Nghĩa của từ quotas bằng Tiếng Đức

quotas [kwoutəz] Quote

Đặt câu có từ "quotas"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "quotas", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ quotas, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ quotas trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. One-off amounts on additional sugar quotas and supplementary isoglucose quotas

Einmalige Beträge aus der zusätzlichen Zuckerquote und der ergänzenden Isoglucosequote

2. Because quotas actually stop efficient farmers from expanding while elsewhere quotas remain unused.

Weil die Quoten in der Tat effiziente Milchbauern daran hindern zu expandieren, während andernorts die Quoten ungenutzt bleiben.

3. Coping with the Quotas

4. No free storage quotas

5. Adjustment of the national quotas

Anpassung der einzelstaatlichen Quoten

6. Quotas shall be allocated for

Quoten sind zuzuweisen für

7. Subject: Establishment of anchovy quotas

Betrifft: Festlegung der Fischfangquoten für Sardellen


Bereinigung der jährlichen Ausfuhrquoten

9. Quotas shall be allocated for:

Quoten sind zuzuweisen für:

10. Calculation of the adjusted quotas

Berechnung der angepassten Quoten

11. Allocation of quantities under tariff quotas

Mengenzuteilungen im Rahmen der Zollkontingente

12. - allocating markets and market share quotas,

- Zuteilung von Märkten und Marktanteilsquoten,

13. Fishing activities are subject to quotas.

14. Acquisition costs, quotas and other rights

Erwerbskosten, Quoten und andere Rechte

15. A number of important agricultural imports will be subject to new tariff-rate quotas (see "TariffRate Quotas" above).

16. Adjustment of the national sugar quotas

Anpassung der nationalen Zuckerquote

17. No quotas, no one to answer to.

18. Adjustment of tax rules for agricultural quotas

19. Some Northern states filled their quotas quickly.

20. Adjustment of tariff quotas for agricultural products

Anpassung der Zollkontingente für Agrarerzeugnisse

21. Total allowable catch (TAC) and quotas for

Zulässige Gesamtfangmengen (TAC) und Quoten für

22. Grain imports are controlled by strict quotas.

23. This information will aid in regulating fishing quotas.

24. These quotas were designed to effectively disadvantage Jews.



26. These additional quotas were allocated free of charge.

27. There are plans to introduce strict immigration quotas .

28. Several countries have now set quotas for cod fishing.

29. (c) increases in or the abolition of tariff quotas.

c) Zollkontingente zu erhöhen oder aufzuheben.

30. Production quotas apply to milk, eggs, poultry and potatoes.

31. 16 There are plans to introduce strict immigration quotas .

32. The Reman mines have not been filling their quotas.

33. The Haganah also organized demonstrations against British immigration quotas.

34. Failure to meet these quotas will not be tolerated.

35. Roche confirms the vitamin A quotas as per the above.

Von Roche werden die dargestellten Quoten für Vitamin A bestätigt.

36. They should not set goals or quotas for other missionaries.

37. (b) Sharing of the European market: basic agreement on quotas

b) Aufteilung des europäischen Markts: Vereinbarung von Quoten

38. The Commission allocates quotas for (a), (b), (c) and (d).

Die Kommission weist Quoten für die Verwendungszwecke a, b, c und d zu.

39. First, import quotas could be allocated only to "active" firms.

40. Racial quotas and protectionism are scaring away some foreign investors.

41. To enforce the rubber quotas, the Force Publique (FP) was created.

42. Quotas should not be forced upon the Member States from above.

Den Mitgliedstaaten dürfen keine Quoten von oben zwingend vorgeschrieben werden.

43. By order of President Snow daily production quotas have been increased.

44. In the absence of proper assessment and quotas some stocks have crashed.

Da eine angemessene Abschätzung des Bestands und Fangquoten fehlen, wurde der Bestand einiger Spezies stark dezimiert.

45. In 1891, he resigned again over the Imperial demand of racial quotas.

46. Quotas allocated in accordance with targets of the Sector Phase-out Plan.

47. Failure to fulfil the obligation to manage quotas and control fishing activities

Verletzung der Verpflichtung zur Quotenverwaltung und zur Kontrolle der Fischereitätigkeit

48. Imports over and above these quotas are subject to prohibitive customs duties.

49. 30 Article 27 The administrative departments of import quotas shall publicize the total amount of quotas for the next year between September 15 and October 14 of each year.

50. The adjustments result from the allocation of additional and supplementary isoglucose quotas.

Die Anpassungen ergeben sich aus der Gewährung zusätzlicher und ergänzender Isoglucosequoten.