Nghĩa của từ facilitating bằng Tiếng Đức

facilitating [fəsiliteitiŋ] erleichternd

Đặt câu có từ "facilitating"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "facilitating", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ facilitating, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ facilitating trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. (a) facilitating access to the labour market;

a) der Erleichterung des Zugangs zum Arbeitsmarkt;

2. (d) facilitating the amicable settlement of disputes.

d) die gütliche Beilegung der Rechtsstreitigkeiten zu erleichtern.

3. Measures are based around two priorities: facilitating access to employment and facilitating access to resources, rights, goods and services.

Die Maßnahmen sind um zwei Hauptschienen aufgebaut: Förderung des Zugangs zu Beschäftigung und die Teilhabe an Ressourcen, Rechten, Gütern und Dienstleistungen.

4. Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education

5. the procedures for facilitating shore leave for ship

die Verfahren zur Erleichterung des Landgangs und des Auswechselns von Mitgliedern der Schiffsbesatzung sowie des Zugangs von Besuchern auf das Schiff, einschließlich Vertretern von Wohlfahrts-und Gewerkschaftsorganisationen für Seeleute

6. Computer software for facilitating analogue and digital transmissions

Computersoftware zur Vereinfachung der analogen und digitalen Übertragung

7. System and method for facilitating a subsidiary card account

8. Is sinus bradycardia a factor facilitating overt heart failure?

9. Technical devices facilitating the access to vehicles (e.g. ramp, lifting

10. Laura Becking has devoted her career to facilitating this process

11. Method and apparatus for facilitating access to telephone communications

12. - Bridging the funding gap by facilitating access to risk capital;

- Lösung der Finanzierungsprobleme durch erleichterten Zugang zu Risiko kapital;

13. Technical devices facilitating access to vehicles (ramp, lifting platform, kneeling-system):

Technische Einstiegshilfen (Rampe, Hebeplattform, Absenkvorrichtung):

14. Tape cleaner facilitating the use and storage of the adhesive surface

15. To aim directly at the impercipient situation of Facilitating the stagnant wood today, we restate the importance and necessity of the theoretical research of Facilitating the stagnant wood.

16. (b) facilitating access to channels of finance, providing information and stimulating innovation;

(b) Erleichterung des Zugangs zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Bereitstellung von Informationen und Förderung von Innovationen.

17. Sinks in water (while polypropylene floats), facilitating its anaerobic biodegradation in sediments.

18. Accounts Receivable Insurance is again important in facilitating this type of financing.

19. But as time wore on priests found themselves facilitating their own diminution.

20. facilitating access to channels of finance, providing information and stimulating innovation.

Erleichterung des Zugangs zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Bereitstellung von Informationen und Förderung der Innovation.

21. Facilitating at Community level access to digital content, its use and exploitation

Erleichterung des Zugangs zu digitalen Inhalten sowie ihrer Nutzung und Verwertung auf Gemeinschaftsebene

22. facilitating at Community level access to digital content, its use and exploitation

Erleichterung des Zugangs zu digitalen Inhalten sowie ihrer Nutzung und Verwertung auf Gemeinschaftsebene

23. (b) facilitating access to channels of finance, providing information and stimulating innovation.

b) Erleichterung des Zugangs zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Bereitstellung von Informationen und Förderung der Innovation.

24. ·EMPACT actions implementing or facilitating the implementation of the EU Policy Cycle;

·EMPACT-Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung oder Erleichterung der Umsetzung des EU-Politikzyklus;

25. * Facilitating access to, and use and exploitation of digital content: 35 - 45 %

* Erleichterung des Zugangs zu digitalen Inhalten, ihrer Nutzung und Verwertung: 35 - 45 %

26. The aggregation of public-sector demand increases certainty of expected revenues facilitating investment.

Die Bündelung der Nachfrage des öffentlichen Sektors steigert die Gewissheit voraussichtlicher Einnahmen und fördert damit Investitionen.

27. Type of collaboration Developing a Facilitating access ‘‘bridging’’ to supervised program work experience

28. Device and method for facilitating access to a duct within the human body

29. Maras have a particular limb anatomy facilitating a unique Cursoriality among rodents

30. Facilitating climate change adaptation in transport through addressing the energy-environment linkage

31. Counterpoise provides the framework and location, but members take turns facilitating the sessions

32. Such activities could have positive spill-overs also as regards facilitating military mobility.

Solche Initiativen könnten Spillover-Effekte haben und sich auch positiv auf die militärische Mobilität auswirken.

33. Bibliotherapy is most easily defined as facilitating psychological growth and healing through reading

34. Other measures are targeted towards facilitating voluntary departure from the sector and alternative cultivation.

Andere Maßnahmen sind darauf ausgerichtet, die freiwillige Aufgabe der Tabakerzeugung und den Anbau alternativer Kulturpflanzen zu fördern.

35. This has many facets, including extending lines of credit and facilitating trade in services.

36. The ritual of Bedtime is aimed at facilitating the transition from wakefulness to sleep

37. d) facilitating the activities established by small and medium-sized enterprises of both sides;

d) Erleichterung der Maßnahmen kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen beider Vertragsparteien,

38. Perhaps most importantly, iron made strong weapons, facilitating expansion by well armed Bantus …

39. System and method for facilitating access by sellers to certificate-related and other services

40. · European Information Systems[10] facilitating the exchange of information and access to common data;

· Europäische Informationssysteme[10] zur Vereinfachung des Informationsaustauschs und des Zugangs zu gemeinsamen Daten

41. Laboratory team leader facilitating microbial Bioconversion research for in-situ coal to methane transformations

42. Antonyms for Counteracting include enhancing, exacerbating, abetting, aiding, allowing, approving, assisting, breaking, facilitating and forwarding

43. They agreed that active work of India-Afghanistan Foundation would contribute to facilitating such interactions.

44. promoting multilingualism and facilitating access to the site by using several languages of the Union;

Förderung der Mehrsprachigkeit und Erleichterung des Zugangs zu der Stätte durch die Nutzung mehrerer Sprachen der Union;

45. A major priority is facilitating adolescents' access to relevant, age-appropriate and gender-sensitive information

46. A system for facilitating access to resources residing within an operating environment comprising multiple apparatuses.

47. Measures comprise extending social protection and unemployment benefits, facilitating additional training and targeted safety nets.

48. Description of a method facilitating an early differential diagnosis between myotonia congenita and myotonia dystrophica.

Es wird eine Methode beschrieben, durch die eine frühe Differential-diagnose zwischen der Myotonia congenita und der Myotonia dystrophica erleichtert werden kann.

49. Methods and apparatus facilitating logging-while-drilling (LWD) using a multi-pole acoustic transmitter source.

50. Technical devices facilitating the access to vehicles (e.g. ramp, lifting platform, kneeling system), if fitted: ...

Technische Einstiegshilfen (z.B. Rampe, Hebeplattform, Absenkvorrichtung), sofern eingebaut: ...