Nghĩa của từ factorial bằng Tiếng Đức

factorial [fæktɔːriəl] faktoriell [math.], Fakultät [math.]

Đặt câu có từ "factorial"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "factorial", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ factorial, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ factorial trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. As one - x^22 / two factorial + x^44 / four factorial, et cetera.

2. With a bit simplication and the coefficient, we obtain one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial - x^6 / six factorial, et cetera.

3. In this setting, e to the x is one + x + x^22 over two factorial + x^33 over three factorial + x^44 over four factorial, et cetera, et cetera.

4. Just as there were four factorial ways of arranging four people, there are 52 factorial ways of arranging 52 cards.

5. And then what was n minus k factorial?

6. Where, by definition, zero factorial is equal to one.

7. Then, we obtain on the left. the series or long polynomial, one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial, and et cetera, all the even powered terms.

8. From Euler's formula, we see that these even terms, one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial, et cetera, comprise cosine of x.

9. The nth factorial moment of the Poisson distribution is λn.

10. Statistical analyses were performed by multivariate two-factorial analysis of variance.

Zur statistischen Auswertung wurden multivariate zweifaktorielle Varianzanalysen durchgeführt.

11. You can make complicated calculations, including trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, and factorial calculations.

12. And that's 5 times 3 times 2 times 1, over -- 3 factorial is just 6.

13. As Bessel, Legendre and Gauss did, Kramp worked on the generalised factorial function which applied to non-integers.

14. The k cancels up top and below and we obtain one over a quantity k minus one factorial.

15. The number of different binary addresses that an n-bit counter can generate is n factorial.

16. Plus one ove r four factorial times the derivative of x^4, 4, on and on down the

17. When k is equal to 3, this expression is going to the absolute value of 2 over 1 factorial.

18. So exciting that mathematicians have chosen to symbolize this kind of calculation, known as a factorial, with an exclamation mark.

19. And rewrite this as the sum k goes from zero to infinity of x to the k over k factorial.

20. Although embryonal mortality is a multi-factorial problem, embryonic Blastocoele formation and hatching from the zona pellucida are critical developmental stages

21. We performed a multilevel factorial field experiment to identify the effects of five factors on sea urchins' (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) aggregating behavior.

22. 19 The etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is multi-factorial, including latent infection of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), environmental factors, dietary habits, familial heredity etc.

23. The etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is multi-factorial, including latent infection of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), environmental factors, dietary habits, familial heredity etc.

24. In our simple example, the number of ways four people can be arranged into chairs is written as four factorial, which equals 24.

25. Where, by k factorial, I mean k * k- 1 * k- 2, and all the way down the line until w e get to one.

26. Our analyses used needle accretion and abscission data from monthly needle counts and destructive harvest data from a replicated 2 × 2 factorial experiment of water and nutrition amendments.

27. Binomial represents the Binomial coefficient function, which returns the Binomial coefficient of and .For non-negative integers and , the Binomial coefficient has value , where is the Factorial function

28. Apparently, use of Anaerobism during swimming is similarly affected by acclimation temperature, since factorial aerobic scopes below 1 were restricted to 33 °C acclimated pupfish measured at either 28 or 33 °C.

29. In Windows 3.0, a scientific mode was added, which included exponents and roots, logarithms, factorial-based functions, trigonometry (supports radian, degree and gradians angles), base conversions (2, 8, 10, 16), logic operations, statistical functions such as single variable statistics and linear regression.

30. ‘The possible Counteractive effect of CK application on shaded leaves with respect to the distribution of leaf N, chloroplast acclimation parameters and leaf expansion was studied in a factorial design.’ ‘Obstructive or Counteractive kamma (upapiaka kamma) weakens, interrupts or retards the result of kusala kamma or akusala kamma.’

31. ‘The possible Counteractive effect of CK application on shaded leaves with respect to the distribution of leaf N, chloroplast acclimation parameters and leaf expansion was studied in a factorial design.’ ‘Obstructive or Counteractive kamma (upapiaka kamma) weakens, interrupts or retards the result of kusala kamma or akusala kamma.’

32. With the German translation of the PHBQ presented here an instrument is available to detect negative behavioral changes after anesthesia in children among German speaking populations. The translation is comparable to the English version with minor differences concerning its factorial structure, which may be due to the predominant role of anxiety in all items.

Mit der vorliegenden Übersetzung des PHBQ steht nun ein deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Verfügung, das mit dem englischsprachigen Original vergleichbar und geeignet ist, Verhaltensauffälligkeiten nach Anästhesien bei Kindern zu untersuchen.