Nghĩa của từ quite so bằng Tiếng Đức

quite so [kwaitsou] ganz recht

Đặt câu có từ "quite so"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "quite so", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ quite so, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ quite so trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Or quite so stylishly.

2. Not quite so... bright.

3. Quite so: distance multiplied by force.

4. Nev! Must you be quite so crude?

5. " Quite so; but the sequel was rather unusual.

6. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.

7. No hotel service could be quite so crass.

8. Most Accommodationists, however, do not go quite so far

9. Julia was a sufferer too, though not quite so Blamelessly

10. Charles was not quite so committed to the new wave.

11. I don't think I should have risked anything quite so rakish.

12. But we're not quite so good at dealing with the consequences.

13. Three other wanderers, not quite so dazed, allowed Billy to tag along.

14. He was not quite so hopeful and untroubled as he had originally been.

15. Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.

16. " Quite so, " he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing himself down into an armchair.

17. She didn't somehow think a stitch cutter would do the trick quite so well!

18. But the division of the cytoplasm does not need to be quite so precise.

19. People don't smoke as much dope, or visit prostitutes quite so frequently during a recession.

20. He wasn't unhappy by any means, but not quite so pleased with himself as Rebus.

21. Some of the younger members have been talking of not going quite so quietly, Reuben.

22. No theory of suicide, no philosophical discourses on the subject are quite so revelatory as these words.

23. The people might be made to kneel, but the elements were not quite so easy to muzzle.

24. Not quite so obviously, they want to redistribute income from those with more to those with less.

25. 8 We should not be quite so narrow-minded, blinkered and xenophobic about the rest of the world.

26. Beef Byproducts are the products that we get from beef cattle that might not be quite so obvious

27. Suddenly the voice didn't seem quite so benign anymore, and when she insisted that I seek medical attention,

28. As a team with which to go goat-hunting it was not quite so exiguous as he implied.

29. It was not quite so predictable that he would become one of the most addicted poker players in town.

30. 16 There are many such pyramids and conduits that serve this role, but none quite so potently as Giza.

31. Not quite so spectacular but every bit as useful is the Autogenous welding by means of these magic wands

32. 24 The people might be made to kneel,[] but the elements were not quite so easy to muzzle.

33. • a delicious Crisp green apple • By the time they were brown and Crisp, his question no longer was quite so rhetorical

34. The other three Allied missions that fell into our hands... were not quite so happy about it as you appear to be.

35. [321c] Apportioners and shepherds of men; just as Homer called the good general a “shepherd of the folk.” Companion Quite so, indeed

36. Digvijay may not have been quite so melodramatic in his approach , but has worked towards improving access to schools and speeding up rural development .

37. Few wonders of the sunless depths appear quite so ghoulish or improbable as Anglerfish, creatures that dangle bioluminescent lures in front of needlelike teeth

38. Suddenly the voice didn't seem quite so benign anymore, and when she insisted that I seek medical attention, I duly complied, and which proved to be mistake number two.

39. The geriatrician will intervene late in the day, when pathology is becoming evident, and the geriatrician will try and hold back the sands of time, and stop the accumulation of side effects from causing the pathology quite so soon.

40. Where the chorus lady was once the only brand that had the proper and improper equipment to jazz up an evening, now mankind has come to prefer the flapper, who drinks as much as the Broadwayite, is just as peppy and not quite so gold-diggish

41. Whether you are top fit and would like to scale a mountain peak, or would like to drop in to a mountain hut (at not quite so high an altitude! ), or rather prefer to go for a stroll through our marvellous landscape - here there is something for everyone.

Ob Sie nun top-fit sind und gerne einen Gipfel in Angriff nehmen, auf einer Hütte nicht ganz so weit oben einkehren, oder lieber gemütlich spazieren gehen - unsere wunderschöne Landschaft bietet jedem, was er gerne möchte.

42. ‘The threat to Welsh isn't quite so brutal as it was in the 19th century, when speaking Welsh was regarded as offensive by Anglocentric educators.’ ‘Yet The Many-Headed Hydra also challenges some of Thompson's Anglocentric assumptions.’ ‘He received an Anglocentric education and at the same time learned that he was an outsider.’

43. When he did finally comment, during a visit to Germany, he airily dismissed further questions by saying that what had happened was legal in Russia, and moreover an internal affair. Quite so, murmured his host Gerhard Schröder, the German chancellor, who had just sold him 60 shiny new high-speed trains for use on the Moscow-St. Petersburg line.

Präsident Bush übte kürzlich beim Treffen in Bratislava deutlich Kritik an den putinschen Demokratiedefiziten, wiederholte aber die Unterstützung der USA für eine WTO-Mitgliedschaft Russlands – die USA sehen das nach wie vor als Möglichkeit an, ein unvorhersagbares Russland durch ein Netz von internationalen Abkommen zu binden.

44. Last name meaning Anglish: This is not quite so obvious a name as it might appear, since its origins are Germanic, from the tribe of "Angles" who invaded the Eastern and Northern counties of Britain in the 5th and 6th Centuries, and thereby gave their name to "England", Olde English pre 7th Century "Englaland"

45. The Conclusive victory was narrow, but Celtic's command of the championship utterly emphatic.: Yet yesterday, under closer scrutiny, the triumph did not appear quite so Conclusive.: The Wehrmacht's rapid and Conclusive victory over the French convinced Hitler and not a few of his generals that he was a military genius.: Guyon achieves what he has sworn at the outset of the poem, but his

46. Kasia’s strategy is one that may help to get over the hump that has been classically Bedeviling biomedical people in the U.S. to move something from the bench to the field without quite so many hurdles, the real-world [vaccine] application of this could potentially really have an impact, then I start daydreaming about other possibilities and if you can somehow add to the treatment of cancer or any …

47. Presently a gate Clanked open and a black, cavelike opening appeared behind it.: And he Clanked out, not quite so convinced of what he preached, all the same.: They swung their heads from side to side, and one Clanked a chain in unison.: The way they Clanked about in their great boots and spurs got on his nerves.: He Clanked up to the chair and read the word on the placard.