Nghĩa của từ earths bằng Tiếng Đức

earths [əːθs] Erde

Đặt câu có từ "earths"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "earths", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ earths, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ earths trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Alkalines and alkaline earths

Alkaline und alkalische Erden

2. Alkalies and alkaline earths

Alkalien und Erdalkalien

3. Alkali metals and alkaline earths

Alkali- und Erdalkalimetalle

4. Flowable alkaline fluorides and alkaline earths fluorides

Rieselfähige alkali- und erdalkalifluoride

5. Other clays, andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths

Anderer Ton und Lehm, Andalusit, Cyanit, Sillimanit; Mullit; Schamotte-Körnungen und Ton-Dinasmassen

6. Non-refractory clay building bricks (excluding of siliceous fossil meals or earths)

Nicht feuerfeste Mauerziegel aus keramischen Stoffen (ausgenommen aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen Mehlen oder Erden)

7. CPA #.#.#: Other clays, andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths

CPA #.#.#: Anderer Ton und Lehm, Andalusit, Cyanit, Sillimanit; Mullit, Schamotte-Körnungen und Ton-Dinasmassen

8. Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement; except for:

Salz; Schwefel; Steine und Erden; Gips, Kalk und Zement; ausgenommen:

9. They can track the earths magnetic field as sensitively as a compass needle.

10. Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals or earths

Steine, Platten, Fliesen und andere keramische Waren aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen Mehlen oder Erden

11. Dry Bromine reacts vigorously with aluminium, titanium, mercury as well as alkaline earths and

12. (RE = rare earths; M = alkaline earth metal) is placed on said intermediate layers.

auf (RE = Seltene Erde; M = Erdalkalimetall).

13. The six inner planets are either super-Earths or mini-Neptunes due to their size.

14. In comparison with earths, demand for minor metals is less beholden to China, traders say.

15. The chemical behaviour of Actinium is similar to that of the rare earths, particularly lanthanum


17. Later, he suggested that the alkaline earths might be metal oxides, but admitted that this was mere conjecture.

18. Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods, other than of siliceous fossil meals or earths

Feuerfeste Steine, Platten, Fliesen und ähnliche geformte feuerfeste keramische Bauteile

19. If you remember your periodic table, the lanthanides that column above the actinides, those are all the rare earths.

20. * The two sides noted the Sale Purchase Agreement (SPA) between the Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) and the Toyotsu Rare Earths India (TREI) Private Limited, a subsidiary of Toyota-Tsusho Corporation (TTC), Japan for supply of Mixed Rare Earth Chloride.

21. In 1789, Antoine Lavoisier published a list of 33 chemical elements, grouping them into gases, metals, nonmetals, and earths.

22. Building bricks (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths, and refractory bricks of heading 6902 )

Mauerziegel (ausg. aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen Mehlen oder ähnl. kieselsäurehaltigen Erden sowie feuerfeste Steine der Pos. 6902 )

23. We have agreed to encourage Indian and Japanese firms to cooperate in the area of rare earths and rare metals.

24. The alkaline earth metals are named after their oxides, the alkaline earths, whose old-fashioned names were beryllia, magnesia, lime, strontia, and baryta.

25. Titration in acetic acid solution permits working in the presence of alkaline earths and not too large amounts of manganese.

Die Titration in essigsaurer Lösung erlaubt es, in Gegenwart von Erdalkalien und nicht zu großen Mengen Mangan zu arbeiten.

26. With the exception of the alkaline earths, there is no evidence of diffusional transport across the rhyolite-andesite contacts.

Mit Ausnahme der Erdalkalien gibt es keinen Hinweis auf eine Diffusion der Elemente über den Rhyolit-Andesit Kontakt.

27. As with other rare earths, terbium metal is produced by reducing the anhydrous chloride or fluoride with calcium metal.

28. In addition to about 75% SiO2 and 8–12% B2O3, these glasses contain up to 5% alkaline earths and alumina (Al2O3).

29. This issue can be overcome by adding Heavy Rare Earths (HREs) as Dy and Tb, which result in a larger Coercivity at room temperature, maintaining

30. Upland mixed Broadleaved woodland with dog's mercury: Upland oak-birch woodland with bluebell: Upland oak-birch woodland with bilberry: Birch woodland with purple moor-grass: Alder-ash woodland with yellow pimpernel: Soil type: Rendzinas and calcareous brown earths: Base-poor brown earths: Podzolic and ironpan soils: Wet peat: Wet gleys and

31. Alkalinity [TECH.] alkaline fuel cell [abbr.: AFC] [TECH.] alkaline earth sg., usually in plural: alkaline earths [CHEM.] Alkalische Erden pl., rarely in sg

32. N Baryta Barium oxid, BaO: also called heavy earth, because it is the heaviest of the earths, its specific gravity being 4.7

33. Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading 6806), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths

Anderer Ton und Lehm (ausgenommen geblähter Ton der Position 6806), Andalusit, Cyanit, Sillimanit, auch gebrannt; Mullit; Schamotte-Körnungen und Ton-Dinasmassen

34. Other clays (not including expanded clays of heading 6806 ), andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths

Anderer Ton und Lehm (ausgenommen geblähter Ton der Position 6806 ), Andalusit, Cyanit, Sillimanit, auch gebrannt; Mullit; Schamotte-Körnungen und Ton-Dinasmassen

35. As a part of DSP, Low Energy Ion Detector (LEID) will do its contribution to the research of the earths magnetosphere and aurora zone.

36. Common clays and shales for construction use (excluding bentonite, fireclay, expanded clays, kaolin and kaolinic clays); andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite; mullite; chamotte or dinas earths

Grobkeramischer Ton und Tonstein für Ziegeleierzeugnisse (ohne Bentonit, Feuerton, Blähton; Kaolin und kaolinhaltigen Ton); Andalusit, Kyanit, Sillimanit; Mullit; Schamotte oder Ton-Dinasmassen

37. The predominant type of soil is brown earth, ranging from luvisols to eroded, colluvial and alluvial brown earths, with an average or low humus content.

In dem Gebiet herrschen für den Obstanbau vorteilhafte Temperaturen, wobei die über mehrere Jahre gemessene Durchschnittstemperatur 9,7 °C beträgt.

38. Thus salts of the alkalies and alkaline earths that are soluble in ketones may be determined “chloridimetrically” by means of lithium chloride functioning as standard reagent.

So können in Ketonen lösliche Salze der Alkalien und Erdalkalien mit Lithiumchlorid als Maßreagens „chloridimetrisch“ bestimmt werden.

39. It is about 240m from surface of basement rock to the earths surface, Meilong rift crosses engineering site of Humin road viaduct , which is not belong to mobile fit structure.

40. saponifications of oils/fats of vegetable or animal origin, normally with alkali/alkaline earths, to obtain soaps, followed by refining of crude Glycerol and distillation.

der Verseifung von pflanzlichen oder tierischen Ölen/Fetten, in der Regel mit Laugen/Erdalkalien zu Seife, gefolgt von der Raffination des Rohglycerins und Destillation.

41. Complexometric determinations of praseodymium, neodymium and samarium as representative members of the rare earths with Alizarin Red S, Thoron, and Murexide as ohelatochrome indicators have been investigated.

Die komplexometrische Bestimmung von Pr, Nd und Sm als typische Vertreter der Seltenen Erden mit Alizarinrot S, Thoron oder Murexid als chelatochrome Indikatoren wurde untersucht.

42. Rare earths are a selection of 17 elements that are actually common in Earth’s crust and are found in many areas across the world in low concentrations.

43. Bastnaesite, also spelled Bastnäsite, a cerium fluoride carbonate, CeCO 3 (OH,F), found in contact metamorphic zones and pegmatites; cerium is commonly substituted by light rare earths, lanthanum, yttrium, and thorium

44. Unlike the Bre-X scam, the company's Wyoming land does indeed have rare earths, but they are in small concentrations and are mostly the less-desirable sub-group of the elements.

45. These magmatic rocks, including basic, intermediate, intermediate-acid, acid and alkaline rocks, came from earths crust and mantle and these both and were controlled by the mantle plume(hot spot).

46. 18. Recognising the importance of rare earths and rare metals in industries of both countries, the two Prime Ministers decided to enhance bilateral cooperation in this area by enterprises of their countries.

47. Scandium gives with alizarine-3-sulphonate a precipitate of the scandium salt, difficultly soluble in dilute acetic acid, whilst the remaining rare earths are not precipitated, provided the solutions are not unduly concentrated.

Scandium gibt mit Alizarin-3-sulfonat ein in verdünnter Essigsäure schwer lösliches Scandiumalizarin-3-sulfonat, während die übrigen seltenen Erden in nicht zu konzentrierten Lösungen nicht ausfallen.

48. The Bivalent ions of the rare earths show characteristic fluorescence bands, Eu a blue one, Yb a yellow-green one, Sm and Tu red ones; these fluorescence bands can be used to detect very minute quantities of the elements above mentioned

49. ‘A much larger, nonradioactive deposit of Bastnaesite was found on adjoining land.’ ‘This is one of only five localities for Bastnaesite within New Mexico.’ ‘The largest single deposit of rare earths is the Bastnaesite deposit at Mountain Pass, San Bernnadino County in California.’

50. While scientists agree that we are presently living in the era of the Anthropocene, the period in Earths history when humans are altering the functioning of the global environment, we propose the term Astycene as a more accurate description of the new urban era where anthropos is an Seto