Nghĩa của từ eastwards bằng Tiếng Đức

eastwards [iːstwədz] ostwärts

Đặt câu có từ "eastwards"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "eastwards", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ eastwards, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ eastwards trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. The train ate the miles eastwards.

2. The ship continued sailing eastwards.

3. The Changjiang River rolls on eastwards.

4. The storm is moving slowly eastwards.

5. The medical unit made its way eastwards.

6. The current sets strongly eastwards.

7. Why did the Indian traders sail eastwards?

8. From Bristol we drove eastwards to London.

9. The fascists were coming eastwards swiftly, they said.

10. She mounted her bike and pedalled eastwards.

11. They were flying steadily eastwards, deeper into enemy territory.

12. I woke just before lunchtime to find Wavebreaker still sailing eastwards.

13. They noticed that the gear deep under water drifted eastwards.

14. After the necessary shunting the train returned eastwards around midday.

15. They were pressing on eastwards towards the city's small airfield.

16. • The Cramped dock area began to expand eastwards across the newly exposed terrain

17. He saw a shaky-looking Halberstadt turn eastwards and went after it.

18. They discovered a fast flowing current that flowed eastwards in the deep surface layers.

19. The cramped dock area began to expand eastwards across the newly exposed terrain.

20. 13 The Ouse takes a slow and meandering course eastwards ending eventually at the Wash.

21. The 42 ex Pwllheli arrives at Dovey Junction at 35 and there is no connection eastwards.

22. The Sassanians expanded eastwards to incorporate into their state the northern part of the disintegrating Kushan empire.

23. The train stopped somewhere in the middle of a flat plain and we marched eastwards.

24. He pulled the horse round to face eastwards, then spurred it into the tall field of rye.

25. From the Prince's headquarters a road ran eastwards through Nivelles to meet the Charleroi highway at an unnamed crossroads.

26. Meanwhile, Poland's attention was turned eastwards, as the union with Lithuania created an enormous entity in the region.

27. High winds and torrential rains have swept eastwards across the country, prompting warnings for drivers to take extra care.

28. They arranged to come that way again next Sunday and then turned their horses eastwards for the long ride home.

29. Certainly, as he stared out eastwards, Ramsay could perceive no signs of alarm or even movement in town or beyond.

30. On 5 September the Sixth Army advanced eastwards from Paris against the German IV Reserve Corps, which had moved into the area that morning.

31. Salt's heyday was in the late 19th century when traders arrived from Nablus to expand their trading network eastwards beyond the Jordan River.

32. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry.

33. The revival of monsoonal and related convective activity in the region was associated with a moderate-strength pulse of the Madden-Julian Oscillation moving eastwards across the Maritime Continent.

34. Larger vessels, even warships, tend to have much more trouble sailing eastwards, while smaller ships can carry fewer men and cargo, making the Barques an excellent trade-off between speed and cargo capacity.

35. ‘The Conventual buildings are strung out along a narrow ridge above the water, supported but also overshadowed by solid rock.’ ‘This spread eastwards to affect the whole island and has left a haunting legacy of late medieval Conventual ruins.’

36. The cleared central Breccial area is bounded by the main quarry, centre, the denser vegetation of the foreground, and the cone mouth (left); it extends 400 feet north-eastwards (to the right) from the cone mouth, as far as the east quarry.

37. Hence the main watershed extends eastwards, culminating in the Aiguille de Scolette (11,500 ft.), but makes a great curve to the north-west and back to the south-east before rising in the Rochemelon (11,605 ft.), which may be considered as a re-entering angle in …

38. The province of Brescia is the largest in the region, boasts three main lakes, Lake Garda, Lake Iseo and Lake Idro, plus several other smaller lakes, three valleys, Val Camonica, Val Trompia and Valle Sabbia, as well as a wide flat area south of the city, known as the Bassa Bresciana, and several hilly areas surrounding the city landscape and extending eastwards towards Veneto and west to Franciacorta.