Nghĩa của từ interested parties bằng Tiếng Đức

interested parties [intrəstidpɑːtiz] Interessente

Đặt câu có từ "interested parties"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "interested parties", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ interested parties, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ interested parties trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. – they are accessible to all interested parties.

– und wenn das Gütezeichen für alle Betroffenen zugänglich und verfügbar ist.

2. The State Department is briefing all interested parties.

3. the labels are accessible to all interested parties;

die Gütezeichen sind für alle Betroffenen zugänglich;



5. These should be developed with the involvement of all interested parties.

6. Comments from interested parties on the choice of the analogue country

Stellungnahmen von interessierten Parteien zur Wahl des Vergleichslands

7. Interested parties should be consulted and cooperate actively in this analysis.

Die beteiligten Betroffenen sollten konsultiert werden und bei dieser Analyse aktiv mitwirken.

8. I see all the interested parties are present today in the Senate

9. Interested parties can contact [email protected]Brigade[email protected]

10. All delegates and interested parties were encouraged to reply to this questionnaire.

11. Details can be found in the file for inspection by interested parties.

Genauere Angaben dazu können interessierte Parteien dem Dossier entnehmen.

12. The information is reported to a variety of different types of interested parties .

13. All interested parties may request to be heard by the Commission investigation services.

Jede interessierte Partei kann eine Anhörung durch die untersuchenden Kommissionsdienststellen beantragen.

14. Certification will be open to all interested parties, not just to DGTA members.

15. The advantage is in the content related to the advertising, thus capturing interested parties.

16. Having called on interested parties to submit their comments pursuant to the provision cited above

17. They are , indeed , a marking system , and one that is designed to inform interested parties .

18. Having called on interested parties to submit their comments pursuant to the provisions cited above

nach Aufforderung der Beteiligten zur Äußerung gemäß den vorgenannten Artikeln

19. they shall take into consideration the views of all interested parties involved in the consultation process

sie berücksichtigen die Standpunkte aller am Konsultationsprozess beteiligten interessierten Kreise

20. Having called on interested parties to submit their comments pursuant to the provisions cited above (1),

nach Aufforderung der Beteiligten zur Äußerung gemäß den genannten Bestimmungen (1),

21. The Absentees Act provides a useful remedy for families of missing persons and other interested parties

22. Collusion, secret agreement and cooperation between interested parties for a purpose that is fraudulent, deceitful, or illegal

23. The informal meeting in the first half of 2003 should include all countries and all interested parties.

24. This mechanism should, at the same time, enable interested parties to have access to the relevant information.

Dieses Instrument sollte gleichzeitig den Betroffenen die einschlägigen Informationen zugänglich machen.

25. The Office shall provide the interested parties with application forms for the opening of a current account.

26. The continuation of the ACIS programme is contingent on requests from interested parties and availability of funds.

27. The continuation of the ACIS programme is contingent on requests from interested parties and availability of funds

28. The facility shall make available online all information on programme management that is relevant for interested parties.

Die Fazilität stellt sämtliche für Interessierte relevanten Informationen über die Verwaltung des Programms online zur Verfügung.

29. ISDN access), thereby enabling all interested parties to know where they stand when they make their plans.

ISDN-Zugang) zur Planungssicherheit für alle Beteiligten - unter Berücksichtigung der Marktgegebenheiten - festzulegen.

30. All interested parties may also apply to be heard by the Commission within the same #-day time limit

Innerhalb derselben Frist von # Tagen können die interessierten Parteien auch einen Antrag auf Anhörung durch die Kommission stellen

31. As noted in recital (58), interested parties generally accepted the principle of the market segmentation into three tiers.

Wie in Erwägungsgrund 58 festgestellt, akzeptierten die interessierten Parteien generell den Grundsatz der Marktsegmentierung in drei Klassen.

32. The objective was to gather views from all interested parties, including preparers, users, standard setters, public authorities, etc.

Ziel der Konsultation war es, die Standpunkte aller interessierten Kreise einzuholen, etwa von Abschlusserstellern, Nutzern, Standardsetzern, Behörden usw.

33. All interested parties may also apply to be heard by the Commission within the same # day time limit

Innerhalb der vorgenannten Frist von # Tagen können alle interessierten Parteien auch einen Antrag auf Anhörung durch die Kommission stellen

34. There's a possibility of talks, but we need to get all the interested parties back to the table.

35. Interested parties are required to make formal applications by Jan. in a process likely to last several months.

36. Interested parties will be given 3 working days to comment in writing on the accuracy of the calculations.

Den interessierten Parteien werden 3 Arbeitstage eingeräumt, um schriftlich zur Richtigkeit der Berechnungen Stellung zu nehmen.

37. Interested parties get the DVD sent free of charge against advance payment of the postage costs (3,50 Euro).

Interessenten erhalten gegen Vorkasse der Portokosten (3,50 €) die DVD kostenlos übersandt.

38. The Acceptable Ads Committee consists of interested parties from for-profit companies, industry experts and Internet users like you

39. Such information should provide interested parties with an insight into the costs incurred by the Agency and its productivity.

Diese Informationen sollten den Betroffenen einen Einblick in die Kosten der Agentur und ihre Produktivität ermöglichen.

40. Need to upload a document? Stakeholders and interested parties can use EComp to upload documents to active FECA cases

41. The longer term objective is a co-ordinated and structured security approach by all interested parties (including national authorities).

Auf lange Sicht wird ein koordiniertes und strukturiertes, von allen Beteiligten (auch den nationalen Behörden) getragenes Sicherheitskonzept angestrebt.

42. Such information should provide interested parties with an insight into the costs incurred by the Agency and its productivity

Diese Informationen sollten den Betroffenen einen Einblick in die Kosten der Agentur und ihre Produktivität ermöglichen

43. The diversity of interested parties leads to a logical division in the discipline of accounting : financial accounting and managerial accounting .

44. The Agency shall consult the advisory body of interested parties before giving an opinion on any change in the fees

Die Agentur konsultiert das beratende Gremium der interessierten Kreise, bevor sie sich zu einer Gebührenänderung äußert

45. The Agency shall consult the advisory body of interested parties before giving an opinion on any change in the fees.

Die Agentur konsultiert das beratende Gremium der interessierten Kreise, bevor sie sich zu einer Gebührenänderung äußert.

46. Project description Blinker provides a fast dispatching system that allows any number of interested parties to subscribe to events, or “signals”

47. On the contrary, as the Commission maintains, the adoption of those guidelines adds to legal certainty as regards interested parties, inter alia.

März 2011 im Licht der Erfahrung, die sie bei den ersten Bewertungen gesammelt hatte, solche Leitlinien erlassen hat, ist nicht geeignet, einen Nachweis für das Vorliegen einer Beeinträchtigung der Rechtssicherheit zu liefern.

48. The person presiding over a hearing may not have exparte contact with the parties, interested parties or other participants in the hearing.

49. The SQL standard has gone through a number of revisions: Interested parties may purchase SQL standards documents from ISO, IEC or ANSI.

50. The American Society of Acupuncturists strives to provide interested parties with key information about the field of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine