Nghĩa của từ erred bằng Tiếng Đức

erred [əːd] irrte

Đặt câu có từ "erred"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "erred", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ erred, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ erred trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. We erred on the side of mercy.

2. He probably erred on the conservative rather than the generous side.

3. 14 I have erred against every commonplace notion of decorum.

4. Anyone who erred in the past and aborted an unborn life need not conclude that all is lost.

5. Gennan played a new joseki (opening variation in a corner), and Shusaku erred in responding.

6. The Court of First Instance accordingly erred in declaring the action inadmissible on that point.

Das Gericht habe die Klage daher in diesem Punkt zu Unrecht für unzulässig erklärt.

7. The Commission submits that the Board erred in law, under section 115(2)(b) of the Act.

8. Synonyms for Blundered include erred, miscalculated, boobed, bungled, misjudged, fouled up, goofed, slipped up, flubbed and fluffed

9. The Court of First Instance erred in holding that even such a difference can amount to selectivity.

Das Gericht habe einen Fehler begangen, indem es der Ansicht gewesen sei, dass der selektive Charakter auch in diesem Unterschied bestehen könne.

10. Bilow contends that the trial court erred by admitting similar transaction evidence that he had previously been arrested for manufacturing methamphetamine

11. 23 He said he had erred in using a government fax machine and telephone to contact an intermediary about the donation.

12. Then, because Moses erred on that one occasion, he would not get to experience what he had been expecting for so long!

13. 44 As regards the third part of the third plea, the Commission submits that ADM erred in its reading of paragraph 103 of the judgment under appeal.

44 Zum dritten Teil des dritten Rechtsmittelgrundes macht die Kommission geltend, ADM habe Randnummer 103 des angefochtenen Urteils missverstanden.

14. But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.

15. As Advocate General Fennelly explained in Greece v Commission, the aggrieved Member State must, pursuant to the principle actori incumbit probatio, prove with at least a reasonable degree of certainty that the Commission has erred.

Wie Generalanwalt Fennelly in der Rechtssache Griechenland/Kommission ausgeführt hat, muss der Mitgliedstaat gemäß dem Grundsatz actori incumbit probatio zumindest zur hinreichenden Gewissheit des Gerichtshofes dartun, dass die Kommission fehlerhaft entschieden hat".

16. According to the applicant, the Board of Appeal erred in law when it concluded that ACER was competent despite the fact that it disregarded its amendment request.

Der Beschwerdeausschuss sei rechtsfehlerhaft zu dem Ergebnis gelangt, dass die ACER trotz dieses Umstands zuständig sei.

17. 59 Furthermore, the Board of Appeal erred in failing to take account of the anatomical, aesthetic and artistic differences between the depictions of the elephants’ heads in the marks at issue.

59 Zudem habe die Beschwerdekammer einen Fehler begangen, indem sie die Unterschiede anatomischer, ästhetischer und künstlerischer Art zwischen den Darstellungen eines Elefantenkopfs in den fraglichen Marken nicht berücksichtigt habe.

18. If we have to give counsel, we will probably do so in a much kinder way if we comprehend the feelings and sensitivities of the one who has erred.

19. Failed to timely Controvert this claim, the administrative law judge erred in finding that Safeco was not entitled to contest the merits of entitlement through a petition for modification

20. In its petition to the Supreme Court, the NCAA says the 9th Circuit erred in this case and that Amateurism has been a hallmark of NCAA sports for many decades

21. (79) I should stress that, should the Court find that the General Court erred in granting an application to intervene, this would have no impact on the admissibility of the action before the General Court. (80)

Sollte der Gerichtshof feststellen, dass das Gericht einem Streithilfeantrag zu Unrecht stattgegeben hat, wäre dies meines Erachtens für die Zulässigkeit der Klage vor dem Gericht folgenlos(80).

22. Husband raises several issues, including whether the Trial Court erred in its valuation of certain marital property, in determininghis incomefor purposes of child support and temporary alimony, as well as in granting Wife an award of transitional Alimonyto secure certain marital debts assigned to …

23. The linguistic hair-splitting continues with a statement in the reply brief, whinging that TEI erred in suggesting that revenue rulings are not "officially" published and then Averring that such rulings are "formally" published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.

24. En By its second plea, the applicant considers that the contested decision infringes Article #(c) of Council Regulation (EC) No #/#, as the Board of Appeal (i) erred in relation to the meaning and syntax of the concerned word mark, as well as its Aptness or otherwise as an immediate and direct descriptive term for the goods in question; (ii

25. Accordingly, the General Court erred in law by holding, in paragraphs 186 and 235 of the judgment under appeal, that the evidence in the administrative file was not such as to substantiate, to the requisite legal standard and unequivocally, the conclusions drawn by the Commission for the purposes of the assessment, at SKK 435 million (approximately EUR 14.5 million), of the proceeds from the sale of the applicant’s assets upon bankruptcy.

52 Folglich habe das Gericht in den Rn. 186 und 235 des angefochtenen Urteils rechtsfehlerhaft entschieden, dass der Inhalt der Akte die von der Kommission gezogenen Schlüsse auf eine Bewertung des Erlöses der Veräußerung der Aktiva in einem Insolvenzverfahren mit 435 Mio. SKK (etwa 14,5 Mio. Euro) nicht in rechtlich hinreichender Weise und eindeutig habe untermauern können.