Nghĩa của từ error report bằng Tiếng Đức

error report [erərrepɔːt] Fehlerreport

Đặt câu có từ "error report"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "error report", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ error report, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ error report trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Internal error: unable to generate HTML report

2. Unhandled error condition. Please send a bug report

3. I'd like to report a programming error in " Parallax. "

4. To help fix the error, you can report it to your other email service:

5. The official report into the accident says that it was caused by pilot error .

6. Funny, the NTSB's preliminary report indicates that it was an accident due to pilot error.

7. If you’re having issues logging in, retrieving Affidavits, or need to report an error, please click here.

8. Found a bug/error? Let me know: Send Report! Welcome to Bespeak Where you can create free bookings for …

9. An error-code-adding error correcting circuit (60) error-corrects the EFM demodulated signal and adds error codes.

10. (Civil service – Officials – Reports procedure – Staff report – Fixing of objectives – Manifest error of assessment – Admissibility – Measure not having adverse effects)

„Öffentlicher Dienst – Beamte – Beurteilung – Festlegung von Zielen – Offensichtlicher Beurteilungsfehler – Zulässigkeit – Nicht beschwerende Maßnahme“

11. ((Civil service - Officials - Staff reporting - 2013 appraisal - Appraisal report - Manifest error of assessment - Recovery plan - Act adversely affecting an official - Admissibility))

((Öffentlicher Dienst - Beamte - Beurteilung - Beurteilungsverfahren 2013 - Beurteilung - Offensichtlicher Beurteilungsfehler - Plan zur Verbesserung der Leistungen - Beschwerende Maßnahme - Zulässigkeit))

12. (Civil service – Officials – Reports procedure – Staff report – Actions for annulment – Admissibility – Statement of reasons – Manifest error of assessment – Fixing of objectives)

„Öffentlicher Dienst – Beamte – Beurteilung – Anfechtungsklage – Zulässigkeit – Begründung – Offensichtlicher Beurteilungsfehler – Festlegung der zu erreichenden Ziele“

13. Based on PIGA s error models, The effect of inertia system fix error angle to instruments static error models, dynamic error models and amalgamate error models were analyzed.

14. Busboy.on('error', (err) => { debugLog(options, `Busboy error`);

15. Busboy.on('error', (err) => { debugLog(options, `Busboy error`);

16. It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.

17. (Staff case - Officials - Appraisal - Staff report - Setting of objectives - Manifest error of assessment - Admissibility - Act which does not adversely affect an official)

(Öffentlicher Dienst - Beamte - Beurteilung - Zielvorgabe - Offensichtlicher Beurteilungsfehler - Zulässigkeit - Nicht beschwerende Maßnahme)

18. 6 ERROR-RETURN-DETAIL - is a return parameter providing a report of errors encountered during the attempt to list the package structure.

19. Redirect error: The URL was a redirect error.

20. 4 It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.

21. (Staff case - Officials - Reports - Staff report - Action for annulment - Admissibility - Statement of reasons - Manifest error of assessment - Definition of targets to be achieved)

(Öffentlicher Dienst - Beamte - Beurteilung - Anfechtungsklage - Zulässigkeit - Begründung - Offensichtlicher Beurteilungsfehler - Festlegung der zu erreichenden Ziele)

22. libical error

23. Decryption error

24. Syntax error

25. Users should be made aware that transactions in error are not posted to Abacus and result in incomplete information appearing in their report.