salvageable Combustible waste …

39. Question (Mr. Lachlan Carmichael, AFP News Agency): I wanted to ask Madam Secretary and Mr. Minister about the commitment that Madam Secretary made to one of the top Congressmen in the US to go to the NSG and ask the NSG to amend the rules demanding a ban on the transfer of reprocessing and enrichment technology to countries such as India that have not signed the NPT.

40. (b) Iran is to take the following voluntary measures: reduce the existing stockpile of 20% enriched uranium, stop enrichment of Uranium to 20% for six months; stop installation of new centrifuges or activation of already installed new centrifuges for uranium enrichment at Natanz and Fordow or new locations for enrichment; freeze its existing stockpile of low-enriched fuel, halt construction on the core of the Arak research reactor and not construct any reprocessing facility; and accept enhanced monitoring of its nuclear fuel cycle activity.