Nghĩa của từ puritanism bằng Tiếng Đức

puritanism [pjeəritənizəm] Puritanismus

Đặt câu có từ "puritanism"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "puritanism", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ puritanism, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ puritanism trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Beblister Puritanism Canyon country fire

2. Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.

3. Aren't those just the foundations of xenophobia and authoritarianism and Puritanism?

4. She saw it as one of the major manifestations of eighteenth-century philanthropic puritanism.

5. The disapproving proscriptions of puritanism could not have squeezed all impropriety from the area.

6. Puritanism was a natural revolt against that Naturalism which threatened to end in sheer animalism.

7. That was a false and sanctimonious puritanism, such as had dogged the Inquisitor's own youth.

8. 9 Puritanism was a natural revolt against that Naturalism which threatened to end in sheer animalism.

9. Chastity, then, was the manner in which Judaism steered a course between the twin excesses of paganism and puritanism

10. Clement combined his highly positive evaluation of culture with a severe puritanism towards any concessions to polytheistic myth and cult.

11. 20 It was for religious and temperamental reasons - Puritanism and parsimony - that Alfred kept his family in such austerity.

12. There are many synonyms of Chasteness which include Abstemiousness, Asceticism, Chastity, Continence, Determination, Economy, Sobriety, Stoicism, Strictness, Temperance, Prudence, Puritanism, etc.

13. Most scholars, however, agree that Baptists, as an English-speaking denomination, originated within 17th-century Puritanism as an offshoot of Congregationalism

14. The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.

15. In his theory, Robert K. Merton focused on English Puritanism and German Pietism as having been responsible for the development of the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries.

16. ‘Clashes between Conformists and Puritans resulted in the suppression of the organized Presbyterian wing of Puritanism by 1591, but the impact of Puritans on the Church at a local level remained enormous.’

17. 29 Or they could wait in hope for the European Central Bank to decide inflation is not so bad after all; or for the Germans to resile from their economic puritanism and become free-spending idlers.

18. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Mencken waxed angrily eloquent against American moral puritanism and its adherents, whom he labeled "the Booboisie." By 1929, the example of Remarque's altered text of All Quiet on the Western Front, as Hemingway pointed out, gave further proof of greater intolerance in America than in England.

19. Even his Prometheus, the Archradical and comforter of humankind, is a willing accomplice in the cycle of violence in which the tyranny of one order is succeeded by the despotism of the next, while in Endecott and the Red Cross the repressive Puritanism of Governor Endecott is balanced by the excesses of the hedonistic Merry Mount settlers.