Nghĩa của từ discriminatory bằng Tiếng Đức

discriminatory [diskriminətriː] charakteristisch

Đặt câu có từ "discriminatory"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "discriminatory", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ discriminatory, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ discriminatory trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Was there evidence of discriminatory treatment?

2. He said the priority list was discriminatory.



4. 19 There are other diagnostic tests for hyponymy which are either discriminatory but insufficiently general, or general but insufficiently discriminatory.

5. But algorithmic bias can also lead to discriminatory practices.

6. Does Compact persuade employers to discontinue discriminatory practices?

7. Bungmaker Destination wedding on that discriminatory impact is retrospective

8. - guaranteeing non-discriminatory access to these corridors for all operators.

- Gewährleistung eines diskriminierungsfreien Zugangs zu diesen Korridoren für alle Unternehmen.

9. This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America.

10. This discriminatory policy has really been a Blight on America

11. This discriminatory policy has really been a Blight on America

12. Non‐discriminatory Global Nuclear Disarmament: Our commitment towards non-discriminatory global nuclear disarmament remains unwavering, in line with the Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan.

13. Abolition of discriminatory penal provisions (art # (g) of the Convention

14. The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment practices.

15. Laws prohibiting discriminatory speech in the press are as old as 1881.

16. Congress is to launch an inquiry into discriminatory acts by immigration officials.

17. The additional quotas shall be allocated according to objective and non discriminatory criteria.

Die zusätzliche Quote wird nach objektiven und nicht diskriminierenden Kriterien zugeteilt.

18. • Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been Abolished

19. In the table that follows we provide a guide to avoiding discriminatory language.

20. Lebanon holds some 400,000 Palestinian refugees, and they suffer from discriminatory laws.

21. - railway infrastructure capacity is allocated on a fair and non-discriminatory basis and that,

- die Fahrwegkapazität der Eisenbahnen gerecht und in nichtdiskriminierender Weise zugeteilt wird

22. — railway infrastructure capacity is allocated on a fair and non-discriminatory basis and that,

— die Fahrwegkapazität der Eisenbahnen gerecht und in nichtdiskriminierender Weise zugewiesen wird;

23. · Enable policies that lead to open access, non-discriminatory pricing, competition and innovation

24. Team members might engage in discriminatory practices or hire only friends or relatives.

25. When a discriminatory policy isn't justified by the science , it leads to controversy .

26. Charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions

Gebühren für die Verfügbarkeit von Flugsicherungsdiensten sind zu diskriminierungsfreien Bedingungen festzulegen

27. Not precisely by design then, racism and discriminatory practices become part of the institutional culture.

28. Ageist (comparative more Ageist, superlative most Ageist) Unfairly discriminatory against someone based on their age

29. Quotas have the discriminatory intent of restricting a specified group from a particular activity

30. The data were analyzed by means of analysis of (co-)variance, regression analysis, and discriminatory analysis.

Die Daten wurden (ko-)varianz- und regressionsanalytisch ausgewertet.

31. The discriminatory value of a variable was defined as additional information supplied in the ninth position.

Der diskriminante Wert einer Variablen war definiert als die zusätzliche Information bei Hinzunahme an neunter Stelle.

32. Often, the bureaus only ordered companies publishing gender discriminatory ads to remove or change the ads.

33. I read message after message spouting racist doctrines,( ) discriminatory diatribes and personal attacks.

34. This is in line with immigration laws which have been blatantly sexually discriminatory against black women.

35. charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions.

Gebühren für die Verfügbarkeit von Flugsicherungsdiensten sind zu diskriminierungsfreien Bedingungen festzulegen.

36. Non-discriminatory access to the distribution network determines downstream access to customers at retail level.

Ein nichtdiskriminierender Zugang zum Verteilernetz ist Voraussetzung für den nachgelagerten Zugang zu den Endkunden.

37. To deny older women access to routine screening is both contra-indicated and explicitly discriminatory.

38. • allow for interim measures setting aside decisions taken unlawfully, including discriminatory specifications, and the award of damages.

39. Access to both primary and secondary education is on a non-discriminatory basis in most Member States.

Der Zugang zur Bildung erfolgt in den meisten Mitgliedstaaten im Primar- und Sekundarstufe zu den für die eigenen Staatsangehörigen geltenden Bedingungen.

40. (c) that the coordinator acts according to this Regulation in a neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent way.

c) der Koordinator im Rahmen dieser Verordnung unparteiisch, diskriminierungsfrei und transparent handelt.

41. Each of the member states had a host of other discriminatory practices that effectively distorted trade patterns.

42. charges shall be set for the availability of air navigation services under non-discriminatory conditions

Gebühren für die Verfügbarkeit von Flugsicherungsdiensten sind zu diskriminierungsfreien Bedingungen festzulegen

43. However, all signatory countries were granted non-discriminatory rights to fishing, hunting and mineral resources.

44. Earlier Charnovitz remarked that such criteria should be applied in a non-discriminatory manner in trade agreements.

Januar 1996, Den Haag. Weiter vorne merkt Charnovitz an, daß solche Kriterien in Handelsabkommen auf nicht diskriminierende Weise angewendet werden müssen.

45. are able to access all electricity markets, either directly or through aggregation, in a non-discriminatory manner;

in der Lage sind, entweder direkt oder über Aggregatoren diskriminierungsfreien Zugang zu allen Elektrizitätsmärkten zu erhalten;

46. Thus Blacks became a prime source of hostility for white unionists who set about erecting discriminatory barriers.

47. Synonyms for Biased include partial, prejudiced, one-sided, distorted, jaundiced, partisan, warped, bigoted, blinkered and discriminatory

48. that the coordinator acts according to this Regulation in a neutral, non-discriminatory and transparent way

der Koordinator im Rahmen dieser Verordnung unparteiisch, diskriminierungsfrei und transparent handelt

49. The use of discriminatory language can and does disadvantage women and members of ethnic minority groups.

50. Adamson said he has fired employees and even canceled franchise agreements because of continued discriminatory practices.