Nghĩa của từ reproducibility bằng Tiếng Đức

eproducibility [riːprədjuːsəbilitiː] Reproduzierbarkeit

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reproducibility", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reproducibility, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reproducibility trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. coefficient of variation of reproducibility, %.

Variationskoeffizient der Vergleichbarkeit

2. Method for improving mass spectrum reproducibility and quantitative analysis method using same

3. Reproducibility in Parallel Statistical Computations Issues and Considerations in Reproducing Parallel Computations

4. The reproducibility of isokinetic tests in patients with hemiplegia has been demonstrated.

5. Studied the Ascidian embryo to address the determinants of this cellular reproducibility

6. One non-compliance with the reproducibility limit per 10 sample units is accepted.

Eine einmalige Nichteinhaltung der Vergleichbarkeitsgrenze je 10 Proben ist zulässig.

7. The errors of the analytical methods (repeatability and reproducibility) are presented.

Die aus Wiederhol- und Vergleichsanalysen ermittelten Werte der Fehlerstreuung werden angegeben.

8. Quality Control Equipment (basic set) Equipment Accuracy Reproducibility Sensitometer ± .02 log ± .02 log

9. We calculated the coefficient of variation (CV) of amplitude as a measure of reproducibility.

Als Maß für die Reproduzierbarkeit berechneten wir den Variationskoeffizienten der Amplitude bei Meßwiederholung.

10. The relative coefficient of variation (RCV) was used to quantify the amplitude reproducibility.

Der relative Variationskoeffizient RCV diente zur Abschätzung der Reproduzierbarkeit von zwei Amplitudenwerten.

11. The inventive method allows production of coils with high geometric reproducibility, adjustable inductivities and high mechanical stability.

Durch das Verfahren sind erfindungsgemässe Spulen mit hoher geometrischer Reproduzierbarkeit, einstellbarer Induktivitäten und hoher mechanischer Stabilität realisierbar.

12. The project developed targeted proteomics assays to quantify all the 32 nucleoporins with high accuracy and reproducibility.

Das Projekt entwickelte gezielte Proteomikassays für die genaue und reproduzierbare Quantifizierung aller 32 Nukleoporine.

13. Characterizing the Reproducibility in Using a Liver Microphysiological System for Assaying Drug Toxicity, Metabolism and Accumulation

14. TheDU(IV)-values agree with those obtained by batch experiments, the reproducibility was even better.

Die so erhaltenenDU(IV)-Werte stimmten mit den bereits früher aus Schüttelversuchen erhaltenen gut überein, ihre Reproduzierbarkeit war sogar besser.

15. (b) the reproducibility of the metrological performances of produced instruments when properly adjusted using appropriate intended means, and;

b) die der Reproduzierbarkeit der messtechnischen Leistungen der hergestellten Geräte, wenn diese mit angemessenen, hierfür vorgesehenen Mitteln ordnungsgemäß eingestellt sind, und;

16. An inflammatory dose 50 (ED50) is being measured and its reproducibility checked by analysis of variance.

Es kann eine entzündliche Dosis 50 (ED50) gemessen werden, deren Reproduzierbarkeit jeweils durch Varianzanalyse überprüft wird.

17. The standard deviation of the laboratory can be used to assess the reproducibility of the method.

Die Standardabweichung des Laboratoriums kann zur Bewertung der Reproduzierbarkeit der Methode herangezogen werden.

18. KDB1 bacterial strain instead of a traditional fermentation process which entails poor reproducibility and is exacting and complicated.

19. The calculation of the mean deviation angle between the symmetry planes served as a measure of the reproducibility of these results.

Die Berechnung der mittleren Winkelabweichung zwischen den Symmetrieebenen diente als Maß für die Reproduzierbarkeit der Methode.

20. the reproducibility of the metrological performances of produced instruments when properly adjusted using appropriate intended means, and

21. — the reproducibility of the metrological performances of produced instruments when properly adjusted using appropriate intended means, and

— die Reproduzierbarkeit der messtechnischen Leistungen der hergestellten Geräte, wenn diese mit angemessenen, hierfür vorgesehenen Mitteln ordnungsgemäß eingestellt sind, und

22. Di, Xin, & Biswal, Bharat Psychophysiological Interactions in a Visual Checkerboard Task: Reproducibility, Reliability, and the Effects of Deconvolution

23. The method is investigated for experimental conditions, errors, reproducibility and behaviour of the sperm acrosomal protease in acetic acid extracts.

Die Methode wird hinsichtlich ihrer experimentellen Bedingungen, der Irrtumsmöglichkeiten, der Reproduzierbarkeit und des Verhaltens der akrosomalen Spermatozoenprotease in essigsauren Extrakten untersucht.

24. Low positive samples were repeated for reproducibility and 32 four-way pools of negative specimens were Assayed to determine specificity

25. 23 Reproducibility studies on the data used to calculate the scan score yielded a coefficient of variation of 5%.

26. The Biometry Research Group contributes to the rigor and reproducibility of cancer prevention research through statistical consultation and methodologic development.

27. (c) where the reproducibility of the submitted analytical methods referred to in Part C, point 2.6, has only been verified in two laboratories, an authorization shall be granted for one year to permit the applicant to demonstrate the reproducibility of those methods in accordance with agreed criteria.

c) Wenn die Wiederholbarkeit der in Ziffer 2.6 genannten vorgeschlagenen Analyseverfahren nur in zwei Labors überprüft wurde, so wird eine Zulassung für zwei Jahre erteilt, damit der Antragsteller die Wiederholbarkeit dieser Verfahren nach anerkannten Normen nachweisen kann.

28. The Bioassays can be used to detect neutralizing anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) or NAbs in patient serum samples, with high sensitivity and reproducibility.

29. Archai aspires to accelerate NAS research by enabling easy mix and match between different techniques while ensuring reproducibility, self-documented hyper-parameters and fair comparison.

30. The Allotrope™ Ontologies and Data Models are used to create linked data that standardizes experimental parameters so we can remove human error and enhance scientific reproducibility

31. Amplitude reproducibility was somewhat higher under steady-state as compared to transient stimulation; we attribute this to the high noise rejection of the Fourier analysis.

Unter Steady-state-Bedingungen ist die Amplitudenreproduzierbarkeit etwas höher als transient; dies führen wir auf die Fourier-Analyse zurück, die weniger von Rauschüberlagerungen beeinflußt wird.

32. The reproducibility of precise retention-index determinations strongly depends on the constancy of the polarity and on the adsorptivity of the capillary column.

Die Reproduzierbarkeit von präzise bestimmten Retentionsindices hängt von der Konstanz der Polarität und von der Adsorptivität der Capillarsäule ab.

33. The Aquios/PLG CD4 testing platform showed clinically acceptable result reporting to existing predicate results, with good system stability and reproducibility with a slight negative but precise bias

34. In the majority of these studies, implant Angulation significantly influenced reproducibility at 20 to 25 degrees, but no statistically significant differences were reported at 5 to 15 degrees Angulations

35. The influence of the parameters of the GC system and the accuracy of the determination of index values, characterized by the “repeatability” and the “reproducibility”, are discussed.

Der Einfluß der Parameter des GC-Systems und die Genauigkeit der Bestimmung von Indexwerten, charakterisiert durch die Wiederholbarkeit (“repeatibility”) und die Vergleichbarkeit (“reproducibility”), werden diskutiert.

36. By displaying the achromatic color white directly after yellow, which is a color in which color balance being off tends to be more noticeable, lowering of color reproducibility is suppressed.

37. The immunohistochemical determination of tumour growth fraction with the Ki-67 antibody is economically justifiable, since it serves as an adjunct for histological/cytological tumour grading, a method that has a poor level of reproducibility.

Wirtschaftlich vertretbar ist darüber hinaus die immunhistochemische Bestimmung der Wachstumsfraktion mit dem AK Ki-67 als unterstützende Maßnahme zum kombinierten histologisch-zytologischen Grading, dem eine mangelhafte Reproduzierbarkeit anhaftet.

38. Amplification using Barcoded primers in both steps of the 2-step protocol confirmed that the presence of the Barcoded primer was responsible for the reduced reproducibility of the 1-step bcPCR T-RFLP profiles (see Fig

39. Abstract We collected gait analysis data for 282 healthy adults and elderly people (144 women and 138 men aged 20-98) using an Accelerometric device, whose reproducibility (intra-tester and inter-testers) has been validated for gait studies

40. In man cortical potentials were evoked by acoustic stimuli and recorded from the skull. Certain amplitudes (R) and also certain areas (R′) underneath these potentials (described in detail) are with good reproducibility power functions of the stimulus-intensity (S).

Leitet man vom Schädel des wachen Menschen akustisch evozierte Potentiale ab, so stellen die Potentialamplituden und die Flächen unter bestimmten, im einzelnen beschriebenen Abschnitten des Potentialverlaufs reproduzierbare Funktionen der aufgewandten Reizstärke dar.

41. Our catalog of over 780,000 Antibodies from our R&D Systems™ and Novus Biologicals™ brands have been validated for specificity and reproducibility in over 25 species for more than 15 applications, ensuring that you will find one for your research needs.

42. Historically, among the first to be developed and used widely is the Bleomycin model, which is the best-characterized and currently most extensively used animal model due to its ability to reproduce many aspects of IPF and other fibrotic ILDs, good reproducibility, and ease of induction

43. Vibratory Disc Mill RS 200: optimized drive kinematics for highest reproducibility With the new Ultra-Centrifugal Mill ZM 200 RETSCH presents a rotor mill that not only Comminutes extremely rapidly, but is very gentle on the feed material and, thanks to a comprehensive range of accessories, is suitable for universal use.

44. The mineralization of fluorinated organic products in a polyethylene oxygen flask makes it possible to obtain by direct spectrophotometric means a determination of the fluorinated ion [cerium(III)-alizarine fluorinated complexone developed in the presence of 25% v/v of dimethylsulfoxide gives excellent results both from the precision standpoint and reproducibility.

Die Veraschung fluorhältiger organischer Produkte in einer mit Sauerstoff gefüllten Polyäthylenflasche und die darauf folgende spektrophotometrische Fluoridbestimmung über den Cer(III)-Komplex mit Alizarin-Komplexon und Fluorid in 25%iger Dimethylsulfoxidlösung führt zu sehr genauen und gut reproduzierbaren Ergebnissen.

45. 6 male and 4 female healthy subjects received an intravenous injection of 15μCi131J-human-albumin. The reproducibility of the biological half-time T12/III, of the pool size of the intravascular and of the totally exchangeable131J-human-albumin, and of the absolute turnover velocity of the radioactively labelled compound in plasma was sufficient for clinical purposes.

6 männliche und 4 weibliche gesunde Personen weisen nach intravenöser Injektion von 15 μCi131J-Humanalbumin eine für klinische Zwecke ausreichende Reproduzierbarkeit der biologischen Halbwertzeit T12/III, der Poolgröße des intravaskulären Albumins und des gesamten austauschbaren131J-Humanalbumins sowie der absoluten Umsatzgeschwindigkeit der radioaktiv markierten Verbindung im Plasma auf.

46. A radiant exposure of 5.0 J/cm2 under air and PFD resulted in complete transsection of the neurosensory retina.Between 3.5 and 2.0 J/cm2 the ablation depth and the defect patterns varied markedly and adjacent thermal zones areas were seen.Below 2.0 J/cm2 no defects could be created in air, whereas under PFD the ablation extended into the ganglion cell layer.Ablations using a sapphire fiber and 2.0 J/cm2 showed a significantly higher reproducibility of ablation depth, and homogeneous defect patterns limited to the nerve fiber layer could be produced without thermal damage.

Mit 2,0 J/cm2 ließen sich unter Luft keine Defekte mehr nachweisen, unter PFD reichte die Abtragung bis in die Ganglienzellschicht. Eine weitere Dosisreduktion führte nicht zur gewünschten Abtragung noch oberflächlicherer Netzhautschichten.Versuche mit einer Saphirfaser zeigten eine höhere Effektivität sowie ein gleichmäßigeres Defektmuster mit verbesserter Reproduzierbarkeit und ermöglichten so bei einer Dosis von 2,0 J/cm2 eine homogene oberflächliche Abtragung ohne thermische Nekrosen, die auf das Niveau der Nervenfaserschicht begrenzt blieb.

47. Dual-photon absorptiometry with a dual-energy x-ray source is commonly used, however, due to its lower x-ray exposure, its better reproducibility in the long run and its lower cost. When the two aforementioned techniques are unavailable, single-photon absorptiometry of the forearm can be used, although it is not as sensitive in its detection of bone loss.25 Risk factor profiles have also been examined as a potential screening tool; however, according to Cooper et al., they lack predictive value.22 Current research focuses on the use of biochemical markers of bone turnover as a screening tool.26